Disclaimer: I don't own the main characters

Summary: Horatio and Calleigh were prepared to spend the rest of the day celebrating their 7th year wedding anniversary, but their little girl seemed to have other ideas. Welcome the newest addition to the Caine family. Fifth story in the A Different beginning series. A little A/U. Two-Shot.

Title: A new baby in the family
Genre: Family
Rating: K+
Spoilers: None
Time-line: 3 months after A change of heart?
Warnings: None
Main Parings: Ducaine
Minor Parings: GSR
Other Characters: The Caine kids, Sara Grissom
Series Order: A Different Beginning, A life changing moment, First day of school, A Change of heart?, A new baby in the family

A new baby in the family

Chapter 1: An interruption to their celebration

Calleigh was just opening her eyes while stretching when the bedroom door opened, then she smiled when she was settled and asked. "What's this guys?"

C.J. was carrying a tray that had a plate of food of food on it, Christy was carrying the glass of milk, Josh was carrying a rose, and Kyle was carrying the newspaper, which they all had smiles on their faces.

After she sits up, C.J. sets the tray in place. "All of us kids thought it would be thoughtful to do something nice for you."

Once all the other items were on the tray, she responded. "Thanks guys, I feel like the luckiest mother in the world."

They smiled as Horatio came into the room. "Uh guys, you seem to have a mess to clean in the kitchen."

Kyle speaks. "Alright dad."

Christy steps up to her mom first, kissed her on the cheek, and said. "Love you mom."

"Love you too, honey."

C.J. followed Christy's lead, and Kyle picked up Josh so he could give Calleigh a kiss, then after setting his younger brother back on the floor, he bends down and gives Calleigh a kiss too before saying. "Love you too, mom."

Calleigh looks at him with her eyes beaming. "Love you too, sweetie."

When Kyle had asked Calleigh if he could start calling her mom, it was one of the best days of her life. She honestly never expected it, but she was very honored he thought of her as his mother so there was no hesitation on her part of accepting it.

Kyle then smiled, and after picking up Josh again, all the kids left the room while Calleigh watched them, then she looked up at her husband and spoke with tears in her eyes, which wasn't all from the sweet gesture of the kids, the hormones was playing its part. "Are we lucky or what?"

Horatio cups her cheek and replied. "We are very lucky." Then he leans down and pecks her on the lips, which she responded.

When they pulled back, he kissed her forehead before taking the paper and walking to his side of the bed so he could sit with her while she ate.

After a few minutes, Horatio speaks. "Oh, Sara called and said she should be here around 3."

Sara wanted to be here for Calleigh when the baby was born, so Grissom told her to have a kid and husband free weekend to be with her, of course Sara was hesitant at first because she wasn't use to going away for more than a day away from her family unless it involved work, but when she thought about having a little alone time she kind of liked the idea, not that she didn't love her family very much or her job for that matter, she just felt like she could use a break.

Calleigh nodded as she took a bite of her food. After she took another bite and swallowed, she commented. "Even though I'm sad I won't see the kids, I'm glad that Grissom offered to watch them while she gets out of the house for a few days, it's a very sweet thing for him to do."

Horatio stopped reading the paper to look at her and replied in a very sincere tone."Sweetheart, anytime you want to leave the kids with me for a few days you are welcome to do that."

Calleigh looks over at him and smiled. "I know that, Handsome. I didn't mean to imply that you aren't sweet, I was just making a comment." He nodded with a smile and goes back to reading, but she could tell he looked relieved, so she slips her fingers into his and continued. "You Handsome, are the sweetest man in the world."

He chuckles as he folds the paper back up, then after setting it on his night stand, he scoots closer to her and replied. "Now you're just laying it on thick."

She chuckled with a nod. "Maybe, but I want you to know, that I know, that you care about me and my well-being."

He smiled as he leaned towards her. "And I do very much." Then he pressed his lips toward hers, and just like every time, she responded.

After a few minutes, he removes his lips from hers and kisses her neck while she keeps her eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

Then she cleared her throat and puts her hands on top of his. "Handsome, I wish we can just enjoy this all day, but I have to finish eating, take a shower and get ready."

He pulled back, placed his forehead on the side of her head and whispered. "Ok."

After a few more seconds, he pulls his head back so he could look into her eyes. "I love you."

She smiled with a wink. "And I love you." Then she gasped a little, moves the tray down a little and puts her hand on her stomach as she commented. "And somebody else wanted to say I love you too."

He smiled as he placed his hand on her stomach and felt the tap on the palm of his hand. "And I love you little one."

They took a few seconds to enjoy this moment, then she goes back to eating while he keeps the palm of his hand on her stomach. Even though this was the third child he got to have this experience with, he never got tired of it. Now it was only a matter of days before he would be able to hold her in his arms and he couldn't wait, actually nobody could, they've been excited the moment she hit the 9 month mark.

After Sara had gotten there and rested for a bit, she asked Calleigh if she wanted to get out of the house for a few hours, which Horatio was very insistent that she go. It did made her curious why he wanted her to leave, especially when all the kids offered to stay with him, but she left the house with Sara anyways.

When they suggested to have a little ice cream, they got some at the ice cream shop before stopping at the park and enjoying the weather, which they were very happy with the small breeze coming through.

As they sat on the bench in a shady area and had their ice cream, Calleigh looked over at Sara and asked. "How are you doing without the kids?"

She sighed after swallowing her bite, then replied. "It was hard leaving them even though I know Grissom is fully capable of handling everything. I guess that's just a mother being a mother."

Calleigh nodded with a smile, then spoke after swallowing her bite. "Well I know it's not the same, but I'll share my kids with you for the weekend."

Sara chuckled with a shake of her head. "No it isn't the same, but I'll take it, thank you."

Calleigh smiled with a nod. "You're welcome. What are friends for?"

Sara smiled in return. "I guess they are for sharing ice cream, sharing their time with each other, and apparently sharing kids."

Calleigh chuckled this time. "I would have to agree with you there." Sara smiled again with a nod as Calleigh continued once they calmed down. "But really, thank you for taking the time to be away from your family and being here. It really means a lot to me."

Sara reached for her hand and replied. "Of course, it means a lot to me too, you're my best friend and it's an honor and privilege to be there for you."

Calleigh nodded as Sara released her hand, then after a few more bites of their ice cream being done in silence, they go back to talking about other things, but most importantly enjoying each other's company.

After a couple of hours Sara took Calleigh home, and after Sara stopped the vehicle in the driveway, they got out before walking up to the front door. Once they were there, Calleigh opened it and was shocked when she walked in and saw candles lit up in the living room with a happy anniversary sign hanging from their plasma TV. She turned to the right when she heard Horatio clear his throat.

She smiled at her husband and the kids, who were all standing there with smiles, then she looked back at Sara and asked. "Did you know about this?"

Sara just smiled with a nod, then before Calleigh could say something else, Sara looked at the kids and asked. "You guys ready?"

They nodded as they started walking toward the door, then after hurriedly saying bye and happy anniversary to their mother, the kids walked out of the door before Sara shut it.

When it clicked shut, Calleigh looked at her husband as he was walking up to her. "You hadn't said anything all morning, I thought you..."

He cuts her off as he took her hand into his. "Had forgotten?" She gave him a sheepish look as he shook his head, then he walked them over to the other side of the couch, and after sitting down, he cupped her cheek and replied. "I would have never forgotten the best day, outside of having the kids that is, of my life." He wiped a tear off her cheek, then after reaching for two Juice boxes inside the ice bucket that was sitting on the coffee table, which made Calleigh laugh, he puts the straw in and hands her one while he holds up his, then he continued while looking into her emotional green eyes. "For as many years as we are together, I'll never forget what day I married my best friend."

She smiled and replied. "To seven years, Handsome."

"To seven years, Sweetheart, and many more to come."

They smiled as they clinked their juice boxes, then after they took a sip, he cups her cheek again, and speaks as he brings her closer. "I love you."

"I love you too." Their lips had barely touched when Calleigh gasped and cringed, he pulled back looking at her with concern, and after taking a few breathes, she looked him in the eyes and said. "Oh my, my water just broke."

"I guess our little one had other ideas on what we should be celebrating today." She smiled a little as he helped her up.

Their plans may have taken an unexpected turn today, but neither one was about to complain because their newest addition will be here sooner rather than later.

When the Caine's made it to the hospital, the doctor and his staff was waiting, and while she was taken away in a wheelchair, Horatio called Sara to let her know what was going on, he also told her that it could be awhile before their little girl would come so there was no point in having everybody come to hospital just yet. Sara agreed and told him to just keep her informed and they'll be there when it was time, which Horatio agreed with that before they hung up.

After he put his phone back in his pocket he headed for the room the young doctor told him where his wife would be, not wanting to miss a single second on being by her side.

AN: Hope you liked it. Please review.