Me: Hello Bakugan fan readers, as you can see this will be officially my first attempt of making a Bakugan fanfic story so don't be rude ok.

This story will be not as long as my other stories but I had the idea for a while now and I had to type it up and all.

First thing is that I got this idea from a Bakugan fanfic and looked some others but so far I have not found one that Dan gets kidnapped or something…or I am just blind for not finding them.

But yes this fanfic is about Dan getting kidnapped so – onward to the story!

Summary: Three months ago, Dan and his friends with their Bakugan partners helped save Earth and Vestroia from Naga but are they sure he was truly beaten? Naga returns but this time he will have something to get his revenge onto Drago. Will the brawlers able to beat him this time and where is Dan?

I don't own Bakugan but if did – Dan would not be with freaking Runo (hate her), he would be paired up with none other than Mira as she knows how to bloody hell fight hehe


-Break Line-

"Ouch…what hit me?" wondered Dan as he rubbed his head. He looked around and noticed he was in some sort of cave. "H-Hey what's going on?"

Dan got up before gasping in pain and fell to the ground. He grabbed hold onto his leg before slowly sitting up and lifting his red pants. There was a bruise on his knee that was quite big before noticing his arms had few scratches and smaller bruises.

"What – whose there?" said Dan angrily. He tried to stand up before going back down.

"I advise you not to hurt yourself boy as I need you alive."

Dan looked up before widened his eyes in disbelief. "N-No way – Naga, how can you be alive?!"

"My body just disappear boy not destroyed" said Naga. "I needed time to recover to regain my body back and now that I am…you Daniel, will be helping me to take my revenge of Drago and get back the Infinity core and the Silent core."

Dan glared at the white bakugan "I will never going to help you in a million years you freak!"

"We will see about that boy" said Naga before sending a black energy to Dan. "What – Ah!" shouted Dan as he felt pain all over his body.

Dan slumped to the ground as he was half unconscious. He watched as Naga went away laughing, leaving Dan alone once again.

"D-Drago" said Dan weakly before fallen unconscious.



"Dan?" said Drago.

"Do you feel it, young Drago?" asked Apollonir, the legendary Pyrus warrior. "This aura…it's no doubt about it that Naga has returned" said Frosch, the legendary Aquos warrior.

"What?!" said Drago.

"I fear if we don't act now then Vestroia will be in great danger once again" said Lars Lion, the legendary Haos warrior. "Not only that, it would seem that Naga has kidnapped young Dan" said Oberus, the Darkus warrior.

"Dan?!" said Drago in shock. "Naga has him? But…please tell me some way that I can save him without unbalancing Vestroia."

"All you need to do is let us leave some of your power to the core while you go and save your partner" said Clayf, the Subterra warrior.

"Very well" said Drago.

"Then let us processed" said Apollonir. "But before we do, you will need help with Dan's friends and their pervious partners as you can't take Naga alone."

"I will and thank you" said Drago. 'Dan just hang in there…I am coming to save you and make Naga suffer.'


"Thank you officer" said Mrs. Kuso before hanging up the phone. The brunette sighs sadly before walking over to the couch and picked up her son's green goggles.

Three days ago, her son didn't return home from hanging out with his friends. She called Marucho to see if her son was going to spend the night but the young blond told her that Dan leave two hours ago before she called.

After four hours, she knew something trouble happen to her beloved son and called the police. So far there has been no lead of finding Dan even his friends are searching for him.

"Dan, please come home soon" said Mrs. Kuso as she cried quietly. Her tears landed on the green goggles.

Meanwhile at the park, Shun and Marucho were looking around for some clues but so far nothing come up.

Shun sighs "Come on Marucho…let's go find somewhere else."

"Yea…it's so strange" said Marucho as he walked over to Shun. "I should have offered Dan a ride then this would have never happen."

"Dan would have denied it as his excuse would have been a good run for him and all" said Shun before seeing Alice. "Hey did you find anything over there?"

Alice looked up before shaking her head "No…nothing I'm afraid." Marucho and Shun sighs disappointedly.

"Damn it!"

Everyone turned to see Runo hitting a tree while Julie was backing away from her. "What's wrong?" wondered Shun as he walked up Julie.

"Oh Runo it being…Runo" said Julie. "We were like looking when Runo suddenly got upset and like started hitting the poor tree and all."

Alice walked over to Runo and pulled her to a hug. "I know this must be hard for you Runo and to us but you need to be calm."

Runo hid her face onto Alice's shoulder "I-I know but…it's been three days…three days with no information about his whereabouts."

Everyone looked down sadly when suddenly a dimension portal opened up and came out was…






"What you guys doing here?" wondered Shun before spotting the Pyrus dragonoid. "Drago…Dan he is not…"

"I know which is why we are here" said Drago. "It would seem that your friend Dan has been kidnapped by Naga" said Gorem.

"What?!" said everyone. "B-But how? I thought we beat that creep like three months ago" said Julie.

"It would seem that Naga wasn't fully destroyed when we all combine our strengths together" said Tigrera. "That Naga waited until he was fully recovered and got your friend" said Preyas.

"I have a feeling – no all of us have a feeling that Naga wants to take the Silent core and the Infinity Core from Drago" explain Skyress. "He took Dan to make Drago suffer."

"Make sense" said Shun while everyone nodded.

"We came here to see if you would help us once again…to save not only Dan but your world and Vestroia" said Drago

"I'm in, you don't need to ask" said Shun.

"So am I" said Marucho.

"Count me in" said Julie. "No one touches Dan without my permission!"

"I may not brawl but count me in as well" said Alice.

"You guys are not going without me!" shouted Runo.

"Then let us depart" said Hydra as he landed to Alice's shoulder. "Even if we don't battle Alice, I will be right by you."

Alice smiled "Thank you Hydra…if it comes to it then I will as I want to save Dan."

"Then come before the portal closes on us" said Drago before going through the dimension portal. Everyone followed and jumped in.

They landed by a beach where Marucho spotted a few pyrus bakugan swimming around. "Everything is so different now" said the young blond.

"Yes thanks to Drago, Vestroia was restored how it was first created before the Silent core and the Infinity core was separated" said Skyress.

"I don't want to be rude but…where should we be start looking for Naga?" said Runo. "Lars Lion said if we feel a dark presence then we should follow it" said Drago.

"So…wait that means Naga can be anywhere!" said Marucho. "That is the best way to put it little buddy" said Preyas.

"You don't think it would be best to separate and look around at each area of Vestroia?" wonder Alice. "That might be a good idea" said Hydra.

"So do I" said Shun. "Alright, Alice and Runo you two go together while Julie and Marucho will team up. Drago you will be coming with me and Skyress."

"Fine by me, let's go Alice" said Runo while Alice nodded. Hydra had Alice ride on his head while Runo was riding on top of Tigrera's shoulder.

"Alright let's go Marucho! Come on Gorem, let's find that nasty Naga" said Julie as she was onto Gorem's shoulder. "Hey wait up Julie! Let's go Preyas" said Marucho as the aquos bakugan place him onto his shoulder as well.

Shun watch his friends leave before jumping onto Skyress. "Come on let's go see if we can find Naga."

Drago and Skyress nodded before flying around Vestroia.

Meanwhile somewhere on the highest mountain, lies a cave where Naga was currently looking down the attributes bakugan in hatred.

"Soon I will become your ruler and the ultimate bakugan" said Naga before turning his head. "Not even Drago and his pathetic friends can stop me…I don't think he will hurt his dear partner."

At the cave wall was Dan who was barely conscious as his head was leaning over to his right. "Come boy…I believe it's time to see your dear friends" said Naga as he used his tail to carry Dan.

-Vestroia, beach-

"Ah nothing once again!" said Julie as she stomped to the ground. "Where is that creep?"

"I don't know Julie" said Marucho as he adjusted his glass. "He can be anywhere I mean Vestroia is one once again."

Runo screamed "Which means we will be looking for Naga for who knows how long!"

"Come yourself Runo that is no why a young lady should act" scolded Tigrera. "Oh right sorry…it just I am worried about Dan. We don't know what Naga is planning and what he has been doing to Dan."

"All we can do is keep looking" said Alice. "As long as Drago has the Silent core and the Infinity core, they are well protected. We just have to save Dan from Naga so that we can beat Naga once again like the last time."

Everyone nodded when suddenly a gust of wind blow and came to view was Naga. "Hello dear bakugan brawlers, did you miss me?"

Shun girt his teeth "Naga, where is Dan?"

"If you harm him Naga" warned Drago before he was about to use his fire attack. Naga smirked before revealing his tail where he was carrying Dan.

Drago stopped his attack as he was shocked to see how Dan looked. His best friend had cuts and bruises and was out cold.

"Now Drago, you don't want to see the boy hurt do you?" said Naga before tightening his tail which cause Dan to scream in pain.

"Dan!" shouted everyone.

"Let him go Naga" said Drago angrily. "This is between just you and me!"

Naga laughed "On the contrary Drago, I need the boy…to make sure you will not stand in my way once again!"

"He is not your shield Naga!" shouted Shun. "Yea, give him back to us you freak!" shouted Julie.

"Sorry but…I need him" said Naga before stop tightening his tail as Dan went limp once again. "He is my ticket on becoming the strongest bakugan in the world!"

"Dan…Naga you freak!" snapped Runo. "Come down here and fight!"

"Patience my dear" said Naga before looking over at Drago. "I will get what is rightfully mine and you wouldn't be able to do anything Drago…not when I have young Daniel with me."

"You coward!" shouted Julie. "Give me back my Danny!"

"I believe not" said Naga before looking over at Drago. "Meet me at the volcano mountain where we will battle and I will get back the Infinity core and the Silent core from you."

Drago growled "Naga…I warn you if you harm Daniel…"

Naga smirked "Like I will hurt my only way of power…but there is nothing about barely keeping him alive."

"Don't you dare!" shouted Drago while the others gasped. Naga laughed before taking off "See you soon Drago or you will never see you dear partner ever again."

Drago was about to chase after him but was stopped when an incoming wind appeared out of nowhere. Drago looked up as he watches helplessly to see his partner being taken away from him.

"Dan!" shouted Drago.

Dan slowly opened his eyes to see a red blur far from the distance. "W-Who…D-Drago?" wondered Dan weakly.

"Dan!" shouted his friends at the distance.

Dan slowly lifts up his head before full getting his sight back. He tries to move but Naga was holding onto him pretty tight.

He looked back down "Shun! Everyone! Drago, help me!"

"Dan!" shouted Shun.

"Dan!" shouted Runo.

When the wind died down, Naga and Dan were gone. "Damn it!" said Shun as he kicked the ground.

"Dan…he is – we need to get him away from Naga!" said Marucho determinedly. "But like…how?" wondered Julie.

"I believe I have an idea" said Hydra.

-Volcano Island-

"Naga where are you?" demanded Drago as he looked around. "Right here" said Naga as he came down next to him.

"Where is Dan?" said Drago angrily.

"Oh you don't have to worry about him Drago" said Naga. "You wouldn't last as I am going to beat you and take the Infinity core and the Silent core from you!"

"You wish" said Drago as he was ready to fight.

"You will regret saying that Drago" said Naga as he send a dark blasted at him. "W-What! You still have those abilities even though you don't have the Silent core? But how?" said Drago speechless.

Naga laughed "While my body was destroyed, my power stayed with me – you are no match with me Drago!"

"Damn…Burning dragon!" said Drago as he sends one of his attacks at the white bakugan. Naga easily dodged it and send his own attack at him.

Meanwhile Shun and the others were going on top of the mountain where they saw Naga leave from. Skyress was giving them a lifted up while the others were on guard.

Shun jumped down before turning over to his bakugan "Thanks Skyress, I will call you once we found Dan. Go with the others and see if you can help out Drago the best you can."

"I will Shun but just be careful as to all of you" warmed the Ventus bakugan before flying over to the other bakugans.

"So like…where do we start looking?" wondered Runo.

"Wow this place looks like it could be a maze or something" said Julie. "If so…we still have to find Dan and get out of here" said Marucho.

"Marucho is right" said Alice. "By the looks of it, Naga would do anything to Dan as he is connected to Drago."

"Then let's go" said Shun. "Normally we would split up but we don't know this place at all so best way to stay close, got it?"

Everyone nodded.

"Alright let's go" said Shun as he started to run into one of the tunnels. "Hey wait up Shun!" said Julie while the other followed.

-Break Line-

Next time: Will Shun and the others able to get Dan out? Will Naga beat Drago and get the cores? Up until next time my lovely readers – no flames if you are going to review as I will take them down if they are