Ok here we are, not a long wait but I dun like to drag so here's the ending chapter for To Love Again... will probably be a long one.......

Disclaimer: Saiyuki doesn't belong to me.... if it belong to me... trust me you dun want to know........

Title: To Love Again Chapter 3 -- Be true (ending chapter)

Note: The usual..... shonuen ai .... pairings here and there but mainly a Hakkai x Goku one..... and some minor spoilers and lots of OCC......

Be true

Goku woke up with the sharp pains all around his body, he could hardly move, with all the raw wounds on his body, not to mention the poison still in his blood stream. It was dark, he shivered as a cold wind blew, his half naked body, wet with sweat and blood still flowing from his wounds. "I must be in a cave or what...." Goku thought as he heard the sound of water dripping from the ceiling. Goku noticed a movement, he kept still still pretending to be unconscious. Then he saw it, a demon or more like a monster. It look more like a tree monster, branch-like veins surrounding its own body, it was huge at least a good 2 meter high. It's face.... Goku took a breathe of cold air when he saw how the monster really looked like. It didn't have a face.... just a skull like head. The monster turned toward Goku, Goku's body stiffened, as he shut his eyes shut, what had happen the past few hours returned to him. After he was bitten by the cat monster he had tried to mustered up whatever strength to at least fight, but before he could attack the cat monster, he was knocked hard from behind. He had struggled to get up but the attacker had hit him flat with only one punch, and he froze when he looked at the attacker's face, the skull-like face..... Goku stayed still as he could feel the cold and smelly breathe from the tree-like monster near his face. It was like forever.... then Goku heard a voice.

"It doesn't matter, he can't move anyway." Goku opened his eyes slightly and saw a blue-haired demon walking toward him. "You're awake, I can tell, no point playing dead." The blue-haired demon knee down next to him. "What do you want!" Goku hissed. The blue-haired demon smiled, "Nothing much just the sutra that's all." Goku's eyes widened, " Kougaiji's men?" The demon smirked, "Correction, Gyakuman send me..... ahh I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ran. And that cute little kitten and that tree over there are my pets." Goku was puzzled, he only knew Kougaiji was aftering the sutra but who was Gyakuman.... "The person behind all these...." Goku thought, he recalled the conversation they had sometime back.... "The person responsible for all the demon going nuts..."

"But have no fear...." Ran started to talked, as he got up and prepared to leave. "Your friends will be delivering the sutra to me soon..."

"What make you think they'll give it to you!!!" Goku snapped back.

Ran stared at Goku menacing and reply, " They will, cause...." Goku didn't like the way Ran was playing with the tense atmosphere. "Cause if they don't, I'll start cutting you up piece by piece by sunset, one piece per hour, until you either die from the loss of blood or from the unbearable pain." Goku froze, he knew he had to stopped this demon, but how? He couldn't move because of the poison and he was weak from the loss of blood. And this moment, he realised how powerless he was, and as his mind drifted back into the depths of unconsciousness, the image of everyone appeared. "Will I see them again...." Goku's last thought.....


Back at the inn.

Sanzo and Gojyo were chain smoking. Hakkai just kept staring at the torn up shirt in front of him. He was at a loss, Sanzo didn't mention any plan, when Gojyo had suggested a discussion of a plan to save Goku, Sanzo merely ignored the suggestion and continue to sit there to smoke. Hakkai was worried sick, how in the world were they going to save Goku without a plan. This wasn't the time for all these, he had to come in terms with his feelings, he knew such feelings could hinder him if they was to go rescue Goku.

Hakkai startled, Sanzo had stood up. "Let's go." He merely mumbled and walked out. Gojyo shot from his seat, he was going to grab Sanzo and asked what plan he had, when Hakkai grabbed his arm. Hakkai shook his head as Gojyo looked at him. This wasn't the time to start a fight, Hakkai knew Sanzo well enough as not to provoke him now. "All we can do now is trust I guess..." Hakkai whispered softly.

Sanzo knew, it was too easy for them. He knew whoever it was was probably spying on them now, if they was to have a rescue plan discuss there, it would be suicidal. "They won't get what they want...." Sanzo thought as he smirked, he had a plan, but he's not going to say it out, at least not now.....


Goku was yanked awake with a sharp pain in his wrists. He opened his eyes only to find himself being tied to a tree. The sun was setting. Ran was standing in front of him, probably looking out for Sanzo and the others. The tree monster and the cat monster were nowhere to be found. Goku knew there would definitely be a trap, he tried to break free, Ran turned around to face him and smirked. "Don't worry, you'll be joining them soon."

Just as he finished speaking, the sound of a jeep.

"GOKU!!!" Hakkai shouted when he saw the tied up boy at the tree. The blood flowing from his body had turned dark and Goku was sweating non-stop.

"Ah Sanzo nice to meet you, I have heard a lot of you." Ran smirked as he eyed at Sanzo and the sutra lying on his shoulder. "Enough of the bullshits!" Sanzo snapped back. "The saru. Let him go and you can have the sutra."

"NO! Sanzo don't give it to him, its a trap!!" Goku mustered up his strength and yelled, but he was only rewarded with a punch from Ran. "Goku!!" Ran yanked Goku head back and laughed mercilessly. Sanzo could feel his blood boiling within his veins, he looked at Gojyo and saw him clinging his fists tightly, so tightly his hands were blooding. And Hakkai, his facial expression was terrible. A mixture of agony and pain.

"I don't think you will give it up so easily...." Ran said as Sanzo, Hakkai and Gojyo felt 2 alien presences behind them.

"Oh my..." Gojyo managed to utter when he saw the 2 monsters coming out from the woods. Sanzo only gave an irritated look, "I don't think you'll let that saru go anyway..."

"...." Ran eyes narrowed, he drew a knife from his belt and still holding Goku's head back, he placed the knife at Goku's neck and with a little pressure, a line of blood started to tickled down from his neck.

"GOKU!!" Hakkai shouted and tried to run forward only to stop when the tree monster blocked his path and gave him a powerful punch. "Hakkai!!" Gojyo rushed forward and quickly helped Hakkai up.

Hakkai was shocked. Gojyo's jaws almost dropped.

Sanzo had taken the sutra from his shoulder and threw it on the floor. "Go ahead take it...." Hakkai knew at that instant, Goku would never be his.... the sharp pain returned to his chest. Sanzo loved Goku as much as he had, maybe more that he. To Hakkai, the sutra is Sanzo's everything, but by willing to give it up, this gesture only show, only proved..... to Hakkai, he could never have what he desired.

Ran had moved slowly to where the sutra was laying. With a smirk he picked it up and laughed mercilessly. His eyes shone brightly from the victorious feeling he was having. "Kill them."

What happen the next few seconds was so fast Ran didn't even had any time to react. The sutra in his hands suddenly expanded and flew out several long scrolls. The scrolls surrounded him and the 2 monsters burning their bodies. At this moment, the trio took the chance to attack. Ran couldn't believe it, he had underestimated the Sanzo-ikkou.


When Goku opened his eyes, he found himself in the comfort of the soft white sheets. Most of his wounds had either been healed or bandaged. He tried to get up but a hand stopped him. "Hakkai...." Goku smiled, the most cheerful smile Hakkai had ever seen.



"I need to talk to you." Sanzo said. Hakkai was sitting alone at the pouch, staring at the night sky. The stars were shining brightly. They had defeated Ran and the 2 monsters, Hakkai had ran forward to Goku, ignoring his own injuries and almost nearing tears as he untied the boy from the tree. Sanzo had almost slapped him back there, because Hakkai was losing himself. As Hakkai watched, Sanzo had carried the unconscious Goku up the jeep, he had exchanged seat with Gojyo. Hakkai felt it again, the familiar pain in his chest, the same pain Tenpou had when he realised he can never be Goku's sun, maybe that was why he kept pushing Konzen to play a more active role is caring Goku. "I never want to lose his smile..."

Hakkai sighed, more like a sigh of defeat. Sanzo just stared at him. Sanzo moved and made himself comfortable on the bench next to Hakkai. Both men were quiet, Hakkai was waiting for Sanzo to speak.

"......Hakkai......" Hakkai rise his head, he looked at Sanzo, who just kept staring out into the night sky.

"Yes..?" Hakkai was afraid, afraid that Sanzo would say the things he fear worst.

"You have one night, do you hear me, one night only...." Hakkai blinked, he didn't understand. Slowly Sanzo turned and looked at the green-eyes man next to him. "One night to be with Goku, be true to him and yourself." Hakkai couldn't believe what Sanzo was saying. "But Sanzo......" Hakkai protested, he knew Sanzo had always care for Goku, maybe love was a much better word to use. The same love Konzen had for Goku. "I don't want to repeat, one night and that's it." Sanzo said as he took another puff from his cigarette.



"Domo arigatou......"


Hakkai held Goku's hands tightly, Goku's face was flushing red after what he heard coming from Hakkai's lips. Goku returned the grip in his hands and slowly warm tears flow down from his face. Goku didn't moved when Hakkai planted a kiss on his forehead, "Maybe one day..... one day I can be your sun....." Hakkai whispered as he felt his eyes blurring with tears as he embraced Goku in his arms. .

The end

Author's ending note: Yes its really the end...... gomen i know a lot of people will be disappointed by the ending..... but this is how it end......I know I went a bit off-track and out off my own initial planned story...... gomen everyone.....