Midnight had fallen, and Yugito was almost done explaining to Utakata about her goal, and telling him about the jinchuriki she has gathered, including Han and Bee. Utakata was very interested in Yugito's information. They were both were all sitting on cushions, around a short-legged table, drinking tea while Samui, Bee, and Han were talking to other Mist ninjas.

Yugito says, "And since you're the jinchuriki of the six tails while Yagura is of the three tails, it only means that the jinchuriki I have not met yet is the container of the four tails."

Utakata says, "Gathering all the jinchuriki seems like a great idea. It's impressive how you managed to execute this plan so well. What motivated you to do this?"

"My friend Han motivated me to do so. He and I had a lengthy talk about us, and those who are like us. It made me realize that someone with such a heavy burden shouldn't be alone, or abandoned, so I came up with this plan."

Utakata says, "And you want me to join you."

Yugito nods, "Yes. All nine of us can achieve great things if we are together. Me and Bee were able to show everyone that we are not to be feared, and that we too can gain respect. The three youngsters I just told you about are the ones I really want to show them that." Yugito puts her tea on the table, "But of course, we won't force you to join us. If you wish to stay here in your village, that is up to you. But if you wish to join us," Yugito smiles, "we would be happy to welcome you."

Utakata stay silent for a few seconds, then speaks, "Hmm... I'm not too sure. It would be interesting getting to meet others like me, but I'm not sure I want to leave in the position I'm in. And I'm not talking about this civil war, I meant that I have my own life here, and I have Hotaru to worry about. I won't say yes, but I won't deny your offer. I just need some time to think."

Yugito slowly nods once, "I understand, Utakata. Like I said, it's your choice if you want to join us, or stay."

"Thank you for understanding, miss Nii."

Yugito lightly smiles, "You can just call me Yugito."

"As you like. By the way, you said there are nine of us, right? From one to nine?"

"That's correct."

"Well I'd like to have you know that there is one more."

Yugito's eyes widen in surprise, "What do you mean one more? There's only nine of us. From the one tail to the nine tails. And I highly doubt of the possibility of a ten tails since all tailed beast were born from it."

"I thought that as well, but a few days ago, I met one of the jinchurikis personally."

Yugito leans forward excitedly, "Well, who is it? And what tailed beast does this person hold? Was the four tails somehow split into half? Please tell me, Utakata!"

Utakata took note of Yugito's excitement, and wanted to back up, but he held his stance, and explained to Yugito, "Well, for starters, no, this tailed beast is not a split of the four tails, it's actually a new beast, and you will never guess what it is."

"I don't want to waste time guessing, tell me now!"

"Alright, alright." Utakata was getting a bit uncomfortable with Yugito's excitement, but speaks, "This tailed beast... is the zero tails."

Yugito's eyes widen even more, and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor. "The... the zero tails? Does such a beast exist?"

Utakata nods, "Yes. Like I said, I met the host of this beast a few days ago. Her name is Amaru, and she currently travels the nations with her sensei, Shinno."

"How did you meet her?"

"It wasn't anything too interesting, but me and Hotaru met her and her sensei when they were on their way to the eastern ship docs when she happened to run into us. It was raining that day, and they stopped at the shrine me and Hotaru stay in, and asked if they could stay while the rain finished falling."

Yugito crosses her arms, "Funny, that's almost exactly how I met Han. Your tailed beast didn't happen to know that Amaru was a jinchuriki as well, did it? Han's tailed beast knew I was one."

"Yes, and now that you mentioned that, the six tails recently told me something interesting, and I thought I could share it with you. It turns out, tailed beasts can sense a jinchuriki with a beast that have less tails. For example, my beast has six tails, and yours have two. My beast can immediately know that you are a container of a beast that has lower tails than mine."

"Really? I was never aware of that. So my tailed beast can't tell if you are the jinchuriki of the six tails, because she has less tails than you?"

Utakata slowly nods once, "Yes. However, it's up to the beast whether or not to tell its host who is a jinchuriki or not. So when I saw you and Han, the six tails told me you were both jinchuriki. But he wasn't able to identify that Bee was one as well, since he has more tails."

"This is some very nice information, Utakata. Thank you for sharing this."

"You're welcome. But going back to Amaru..."


The sky was dark-gray with thick clouds, and rain was falling heavily. Utakata was sitting on the porch floor of the shrine, with twelve-year-old his student, Hotaru, sitting on a seat blowing bubbles from her own bubble blower.

Hotaru looks at her master, "You were right, Utakata-sensei. Blowing bubbles does calm you down, and makes you feel relaxed."

Utakata looks at her, "It's good to see you like my advice. Looking at the rain fall does also help you ease your mind. Well... except for... thunderstorms..." He looks to his left, embarrassed, "Those are terrifying..."

Hotaru giggles, "I always found your fear for thunderstorns to be really cute..."

Utakata chuckles, "And your fear for slimy creatures is hilarious."

Hotaru blushes out of embarrassment, "You know that's an embarrassing topic for me."

"Just as much as my fear for thunderstorms is embarrassing to me."

Hotaru pouts. "Fine then."

Hotaru looks back at the rain, when she notices two people running up to the shrine. Utakata hears the foot steps, and looks towards the direction they were coming from. It was an elder man who seemed to be in his sixties, and a preteen wearing a bandanna, running behind him. They reach the porch of the shrine, and the elder man looks at Utakata.

He speaks, "Greetings to both of you. My name is Shinno." He looks over to the preteen, "And this is my student, Amaru. We were on our way to the western docks when this sudden rain started falling. Would it be alright if we stay here while the rain stops falling?"

Utakata nods, "Sure. But only while it stops raining."

Shinno smiles generously, "Thank you, sir."

Shinno and his student put their bags on the floor, and sit down to rest.

Utakata says, "You don't seem like you're from around here."

Shinno says, "We're travelers. We arrived here to get some supplies, and because I wanted to show Amaru around the mist village. We have been here for three days, and today we were going to leave." He notices Utakata's Mist headband on his forehead, "I see you're a Mist shinobi."

"Yes. My name is Utakata," He aims his hand at Hotaru, "And this is my student, Hotaru."

Hotaru looks at Amaru, "Hey there. Nice to meet you."

But Amaru responds, "The Mist village sucks, you know that? I'm glad we're leaving. That place was nothing but a boot camp."

Hotaru nervously chuckles, "I can actually agree."

Utakata takes a good look at Amaru, and in his thoughts, "Hmm... there's something... similar about this kid."

Just then, he hears a voice on his head, "That is because she's the container of the Zero Tails."

Suddenly, Utakata finds himself inside the mindscape of his tailed beast. A cave filled with clear slime, and a giant white slug with six tails trapped inside a boulder, with chains attached to it, and a seal that has the kanji for "Seal" on top of the boulder.

Utakata asks, "What is it now, six tails? And what do you mean the "zero tails"? There's only nine tailed beasts." He jokingly asks, "Also, how do you know that kid is a girl?"

The six-tailed slug looks at his jailer directly, "I can sense containers with tailed beasts that have lower tails than me, or in this girl's case, no tails. Also, her being a girl was a strong... How do you humans call it? A gut? Yes, it was a strong 'gut' that I had."

Utakata frowns, "Six tails, if I call her a she, and it turns out the kid is a boy, I'll-"

The six tails interrupts, "You will what? Seal me away? As if that has not already been done to me."

Utakata's frown stays, "...Anyway, you said the zero tails?"

Outside the mindscape, Utakata was completely motionless, and as Shinno and the two girls were conversing, Amaru notices Utakata was staring at her, as she was the last person he was looking at before he entered his mindscape.

Amaru asks, "What?"

Seeing no response from Utakata, she gets uncomfortable, "Hey! Would you stop staring at me like that!? It's creeping me out!"

Hotaru gets worried, "Oh dear..."

Shinno takes note of Utakata's current condition, and Amaru yells at Hotaru, "Would you tell you master to stop staring at me like a perv!?"

Hotaru gets nervous, "I- I uhhh... He-..."

Shinno looks at Amaru, "Calm down, Amaru. I think I may have a guess on what is going on with him. Have you noticed anything different about him, Amaru?"

Amaru looks at her master, still uncomfortable, "Well, his chakra is off the charts, and it feels..." She lighlty widens her eyes, "Similar..."

Shinno asks, "Amaru, remember yesterday when you had blanked out during on of our training lessons near a river? And do you remember why you blanked out?"

Amaru remembers that time, "Of course I remember. I was talking to my-..." Amaru's eyes widen further.

Hotaru curiously asks, "Your what?"

Amaru quickly looks at her master, "Wait! You're not telling me he's a-... Is he like me!?"''

Shinno nods, "It's a good possibility."

Hotaru's curiosity gets to her again, "Like you? What do you mean?"

Amaru looks at Hotaru, but slowly looks at the wooden floor, with an upset look, "...I don't know if I should tell you... You're probably going to hate me, or tell me to leave if I do tell you..."

Hotaru narrows her eyes, "Utakata-sensei told me the same thing when I first met him. I know the reason as to why he told me that," She smiles, "so I don't think it would be any different with you."

Amaru looks up to Hotaru, then Shinno speaks, "She makes a reasonable point Amaru. Go on. Tell the young girl your secret."

-Inside Utakata's mindscape-

Utakata asks his prisoner, "Are you sure this girl is the jinchuriki of the beast you call the "zero tails"?

The six tails responds, "I am not the one who came up with that name, because that is really the beast's name. And I know this kid is its jailer."

Utakata things about it for a few seconds, but then his beast continues, "You said yourself there was something similar about her. It was her very evil chakra, was it not?"

Utakata slowly nods once, "I have to admit that it was. It felt just as evil as yours."

"I shall take that as a compliment. Now go. Speak to your new friend about this matter."

Utakata's senses come back to the real world, only to see a surprised Hotaru, and an unhappy Amaru. Shinno was only looking at his student, and Hotaru looks at her sensei.

Hotaru says, "Utakata sensei, you're back. Amaru just told me something you need to know!"

Amaru slowly looks at Utakata, and him back at her, only staring at each other for a few seconds.

"Utakata/Amaru-" Amaru and Utakata say at the same time, but stopped they noticed each other calling their names.

Utakata says, "You first."

Amaru nods lightly, and takes a deep breath, "Umm... Actually, could you go first? I can't think of the worlds I want to say right now."

Utakata says, "Alright then. I'll get straight to the point." He clears his throat, "You have a tailed beast sealed inside of you, don't you?"

Amaru lowers her eyes, "Yeah... I do..." She looks back at Utakata, "...Do you?"

Utakata nods, "I do."

Hotaru looks at both of them with concern, and Shinno stays quiet so he could let the two containers talk.

Utakata asks, "Yours is the zero tails, isn't it?"

Amaru's eyes widen in surprise, "How'd you know?"

"According to my tailed beasts, he can sense jinchurikis with tailed beasts that have lower tails than mine, and can directly know who they are carrying. I am carrying the six-tailed slug."

Amaru's eyelids lower, "Oh... Well, you already know mine is the zero tails, but she's a leech."

"I have to be honest, but I had no idea that a zero tails was a thing. I was always told there were tailed beasts from one to nine. But zero... I've never been told of that."

Amaru explains, "My tailed beast is the rarest of them all, and little is known about her. I have had previous conversations with her, but she won't tell me about her past, and why she's so obscured, unless I can gain her loyalty and trust."

Utakata explains as well, "My tailed beast was actually pretty open with me, but he always tells me not to take advantage of it." He smiles, "Amaru, you and I have quite a lot to talk about."

Amaru smiles kindly as well, "I look forward to it."

Utakata was sitting cross-legged on the floor, then puts his right elbow on his right knee, and his left arm on his hips, so that he could lean a bit forward, "But first, emm... I have a really stupid and embarrassing question I really need to a-"

Before Utakata could finish, Amaru answers with a very unamused look on her face, "I'm a girl..."

Utakata was dumbfounded, "Uhh, I'd you know I was going to ask that?"

Amaru was still unamused, "You have no idea how much I get that question."

From inside Utakata's mindscape, the six tails laughs, "I told you! My 'gut' never lies to me."

Shinno chuckles, and Hotaru looks at Utakata, "Utakata-sensei! It's rude to ask of someone's gender!"

Utakata also chuckles, but in an embarrassed way. So much so that he rubs the back of his head, "Eheheh... Sorry... The six tails was claiming you were a girl, and I myself was unsure, so I needed to ask heheh..."

Amaru crosses her arms, "Whatever..."

They all have a quick laugh at the current scene, though Utakata's was an embarrassed laugh. All of them begin conversing and learning about each other until the two travelers waited until the rain stopped.

-End of Flashback-

Utakata explains to Yugito, "We talked for over two hours, yes that's how long it was raining, so I got to know a lot about her and her master, and the journey they have been going through. But I'm afraid little is known about her tailed beast. After the rain stopped, they got ready to leave."

Yugito asks, "Did you ask her what was her next destination?"

"Yes, she told me she was heading to the land of lightning."

Yugito's eyes lightly widen, "Is she? Did she tell you what part specifically?"

"She just told me she was heading to your country. Nothing else."

Yugito gives Utakata hopeful smile, "I will definitely go look for her once we're done with this mission. Thank you for this information, Utakata. It was very helpful."

Utakata nods, "Of course."

It was night time at Turtle Island, and Naruto just exited the cafeteria after eating a very nice meal. Never in his life he would think eating vegetables would taste so good, and he does not like vegetables. But since he was not going to have ramen in a while, he might as well just eat what they served at the island, and boy was that a good choice. Naruto was now making his way to his room when he sees his new friend, Fuu, laying down on the ground, in front of the dormitories. Her head was resting on her cylinder bag, and she was looking at the night sky.

He wonders in his mind, "I wonder what she's doing?"

He decides to walk up to her and stands next to her, "Hey there Fuu."

Fuu looks at him, smiling, "Hey Naruto. What's up?"

"Oh I just noticed you were laying down on the ground."

She is looks back at the sky, "Fuu likes looking at the bright starts at night. It relaxes her and it puts her to sleep too. Staring at the ceiling in the dormitory is really not cutting it even if I do have something comfy to sleep on." She looks at Naruto, "Wanna join Fuu?"

"Emm, sure, I guess."

Fuu moves over to give some space for Naruto to rest his head on her cylinder. He lays down next to her, and looks at the night sky.

Naruto tries to start a conversation, "So uhh... You never got to tell me how your home village was."

Fuu's smile fades away, but keeps her eyes on the sky, "...It's a very beautiful place. There's rivers everywhere, calming forests, lots of bugs, and a ginormous tree in the middle of it all. I loved it in there... I just hated the people who inhabited the place..."

Naruto looks at her with concern, "How do you feel about leaving?"

"I'm glad! I couldn't stand another minute of the people in there. If Yugito says I can gain the respect she gained by living here, then Fuu will follow her steps." She looks at Naruto, "What abour you? How do you feel about leaving?"

"Well, I'm going to miss that place. Sure, people weren't very nice to me when I was younger, but there were other people in there who really cared for me. Iruka-sensei, old man Hokage, the Ichiraku family, they are people I'm really going to miss."

Fuu was admittedly jealous that Naruto had more people who cared for her than she ever did, but she smiles, "Well Fuu is glad you had friends over there."

"Yeah... But I don't know if I should had left..."

"Because of them?"

"Yeah..." Naruto then starts shedding anime tears, "AND because I'll never ever have another delicious bowl of Ichiraku ramen!"

When she hears this, Fuu's eyes turn into small black upside down semicircles, and her mouth turns into the shape of a caret.

She says in her thoughts, "I swear, all this kid thinks about is ramen after ramen."

Naruto wipes the tears off his eyes, and smiles embarrassingly, "Sorry, I'm just really going to miss Ichiraku ramen."

Fuu faces the sky again, "It's okay. We all have something we're going to miss. Fuu misses the bugs at the Waterfall village. But Fuu is really getting along with the bugs here in this island. Maybe you'll find a good replacement for Ichiraku."

"I already did. There's a stand called "Tenchi Noodles", and they're pretty good."

Fuu smiles, "Well that's good." She takes a deep breath, "Fuu is really going to like living here. And you probably will too."

Naruto smiles as well, "I definitely will."

They both continue looking at the night sky, until sleep slowly starts to get to them.