Hello Horimiya fans! I've been in love with this series for what feels like forever, but this is the first time I've ever caught the writing bug for it! it's just a cute little one shot, I'm unsure if i'll have anything out in the future, this just sort of came to me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Nodame Cantabile

I Would Never

Miyamura knew his girlfriend was a little abnormal, knew that she wasn't what people expected her to be.

After all, she was violent, dangerously so. She'd get angry and hit him, throw books at him, yell and scream as she took out her worries on him. It didn't take much to upset her, his precious Hori-san. He found himself learning her moods that way he could understand her better and avoid her outbursts.

The fact that she was definitely hiding a sadist side just made the entire thing worse.

She also loved horror movies with a passion that he couldn't even begin to understand. The terrifying films consisting of gore, jump scares, and gruesome murders had made him unable to sleep at times. He'd be fighting back his fear and the embarrassing tears that wanted to rise from time to time while she cooed in excitement. He'd jump and she'd lean closer to the screen, completely engrossed.

And she was so quick to judge! Every time another girl was involved, she'd flip out. Random girls on the street, girls in class, it didn't matter! She always immediately assumed the worst and it never ended well for him. His friends had told him it wasn't something he should just sit back and take, but he always felt like apologizing even though he hadn't done anything.

Because even if she was violent, she was also extremely soft. She took care of everyone she loved, meticulously looking over every detail she could to help in any way she could. He felt lucky to be counted among the people she cared for.

And she held so much weakness behind that strength. It was something he could relate to, and admired in her. He had seen her cry when she was sick, and knew that was most likely only the tip of the iceberg. She was probably holding back so much, and the last thing he wanted to do was give her a reason to distance herself from him. He didn't know if he could stand that.

She'd always blush or act shy when she finally realized how silly she was acting when she became upset. She'd look at him with such a guilty look if she hurt him, or do something to try to make him feel better, and then she'd be by his side. The violence would be gone, and the true Hori revealed herself.

And just because she loved gore and he didn't, didn't mean anything to him. He'd watch a thousand horror films if it meant she was happy. He didn't know what he wouldn't do to make her happy, at this point.

That's all he wanted, anyways. To see her happy, smiling and laughing so beautifully. He just wanted to make sure that he was there when she was, to be happy with her.

The fact that she quick to judge was something he could deal with. He knew she was horribly jealous, but couldn't quite get too angry over her reactions. He remembered clearly the feeling of jealousy and possessiveness that had overtaken him not so long ago. He wished she would realize that he didn't, couldn't, see anyone but her. Not too long ago he'd been willing to give her up because she was better than him, but now he knew if he had to, he would fight for her. He'd already sacrificed his passive life in the shadows to stand by her side, what more proof did anyone need to see how much he adored her?

The one thing Miyamura knew for sure was that he would never go back, would never trade his current position for another, easier one. He'd take a thousand hits to the face, ignore hundreds of girls, if it meant being with her.

It would be worth it.