True Cross Academy, It's quite the place. I feel honored each morning I'm here and get pumped each day that I get there. The Exorcist classes are the best, I work with others like me that can see demons and we learn how to fight the bad ones. I had been able to see the demonic since I was younger. The fellow students were pretty good people, especially my classmates in Yukio sensei's class. I'd actually become good friends with Rin who was actually Yukio's older twin brother. We first met when I moved into the empty boy's dorm; it was just the three of us so I chose the room next to theirs. I didn't really mind having a room to myself; I did have a bit company with Sifreid. I looked down at the Black furred pup who often followed me everywhere.

When I go to classes though I have to have my scarf on to say warm, for some reason I get chills easily. It was at least in the school colors of red, black and white, with a personal touch of my own with a sewn in wolf patch.

Everyone each had a different type of Meister class. Each one was interesting in its own but I going to be a Tamer and a Knight, I could easily be an Aria as well but I didn't feel like it. I hadn't really told anyone what kind of classes I was going for and smirked as we went to the Tamer's class to see if we were capable of summoning at all. I kept looking over at Izumo Kamiki who I noticed earlier who seemed to keep looking at me. I squinted and saw she wasn't looking at me but above my head. I looked up slightly and saw that Sif had decided to rest on my head. [hmmmm?] I reached up and petted Sif's head making him let out a little yawn slightly, and out of the corner of my eye I something equally cute. I saw Izumo blushing slightly as she watched Sif, She had dark purple hair which hung in twin tails, her eyes where a deep darken red, she had eyebrows that when I thought about it were often a sign of royalty. She had a slender frame, as thoughts ran through my head, one specifically [she's very cute]. I felt my own cheeks get a tinge of red when she looked down slightly and met my eye and saw I was looking at her and she then looked at me with daggers in her eyes.[Great just what I needed in my life, a girl pissed at me, the thing that all men should fear.]

"Alright everyone come and take a paper" Igor sensei told us his chalk stencil rod hanging on his back. I held on to the paper and waited as the others tried Rin, Ryuji, Miwa didn't have any luck, Shima didn't even try saying he didn't want prick his finger. I then looked over at Izumo and saw she was holding two of them.

"I ask the grace of Inari, the god of harvest to fulfill my prayers." Two White foxes manifested and she stood there with a confident smirk.

"Well-done Kamiki two Byakko's" Igor sensei complimented.

"I'm really useless at this kind of stuff, which was really impressive Izumo-chan." Paku said giving Izumo a boost as I could see her practically glowing.

"Of course! I am related to a Priestess after all. "I felt a twinge in my chest hearing that, but quickly push it down. I walk over smiling.

"That's really cool Kamiki-san." Then all of a sudden the one fox with the hat started sniffing me. I crouched down and give it a few Pats and smiled likening the attention. {Something's familiar about you boy.}, [I could say the same to you.] It looked up at me slightly surprised [please don't make a scene.] {Alight.}. I looked up and saw Izumo giving me a odd look.

"NII!" I turn and see that Sheime had managed to summon as well.

"A Greenman spirit, how wonderful Miss Murayama, they have many good uses." I look over at her and see her almost bewildered by the little creature. "Now Mr. Sparrowood, care to grace us with your attempt?" I stood up and smirked.

"OK, but I don't need this Igor Sensei." I had folded the paper into a small plane and chucked it and watched Sif chase after it.

"Care to elaborate lad?" He asked giving me a hard stare with his one eye.

I took off the finger-less glove on my right hand, and reveal the Summon/Contract circle burned into the skin on the back of my hand. He gave me a concerned look, this caught the others attention. Izumo in particular seemed almost tore on whether to be interested or not.

"Well come on lad, show us what you got." Igor sensei now seemingly sounding almost excited now. The other's seemed as interested; I walked other getting more space.

"All rightly then, OK, SIFREID!" I took in a deep breath closing my eyes I raise my right hand in front of me my palm down toward the floor. I snap open my eye's knowing my left eye was glowing bright crimson, the light almost seeping like smoke as I feel my left ear elongate to a point. "LET'S DO THIS!" Red sparks and black smoke erupt from my hand and eye, enveloping Sif. He began enlarging and lifted me up as the smoke and sparks manifested themselves and solidifying into his massive wolf form. Sif was twice as big as a school bus; his right eye was crimson and the other dark amber like my right eye. His fur was thick and White horns came out and slightly curved back on his head just along side his ears. I raised my left hand the Bracelet charm shaped as a sword hung loosely, I noticed and snatched it holding it in my hand. well?" I looked down at their bewildered faces, even Igor sensei was shocked.

"That is so awesome!" Rin shouted out jumping in the air, giving loud cheers. Shima and Sheime clapped and cheered as well. I looked and saw Izumo look amazed up at me, but her expression then seemed to change to that of annoyed and crossed her arms and looked down at her feet.

"Mr. Sparrowood perhaps you should shrink down your friend here, so we can continue" Igor said after composing himself.

[You heard him Sif], {Very well}, He began shrinking down, and Sif now back to his original size. He let out a small puff of smoke as we walked back to the others.

The rest of the class seemed to just zoom by and it was already time to head back to the dorm. I waved everyone bye and ran catching up with Rin. My mind seemed to focus on Izumo for what seemed like forever till.

*THUMP* "GAH!" I had walked into the door of the dorm causing Rin to burst out laughing, I joined him and we talked till we decided it was time to sleep but the whole time part of my mind was still on Izumo. 'I am related to a priestess' her words seemed to stick in my head and pushed them aside thinking about how amazed she looked I smiled and went to sleep [this is going to be a good year I think].

OC Character Profile:

Name: Shiroji Sparrowood

Age: 16

Hair/Eye Colors: Hair color is naturally white, with black bangs. Eyes are dark Amber.

Height: One inch taller than Rin.