Disclaimer: OK, I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. I don't own Soul Reaver or Kingdom Hearts; Soul Reaver belongs to Eidos Interactive and Kingdom Hearts belongs to Squaresoft and Disney Interactive.

Angel-chan: Hey, all! Angel-chan here, along with my body guard, Fallen Templar!

Fallen Templar: Hello.

Angel-chan: Yep! I'm back, and bringing you an all new story! OK, this is my first crossover, so no flames. It's a Soul Reaver/Kingdom Hearts crossover. I'm going to try to make everyone sound as in-character as possible. Oh, and don't mind the spelling for some of the dialogue; I did that on purpose to make it sound as close to the character's dialogue as possible (i.e. Donald's way of talking...). This story takes place after Soul Reaver 2, and before the visit to Hollow Bastion (in Kingdom Hearts). So, on with the story!

Note: Italisized words are thoughts. CAPITALIZED WORDS means really loud yelling. Underlined words mean emphasis.


It was quiet in the First District of Traverse Town. There was hardly anyone in the streets. The few people that were there (moogles included) were silently standing around, minding their own business.

Just then, out of the Accessory Shop walked a particular trio that stood out from the small crowd — a short, stubby figure, a medium, slender figure, and a tall skinny figure. The short figure was actually a white duck, dressed in a blue shirt with many zippers and a matching hat. The second person was a young boy with spikey brown hair and cerulean eyes. He wore a red outfit, along with white gloves and large yellow shoes. The third one of the trio seemed to be quite a charicature of sorts, resembling an exageratingly tall dog of some kind, walking on two legs. He had a green and blue shirt with cartoonish-looking pants and shoes, topped off with a silly-looking hat.

The three walked toward the large double-doors at the front of the town, which led to the World Exit. The tall dog was the first to break the silence.

"Uh, gawrsh, Sora, where d'ya think we should head fer now?"

The boy, addressed as Sora, turned to his comical companion. "Well, Goofy, I guess we should go to Hollow Bastion. After all, that's where Leon said Maleficent was waiting."

Maleficent. That very name felt bitter on Sora's tongue as he said it. She was the one who had turned his best friend, Riku, against him. I promise, Riku, I'll get you back.

Sora gazed up at the sky. So many stars — no, they were not stars; they were worlds. How many worlds are there? Could they really be as countless as the stars themselves?

The duck piped up impatiently. "Sho, what are we waiting for? Let'sh get on da ship!"

Sora snapped out of his reverie and looked down apologetically at the impatient duck. "Right. Sorry, Donald."

With that, they boarded the Gummi Ship.


Flights from one world to another were personally not one of Sora's favourite things to do. Yes, he had always wanted to see other worlds, but not when there were Heartless airships to worry about and obstacles to crash into. It made the trip a bumpy ride. And bumpy rides had a tendancy to make him feel... well... motion sick. Even now he didn't feel very 100% well. Using the tactic that his mother had taught him in handling motion sickness, he stared out the window and tried to focus on the horizon... Wait, what horizon? This was outer space! Sora sighed and decided on trying to focus on the farthest object instead.

It was then that he noticed something strange as the Ship passed by. There was a Warp Hole, but one that was very different from the others that he and his friends had encountered. Instead of the usually vibrant colours, this Warp Hole was nearly pitch black, with some tints of dark blue and red swirls.

A black hole? Sora wondered. "Hey, Donald," Sora said, pointing to the dark vortex. "What do you think that is?"

"Looksh shushpicious... Better to shtay away from it." Donald replied, steering away from the strange hole. However, something was terribly wrong... The wheel was jammed! And the vortex was pulling them right into it!

"Donald!" Sora cried frantically, "The black hole is pulling us in! What's wrong?!"

"Da wheel's shtuck! It won't move!!"

"Gawrsh," Goofy said rather nervously, "It's gettin' awfully close...!"

Desperate, Sora grabbed the steering wheel and helped Donald pull the wheel with all his might.

It was no use. The wheel wouldn't budge. Goofy watched helplessly as they drew closer and closer towards their inevitable fate, Donald flailing his arms wildly and screaming random obscenities, and Sora persistently trying to move the stubborn wheel.

It was too late.

"Gawrsh! We're gettin' sucked in! Hang on!!"

The Gummi Ship disappeared into the swirling vortex, and the last of the trio's desperate cries dissipated into the hole.




Then everything went black.


Sora groaned as he regained consciousness. Were they still alive? What exactly was that thing? He slowly opened his eyes, only to be blinded by the sun's bright light. He shielded his eyes. Blinking to allow his eyes to re-adapt, Sora forced himself up into a sitting position and looked around at his surroundings. He was lying on what seemed to be a dusty path, with a few trees here and there, and he could hear water somewhere closeby. But despite the sun's bright rays (along with several scattered clouds), Sora could sense a dark atmosphere in this place. Where were they?

The young boy quickly scanned the area for his comrades. Sure enough, the duck and the dog were present, both randomly sprawled out on the ground, groaning.

"Ungh... Where are we...?" Donald moaned, rubbing his sore backside.

"I'd like to know myself," Sora replied, standing up.

Donald jumped to his feet as well, and crossed his arms across his chest. "Well, we won't find out by dallying here!" the little duck chimed enthusiastically. "Let'sh go exshploring!"

Goofy, who had just regained consciousness, sat up groggily and rubbed his head.

"Oh, g'mornin', fellas! Hyuk!" Apparently, Goofy was still ignorant of the group's new task.

"C'mon, Goofy!" Donald prompted. "Let'sh get going!"

Goofy stared blankly at his two companions. "Uh... Where're we goin'?"

Donald shook his head and sighed irritably, while Sora stifled a laugh.


Soon the group was up and on the road again. However, no sooner than they had gone more than five paces from their starting point, did a familiar black mist — several, actually — appear with a poof and was replaced with a strange form.

"Heartless!" the trio cried in unison.

Heartless indeed. They were everywhere. And these were of a different species to boot. Some looked like some kind of werewolves, while others resembled deranged and mutated vampire bats. (A/N: Thanks to Demon Hunter Anamae for the ideas as to how the Heartless should look!)

The three heroes prepared for battle. As usual, Donald attacked mainly with Magic, Goofy defended and used occasional Shield Techniques, and Sora hacked away at the Heartless with his trusty Keyblade.

However, no matter how many Heartless were destroyed, two more seemed to pop up to take their place.

"It's no use!" Sora cried. "There are just too many of them!" A Heartless knocked him down, making him vulnerable for attack. He glanced over to see that his other two comrades-in-arms were both stunned. These Heartless were strong! Stronger than any Heartless he had encountered before! The creatures were now closing in for the finishing move. Sora couldn't do anything else but shield himself with his Keyblade and prepare for the worst.

Suddenly, there was a sound that was heard nearby. Every Heartless turned in alert to the origins of the noise. All of a sudden, three Heartless disintegrated. With another strange shriek, five more were reduced to dust. Sora only managed to see a flash of light before four more of the monsters ceased existence. The rest of the Heartless, now afraid, retreated into the shadows.

Goofy and Donald recovered, and looked over at Sora, who was staring in awe at who — or what — had just saved his life. Before him was the silohette of a tall, mysterious figure. Its shady features were hidden by the shadows, but Sora could swear that he could see a pair of glowing white eyes...

~ to be continued...

Angel-chan: Ooooh!! Evil cliffhanger!! *laughs evilly* So, like it? Hate it? If you loved it, please review! If you hated it, then don't bother. If you flame, then Fallen Templar will get to test out his new "toy" on you...

Fallen Templar: *fingers his flamethrower tenderly*