…...At Seido during a First-string Clebration…..

Normal POV

Seido won their fall tournament and was waiting for the spring tournament. They were having a small celebration in the lunchroom.

"Eh hum! Attention please!" Kataoka said over the noise from all the players *cough*Sawamura*cough*Kuramochi*cough*Miyuki*. Everyone stopped talking and directed their attention to their coach. "I decided to give you guys a reward for doing so well in the fall tournament. You guys get to have a Halloween party a small one in the lunchroom for Halloween"

"YAH" Everyone yelled

"How you guys what to have it will be according to you I will be leaving" Kataoka said before ushering all the adults out.

"So how are we going to do this?" Kuramochi asked

"I have an idea" Ryousuke said

"what?" Kuramochi asked a bit scared

"Well what if we had a costume/candy party?" he suggested smugly

"A costume/candy party?" Sawmaura echoed

"Yes the candy part we can each bring a bag of candy and exchanged sort of like a trick or treating" Ryousuke explained

"Okay so what about the costume part?" Chris asked but the moment he asked that question he wished he hadn't. The aura around Ryousuke grew darker as a smirk appeared on his face

"Oh yeah I forgot that part silly me" Ryousuke laughed a bit sending shivers up everyone's spine. Miyuki didn't mind though since this caused his boyfriend to hug him.

"So what is it?" Kuramochi finally asked

"Well I was thinking maybe we could write down some costume choices but it in a basket or bag and choose from it" Ryousuke smiled

"Oh that sounds normal enough" They all signed

"But the catch is whatever you choose you have to buy it, or make it and wear it" Ryousuke smiled making everyone stiffen

"Oh okay"

"SO lets get started Haruichi" Ryousuke called

"What?" Haruichi asked quietly

"Pass around some paper and pencil and when everyone is done put your paper in this bag" Ryousuke said

"Hai" everyone replied as they got to work

...10 Minutes Later When Everyone is Done…..

Normal POV

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!" Sawamura, Kuramochi, Jun, Haruichi yes Haruichi too and Chris yes even Chris yelled at the same time. Their lovers just grinned devilishly at their lovers expression.

"So what did you get?" Miyuki asked Sawamura

"None of your business!" Sawamura shouted

"Oh but it is my business since I'm your boyfriend" Miyuki smirked as he pulled Sawamura in for a hug

"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!" Sawamura yelled and try to get out of his boyfriend's hug

"No can do not until you tell me what you got" Miyuki smirked

"I'll tell you at the party" Sawamura mumbled blushing covering his eyes with his bangs

"Fine" Miyuki smirked knowing it had to be something super embarrassing since he was covering his eyes with his bangs. Across the room similar things were happening with all the couples. Lets go to the Tetsu-Jun corner.

"WHAT THE **** ARE THEY ******* MESSING WITH ME! I AM NOT WEARING THIS ******** THING. IT'S PRATCIALLY A ******* ***** ******* DRESS!" Jun was yelling till Tetsu patted his back and somehow that always calmed Jun down.

"So what did you get?" Tetsu asked

"NOTHING!" Jun yelled blushing like mad

"hum it has to be something that made you yelling like that" Tetsu said

"Um I'll tell you later!" Jun said quickly before sprinting for the door and to his room, silently praying that he for once was glad that he didn't share a dorm room with his boyfriend. Over to the Chris-Tanba corner

"So what did you get Chris?" Tanba asked still shocked that Chris could yell such foul words.

"Nothing really what did you get?" Chris asked

"I got a pumpkin probably that Sawamura's choice" Tanba replied

"Oh I see Well I'll see you at the party" Chris said before sprinting towards his dorm. To the Furuya-Haruichi corner

"So Haruichi what did you get?" Furuya asked nonchantly



"Promise not to laugh?" and Furuya was trying not to have a nosebleed


"A black cat" Haruichi mumbled blushing even darker if it was possible

"Hum" was all Furuya said but he was blushing like mad

"What did you get?"

"A dog" Furuya replied and this time Haruichi was trying to keep his nosebleed unseen. In the Ryousuke-Kuramochi corner

"So Youichi what did you get?"

"Nothing Ryo-san see you at the dance!" Kuramochi said and high-tailed out of there leaving an opened eyed smiling Ryousuke.

Halloween is going to be fun! I'm dressing up as a vampire! Whoo hoo! free candy! you can never ever get too old for that! :) Hoped you enjoyed! Bye-Bye