Hi, everybody Li0ness95 here with my newest story on transformers.

Set after the 2007 movie but will have features from all transformers universes. Rights do not belong to me, but Hasbro and ever else owns the Autobots (Lucky fraggers)

This is dedicated my baby sister since she loves the show as much as I do.

Jazz is alive, and I'm not sure on any autobotxoc shipping just yet.

now please read & review, you know the drill

Edited: 28/11/17 - Hey everyone, just a quick update but for the next week or so I shall be 're-doing' some of my chapters, such as improving dialogue and correcting any errors I left out.

Chapter 1: The portal

Beth's POV:

"The next station we are about to arrive at is Basingstoke; please make sure you have all your belongings before departing. We hope you enjoyed your journey with Southwestern trains." A very monotonous voice announced, only just able to make out what was said.

I looked up from the sudoku game I was playing on my phone, glancing out the window to see the native town where I had spent most of my life growing up.

Hi, I should introduce myself, right? I'm Bethany Jones, but you can just call me Lightning. I know, slightly odd nickname but apparently, when I was much younger, I had a crazy obsession with lightning and storms and thus Lightning had turned into a nickname. The only ones who refer to me as Beth are my parents and occasionally my younger siblings.

I'm currently 19 years old and turn 20 in about ten months. I have just below shoulder length, very dark but vibrant purple hair and chocolate brown eyes. I'm pretty average for a 19-year-old and very tanned skin, despite the fact I live in the England where there is practically never any sun. I live in England, Odiham. A tiny village where everyone knew everyone. I'm currently sporting dark blue skinny jeans, purple converses, a black vest top and a green scarf, my favourite black hoodie by my side. I grab my bag ready as I see the train pull into my destination.

I've just finished my first year at the University of Chichester, and I'm finally on my way back home. I've spent a lot of time skyping my family and coming down to visit for the weekend now and then but honestly, I've been quite homesick, but now it's the summer holidays, whoop whoop.

I have three younger siblings, my 16-year-old brother Oliver, and my two younger sisters Angel (she's 13) and Lily-Ann (whose only 10) and they have no idea that I'm coming back today. I managed to finish a week early; my parents came to grab a majority of my stuff a few days. Unfortunately, they couldn't fit me in the car as well, so I offered to get the train back instead. As soon as the train doors opened I quickly dashed off the train and headed towards the bus station, my bus is set to leave in the next five minutes, but luckily enough I grabbed it just as the last passenger was boarding. Once I caught my breath, I slouched down into one of the empty seats, plugged in my headphones and began to play the Transformers OST by Steve Jablonsky.

~~~ 30 Minutes later ~~~

Finally home, I thought as I approached my house. The house wasn't that big, it's a three bedroomed house, and thus I share a room with my sisters, I know it seems cramped, but I have nowhere else to go until I can move into my new house in July.

"I'm BACK~~~~~~!" I yelled to no one as I entered, I didn't expect anyone to be home honestly since it's a Friday the kids would still be at school, and our parents would be at work till some point this evening. I dropped my bag on the ground and went to greet my two border collies – Tia and Bailey, both are too excited to see me. A quick glance at my phone showed me I had a good 3 hours before the middle two get home from school if anyone is wondering Oliver is in year 11 and Angel's in year 9). I grinned deviously; I have enough time to watch Transformers 3.

Grabbing a can of Pepsi and a giant bag of crisps I settled down and got ready to watch Age of Extinction. Don't get me wrong I love Transformers but is it with everyone killing off all the Autobots. I mean, they kill Megatron god knows how many times and he is still being brought back to life, kill an Autobot, and it's like goodbye forever. I haven't seen the fourth movie yet, but unfortunately, my friend did and spoiled the entire thing for me, but because I'm nice, I won't give anything away to you, though fragging hell I could of have killed her when she told me what happened. I apologise for my language now, since I'm so engrossed in the transformers fandom I've ended up picking up their terminology.

~~sometime later~~

The film had ended as the two middle children finally arrived home. Oliver didn't seem too impressed that I was back, but I think that's just because I'm older than him, Poor Angel was struggling between being utterly confused or pulling me into a hug which was more of a squeeze than a hug. She went with the latter, saying she was glad to have me home.

As Oliver sulked off upstairs to do his homework, Angel went up to get changed ready to come pick up Lily-Ann with me. Angel was just that slightly smaller than the average person in height had long, thick, light brown hair and dark blue eyes. And since it was a warm day she was wearing converses, denim shorts, a white vest and an opened up red and checkered shirt, as well as wearing the red Autobot bracelet I got her (Lily has a blue one) when I went to comic con back in last October).

It was only a short walk to the junior school my sister was as, and we had arrived just as she was walking outside. As soon as she saw me, she screamed (a happy scream mind you) and launched herself into my arms. I think the girl next to her might now be deaf, oh well. I squeezed back just as tightly before trying to let her down, only to realise that she wouldn't let go. "Baby," I said, "if you want to go home your gonna need to let go, your aft is too heavy for me to carry all the way back home". Lily-Ann has long hair just like Angel. However, hers ended down the middle of her back and was a very light blonde and thinner.

Angel shook her head in amusement as Lily pouted as she let go of me, she then grabbed my hand and began dragging me back in the direction of our home, already rambling about what happened at school. Man, it's good to be home.

Normal POV:

It was nearing nine o'clock in the evening, and the four siblings were curled up together on the sofa having a transformers marathon, now if you haven't already noticed but this family has a very particular love for Transformers. It had all started off with their father watching the original series as a kid himself before showing his oldest daughter as soon as she was old enough to understand the concept, and then she showed it to her three other siblings, and they've all loved it ever since. The parents were unfortunately still at work, as they owned their business there were points where they ended up coming home till very late in the evening, so it is just the four children was quite a usual sight.

Light warmly smiled as she watched the two younger girls converse; discussing what they would do if they ever got the chance to go to the Transformers universe. Lily claimed that the first thing she would do would be to 'glomp' Bumblebee and never let go. Lightning snorted as she heard Angel's plan; either team up with the terror twins, Sides and Sunny and help prank Prowl or she spend the day hanging out with Jazz, the silver saboteur was her favourite Autobot.

"What about you Light?" Angel asked as she turned to her older sister.

Light pondered for a bit before answering "Honestly, I'm not too sure. I think all the Autobots are awesome, but personally, I would like to hang out with Optimus Prime. But before I do anything I would find Simmons and punch him for what he did to Bumblebee back at Hoover Dam" she replied, her emotions already getting angry from just thinking about what happened back in the first film.

"Oh, Please. Knowing you, you would punch Simmons in the face then end up slowly torturing him while threatening his manhood at the same time" Oliver commented as he looked away from the tv and towards his sisters. The three younger siblings all knew that Lightning tended to be slightly overprotective at times especially when its regards to her own family. She's someone who is very into being pro-peace but pisses her off, and she's a force to be reckoned with, the last guy who had tried to bully Oliver ended up in the hospital for a couple of weeks and a newly rearranged face.

Oliver may only be 16-years-old, but he already reaches up to Lightning's height, making him quite lanky. He's not the smartest of the four as he prefers to act more than using his brain. Sure, he could have defended himself from the bully from before, but he found it hilarious when people would get scared of his older sister, she can be quite intimidating when she wants to be. Oliver raked a hand through his short brown hair before his blue eyes turned back to the tv.

"please little brother, if only you could see what was going through my mind, it would put dear old -Mega-ton to shame" replied Lightning, using one of the many nicknames the kids had for Megatron, as she grabbed some more chocolate from the table. The two youngest laughed at the nickname before suddenly there was a massive rumble, and the lights began to flicker before completely exploding, leaving the lounge shrouded in darkness, all other electronics seemed to have also stopped working.

Lily, startled and panicked latched herself onto Angel, who conveniently was sitting next to her. Angel rubbed her back in small circles hoping to help keep her calm. "What happened?" Angel asked, head turning in the direction she last saw Lightning.

"shit!" Oliver yelped as he bumped into the corner of the coffee table with his little toe, he jumped back clutching his right foot,

"okay, everyone just calms down" Light said calmly, using the walls as a guide to the kitchen to find the cupboards with the torches. "I bet it's just Ratchet running into another power line" she joked loudly enough so that the others could hear her.

The youngest laughed, feeling a lot safer knowing that she was with her older siblings. Lightning made her way back to the lounge, torches in hand. Grabbing one of the said torches she whacked him around the back of the head before handing it over to him,

"ouch!" Oliver exclaimed, holding the back of his head "what was that for" he hissed glaring at her in the process.

"for swearing in front of Lily," she retorted back with, along with her glare. It was a known fact that Lightning didn't like people swearing in front of her baby sister, despite the fact that she could swear like a sailor herself she usually tried to avoid swearing around the youngest sibling.

Oliver just huffed before sulking, "glitch" he muttered under his breath

"Hey, guys, what that bright light outside?" Angel asked, pointing towards the front window of the house, whatever it was it was illuminating the whole lounge to the point that they didn't even their torches.

"I'm gonna go check it out, you guys wait here," Said Oliver, heading towards the front door.

"Oliver…" Lightning began uncertainly

"trust me," Oliver said "I'm just gonna take a look, I won't do anything stupid I promise" he continued out the door.

Lightning sighed; she knew she couldn't argue with her brother, he can be just as stubborn as their mother sometimes. It was only a matter of seconds before they could hear their brother shouting "GUYS! Your gonna wanna see this!" he hollered from outside. Lightning looked oddly at her sisters before shrugging her shoulders and seeing what he wanted

"this better be good bro" Angel commented, following Light.

"Oh, my Primus" gasped Lightning. In front of her was Oliver standing next to a portal that was almost the size of their house, an odd mixture of blue and green swirling within. "It looks like the ground bridge from Transformers Prime."

"Is it safe?" whispered Lily, who was hiding behind Lightning. She glanced up at her big sister, expecting her to know cos she always seems to know everything.

"only one way to find out" Oliver pointed out before making his way towards the portal.

"Oh hell no" Once Lightning realised what her little brother's plan was she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pulled him back "You are not going in there, period." She said crossing her arms over her chest showing that this was not up for debate.

"W-what?!" he sputtered out in shock "Come on are you serious right now? This opportunity could be a once in a lifetime adventure!" he argued

"Of course I'm serious, we have no idea what the side effects are if you went through, we don't know if its Autobot or Decepticon and we have no idea where you could end up" Light countered with, she rubbed her temples she could already feel a headache beginning to form.

"Okay fine" He deflated "so what do we do?"

"I'll go" Lightning offered herself

"WHAT!" screeched both Angel and Lily in shock.

"Hear me out. I'm the only one with a passport as well as having my own money to afford to get back if I do end up in another country, you lot aren't even old enough to be out on your own yet" Lightning replied with as she headed back indoors. Once inside she made her way to the shared bedroom of her sisters, grabbed a couple of bags and started shoving in the essentials; clothes, laptop, phone, spare phone, chargers, money, passport and a few extra things that she thought she might need. "I'll call you once I'm through but if you don't hear from me in the next ten minutes call the authorities, do not follow me under any circumstances" she finished stepping towards the portal, aiming that last bit at her brother

Oliver held up his hands in surrender "whatever you say, sis."

Lightning gave a quick hug to her sisters before walking towards the portal "well, here goes nothing."

She shut her eyes tight from the bright swirling lights as she ran through, wanting this to be over as soon as possible, stopping when she felt some large object in front of her. Opening her eyes she soon groaned in pain and clutched her stomach "oh man, Jack and Miko weren't joking when they said they were gonna be sick" she said to herself as she let the moment pass. Finally feeling like her insides no longer wanted to be outsides, she straightened up and observed her surroundings. She was definitely in a city that much she could tell but was unsure of where. Lightning looked around realising that the current area she was in looked like a war zone. "this place…it's Familiar. But from where?" she said aloud.

"Dude, I feel like I'm gonna hurl," a voice said from behind her, a very familiar, pain in the ass, little brother's voice.

'Oh you've got to be shitting with me?!' Lightning thought in disbelief, spinning around in time to see Angel and Lily-Ann follow Oliver out of the portal. "Are you SERIOUS! I said under no circumstances were you to follow me, you BAKA!" she stated angrily, power-walking towards her brother and conking him over the head "Why on you did you follow me?!" she asked angrily.


"She's taking too long" Oliver stated as he paced in front of the portal

Angel rolled her eyes "It hasn't even been five minutes yet Oliver, Just be patient already" she was sitting on the ground net to Lily who was starting to shiver from the cold.

He stopped pacing "I'm going after her"

"What?!" Angel scrambled up off the ground and attempted to stop her brother from going through the portal "We said we would wait" she argued

"Goddammit Angel this could be the adventure of a lifetime" he countered with, huffing in annoyance "Plus you guys have Light and me to keep you safe, trust me nothing will go wrong. I promise"

"I don't know…" Angel trailed off in uncertainty. On the one hand, the adventure of a lifetime is well its what it says it is, on the other hand, Lightning would surely kill them for following her.

"Come on. You might get to meet Jazz and Bumblebee" he tempted the two with their two favourite Autobots

"I'm in" Lily jumped up in excitement once Olly mentioned Bee's name.

Angel glanced over at her baby sister; who began to give her the puppy dog eyes look. Angel sighed, despite being the second youngest she somewhat felt that she was more mature than her older brother at times. She deflated, Olly was just as stubborn as Light. "Fine, but if we get into trouble with Light the blame is all going to you" she stated, pointing at her brother

"Deal. Let's go" He said with an excited grin, running into the portal with his sisters following closely behind.

~~~~Flashback Over~~~~

Light pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled sharply "Idiots, I'm stuck with a bunch of idiots". Suddenly she turned her head in the direction of the portal only to find it was gone "Scrap" she cursed under her breath.

"So? What now?" Lily asked, shivering from the cold. Wherever they were, it seemed to be in the early hours of the morning, and it was quite chilly.

"First" Light stated as she rummaged through one of her bags "Is that your gonna put your jacket on before you freeze to death" she held out a small blue jacket, a red one and a black one wherein her other hand

"But..h-how did you…?" Angel stumbled, taking her red jacket from her sister.

"I know my siblings way too well. And I know for a fact you probably couldn't resist" Lightning chuckled as she threw the black jacket to Oliver "It's an adventure of a lifetime right?" she asked, winking over to Lily, who giggled at her sister's antics.

After an hour or so of wandering around, Lightning was able to get a room at a small hotel a little away from the war-zone, and so after leaving most of their belongings at the hotel, they decided to explore the city.

Out of the four siblings, Lightning was the most curious, but she was getting as equally frustrated. She recognised the area, it was just on the tip of her tongue, and she just couldn't work it out. 'I know this place, but where? Dammit, this is starting to piss me off.'

"Why don't we ask someone?" Lily asked curiously, holding tightly in Lightning's hand. The three older siblings halted, Oliver cursed while Angel just facepalmed

"Of course, Why didn't we think of that" Angel commented, annoyed at herself for not thinking of such an idea.

Looking around for someone Lightning spotted up ahead a few men in US army uniform. "Hold on," she said and lightly jogged over to one of the soldiers, the sibling following a few paces behind her. "Hey…um…excuse me, sir" Light called out as she approached the closest soldier. The man stopped and turned around, being almost a half a head taller that Light. He also had short brown hair, brown eyes and wore a small name tag saying 'Lennox' on his right side, though Lightning was so caught up with trying to work out where she was she had yet to notice the name tag.

"Are you okay mam?" he asked with concern, giving her a quick once over and relaxing slightly when he saw that she wasn't injured in any way

"yes, yes I'm fine. Actually, could you tell me where I am and what the date is, please." She asked

"Should I ask why you need to know?" He asked back, cocking one eyebrow up in curiosity. A red flag went up in warning as he realised that something wasn't right with this girl, her accent most definitely was not from around here and who didn't know about a *cough *cough 'terror attack' that happened here. More red flags popped up when three kids paused behind the girl, they all looked like they were wearing some form of pyjamas. The youngest was in a pink onesie, uggs and a blue hoodie; the other girl also had uggs, long trousers, a vest top and a red hoodie while the young lad had a pair of trackies, trainers and hoodie on. Meanwhile, the girl in front, the purple haired one he deduced was most likely the oldest of the four strange kids was wearing just shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of sneakers.

"Please sir, If you could just answer the question please" she pleaded, she was never good at making up lies under pressure.

Lennox sighed in defeat "Fine; it's Sunday 14th May 2007, Mission city, America. The day after the terrorist attack. Happy now?"

He saw Lightning's eyes widen in recognition "Thank you very much sir" before turning around, grabbing the hands of the two young girls and dragging them away from the soldier, the boy in tow.

Lennox shook his head as he watched them walk away, he's pretty sure he heard her say "terrorist attack my aft" before leaving. However, before they were fully out of sight he noticed that the young purple-haired girl had a purple tattoo of her left shoulder, the symbol was that of a face, something of which Lennox was sworn he had seen before, he also clocked that the two girls had bracelets with the same symbol. Making a mental note of the four strange siblings, he continued towards to his comrades.

"Lightning. What's going on?" Lily asked in a small voice. The three younger siblings knew something wasn't' right, especially with how their sister was acting. It was like she's gone into OPBS mode (Over Protective Big Sister mode) something of which doesn't happen unless something is very, very wrong.

"We're not in another country," Light said, voice low enough that only her siblings could hear her "We've travelled to another dimension. To be more precise the Transformers, Bayverse universe with no way of contacting home or way to get back home," she paused for a second "Plus we're all in our pyjamas, we must look like a right dappy bunch" she chuckled in an attempt to disperse the tension that had built up.

"WHAT!" the three exclaimed in shock, jaws almost dropped to the ground. Angel consciously tugged her hoodie around her chest.

Well then, let's get some new clothes first and then…then we find the Autobots" Lightning said, pulling out her credit card and headed towards the closest clothes shop.


Sorry about it not being perfect it's one in the morning and my brain is starting to fall asleep. All criticism and help is appreciated

Don't worry the autobots will be here soon :)

li0ness95 out ;)