AN/ Thank you for taking the time to read this story. It's super rough, in terms of grammar and spelling haha, so my apologies for that unless i can persuade anyone to be a Beta.
An idea for a 100 FanFiction has been running in my head since like episode 5. But i havent had the time or attention span to write something until now.

So feel free to review, constructive criticism is welcomed.

PS : If you hate the pairing - dont read it then, i have found people sometimes like to review their hate for certain pairings from my last fic and find it ridiculous that you would bother reading something you know you wont like.

Mel =)

Chapter One:

Metal walls and structures designed to shelter and protect them from the hazards of space, though it also acted as a throttle of dreams and prison to victims of those who persecuted the earth many years ago. Three generations had lived within these walls, each with the single hope that when the time was right, they would return to Earth, wiser of their forefathers mistakes and hesitant enough to prevent the same from ever happening.

She had been one of the lucky ones, her parents both elite members of the Ark, her father one of its foremost engineers and her mother the only Doctor left to perform critical surgeries, though through her mothers tutorship she hoped to be as talented.

Clarke Griffin, both beauty and smarts, not forgetting to mention her skills with pencil and paper. Had these thoughts running through the narrow metal halls, late for one of the prime events honoring Chancellor Jaha and his administration, her mother and father both apart of it. Side stepping guards, as she hurtled towards the entrance, her balance not exactly her strongest point even more so in the dress her mother had insisted she wear. Quickly readjusting herself Clarke looked up at the man who had halted her fall, he quickly straightened her before sending her a playful wink . "Better late than never…" he whispered softly to her.

The Council chambers were packed to the brim with bodies, guest from each little faction were caught soaked in conversations, Jaha himself surrounded by some of these 'leaders' in hopes of getting him to deal with no doubt dire situations.

"So you finally decided to show up and in a dress no less…" the voice alone would always belong to her best friend who had come up beside her shoulder to shoulder.

"Well you know I love surprises… " she gave him a playful nudge as her eyes sat glued on Jaha who was soon joined by her parents, "Your dad seemed pretty busy tonight … well from the little I saw."

"Yip more issues with a possible rebellion within some of the factions. There is nothing he cannot handle really, its the same every year…."

"True…" though she wouldn't voice her worries just yet, she'd heard some of the conversation going around and tonight something felt a little bit too unsettling for her to believe it would go as planned.

"Should we go make an appearance…" Wells offered her his arm.

"If you say so… the sooner this night is over the better… I really do hate these things."

They showed face with their parents, playful comments shared amongst them and soon Clarke actually felt herself easing into the night.

One set of eyes though couldn't help but stare off at her, she had caught the glances once or twice, at first believing it was just a mistake but when she caught him staring and not looking away she knew. The guard from earlier, the one she had almost gone crashing into. Whose hands had saved her from making a total fool of herself had been keeping his gaze on her.

As she danced with her father her eyes never wondered away from his either, he was patrolling the guests, but it was only her his eyes seemed to wonder to constantly.

"So your mother said you were coming in a dress – naturally I didn't believe her," Jake Griffin laughed lightly, as he guided his daughter across the dance floor "How did she manage that, what art supplies am I having to procure this time?"

The smile that graced her lips could only be conjured up by a father, "She may have promised me a few charcoal sticks… but I would have worn the dress anyway."

"Lies…Clarke Griffin in a dress, ever since you could choose your own outfit at the age of 5 you steered clear of dresses my tomboy of a daughter" he twirled her round watching as she giggled away at his comment.

It was true, she had despised dresses, hated their flimsiness and need to rise up at any inappropriate time. Pants were easy to handle, allowed for much better movement and didn't leave you questioning each movement you made unsure if your underwear would be the next thing seen by a passerby. Yet though in all her hatred for dresses, this one seemed to have her wanting to give dresses a fighting chance.

"Fine, I cant help but - maybe… just maybe like this dress a little."

Her father stood slightly shocked, but quickly recovered "Well I'll be an astronauts monkey."

"Don't read too much into it dad. Luckily we wont be having one of these things anytime soon," her eyes caught the guard from earlier. His gaze still as honed in as ever.

"Seems like I am not the only one who thinks a dress looks good on you…" her father whispered having noticed for himself the interaction going on between the guard and his daughter.

Though before more could be said they are interrupted by someone equally beautiful to Jake Griffin, his beautiful wife "May I cut in?"

"He is all yours mom"

Clarke was thankful for the interruption and quickly made a beeline through the mass of people.

Within seconds, Clarke felt a strong hand grasping her hand before yanking her into a dark side corner. Before she can utter a yelp of any sorts, a pair of very eager, familiar lips come crashing down onto her own. Silencing her fear and replacing it with lust, lost in the kiss for a few moments before she finally yanked her unwilling lips away from this hoodlum of a guard. Slapping him across the chest a few times for good measure.

"Really Bellamy!" she went on hands flying across his chest.

"Whoa! Princess! Ease up a little..." he spoke trying to ease her blows within the confined space he had maneuvered them in "What a way to greet your boyfriend."

"Well when that boyfriend decides to abduct you abruptly into a darkened corridor it can leave you a little on edge!" She gave him another good dollop across his chest.

"Abduct!" he scoffed grabbing her hand before she went smacking him again , he wouldn't admit it but her delicate frame sure could pack a whole lot of hurt "Princess we both know if you felt at anyway in danger you wouldn't have given in so willingly…" his head dipping down so his lips gently grazed her ear as he spoke next "Admit it you knew it was me…"

His lips ghosted across her jawline, he felt her body go slack and knew she'd given up the tough girl act for now.

"Fine…" she sighed her neck bending to the will of his lips as her eyes fluttered closed in ecstasy "…so I knew it was you… sue me."

His lips finally found hers again, and she couldn't fight her need for him, giving into the kiss with all her heart. Her hands fisted in his hair trying to pull him deeper into the kiss, and trying as hard as she could to resist the ache his fingers were causing as he gently ran his them down the exposed skin of her back.

"You look beautiful…" he whispered as he pulled away from their kiss, his eyes staring lovingly into hers.

"I – I… thank you" was all she could manage to stutter out coherently before deciding to kiss him once again. This one more slow, tender and loving.

She could feel him pulling away, their stolen moment over already.

"I better go before my commanding officer notices my absence…" he hated to leave her, "Same time and place tomorrow?"

She smiled up at him her eyes a little less brighter having to part "Always… I love you Bell."

"I love you to Princess."

And just as quickly as he had taken her into their little corner of solitude he was gone again.

- the 100 -

Clarke's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sounds of clanging metal bars and voices of the 100 who occupied the Skybox, although she had very little interaction with anyone besides the guard assigned to her in solitary confinement.

The Council ensuring that the Ark would never hear of Jake Griffins discovery. Apart from the memories of her father her heart clung to those moments with Bellamy, the cadet she had fallen madly and completely in love with they helped ease the loneliness and fear that gripped her as each day neared closer to her 18th birthday.

"I'm so sorry…"she spoke softly her hand slowly finding its way to her still flat stomach.

AN2/ As you can see it is a preggos storyline. I know their are many of them but this is what i felt like writing =)

Thank you for your time, greatly appreciated =)
