Thanks for all the reviews! And just so you know, this was all pre-written on my Wattpad account, and I have just recently started.

And in this chapter you guys will find out who Percy's other father is. I hope you like it, and please leave a review!

So, after I was told I had to go on a quest, I went to get a prophecy from the Oracle upstairs. She gave me my prophecy creepily, and I went downstairs. For the quest, I took Grover, (of course) and Annabeth, daughter of Athena. Reason? Because she had volunteered. Simple as that.

Anyway, then we headed west. Here are some of the highlights:

I blow up a bus.

Defeat my dad's old girlfriend, Medusa.

Then take a train to the gateway arch. Which I also blow up.

Talk to a Nereid, and she gives me three pearls.

Then we go to Denver and stop at a nice little diner. Then Ares, god of war, shows up and offers us a quest.

We take it.

Then we go to a water park, steal some clothes, and find his shield.

It was a trap.

Annabeth freaks out because of the mechanical spiders that come out.

We get the shield and go back to the diner.

Ares gives us a ride in this smelly old truck and tells me that Steve isn't dead. Hades is holding him hostage.

We get into the truck and go to Vegas.

There were animals in there, and when we got to Vegas, set them free.

Then, we go into the Lotus Hotel and Casino and are goven rooms without having to pay. We were there playing games for a couple of hours.

It was actually three days. Three!

We escaped and started towards the Underworld.

On the way, we ran into a gang, that chased us into the this store with a man that tried to eat us.

Good news, we lived!

Now, we are in the Underworld.

I managed to convince Annabeth and Grover to take a quick stop to Elysium to see my mother that I don't remember.

I finally managed to convince them. Got it from Tony.

So, that's exactly what we're doing.

I looked around, trying to spot a face that might be familiar.

I saw a woman with wavy brown hair, and blue eyes. She seemed familiar.

She turned in our direction, and noticed me. Our eyes locked. There was something familiar about her...

She floated towards me. When she got to me, she smiled.

"Hello. You aren't dead, so what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm looking for my mom. I have an important question to ask her." I replied.

Her face softened. "And who is your mother?"

"I think her name was Sally Jackson."

Her face brightened. "Percy?"

Realization dawned on me. "Mom?"

I tried to embrace her in a hug, but passed right through her. Oh, right.

She laughed. I smiled sheepishly.

"So, what is the important question you have to ask me?" My mom asked.

"Okay, so when you died, Loki said he was my dad. After that, I was raised by the Avengers after he was taken back to Asgard. But, a few weeks ago, Poseidon claimed me as his son. So who is my real dad?"

She sighed. "It's very confusing Percy. It may be a little hard to explain..."

"Can you just tell me? Please?!" I begged. I fell down to my knees, inching closer to her. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can guess who I got that from.

She sighed. "Alright. Well, twelve years ago, I met a man. He was amazing. Simply wonderful. His name. Was Poseidon. After a while, I became pregnant with you. But then he had to leave. Then, a month before you were born, another man came. He said that I would bear his heir. His name was Loki. I told him I wouldn't, because I knew what he was planning to do. Then, he forced me. He made you his son, with a spell. I don't know what it did, but you became his son, along with Poseidon's. You were also born early. Because of Loki, you became more powerful than you were meant to be. Be careful. Members from both worlds will try to use you. Promise me that you will chose the right way?"

I was shocked at the answer, but nodded. We said our goodbyes, and I went over to where Annabethe and Grover were.

"So?" Grover asked. "Did you find her?"

I nodded.

"What did she say?" Annabeth asked.

I shook my head. "I-I'll tell you guys later. Let's get to Hades's castle and get the bolt."

Luckily, they didn't push. So we headed to Hades's castle.

The whole time, I was still trying to process what my mom had said.

'My dad is Poseidon? And Loki magically made me his son? How is this going to turn out.