30DWC #1: Beginning

Freedom seemed so close.

Ignoring the firetrucks and the men swarming around them in noiseless activity, Barbie stared at the road beyond, his eyes following the dark grey line until it disappeared from sight. Five more seconds and he would have been clear, would have been out on that stretch and this goddamn wall would have been nothing more than a faint line over the road in his rearview mirror.

Instead, that line stood between him and the outside world, trapping him like a rat in a cage.

Earlier, he'd been pissed. Pissed, frustrated, and confused as hell. Now— after what they'd already managed to learn about this 'dome'— he didn't feel much of anything, just a dull sense of resignation imposed over the bone-deep weariness that he had carried every day since his tours.

He didn't bother to listen to the small group that stood a few yards behind him, conferring over a map as they desperately searched for answers; he couldn't bring himself to care.

That was, until the bald councilman spoke up, his grating voice raised with authority as he tried to warn someone away— and Barbie turned, catching sight of her, a slow breath releasing from his chest as everything inside him seemed to still. Her flippant reply to the councilman was lost on him; he'd already turned away, blinking in confusion at the indecipherable reaction she'd just invoked.

Shaking his head slightly, he pushed the feeling aside, only half-noticing the rumble of engines and crunch of car tires on gravel behind him as the others began to depart. Making the vague decision to head for his own car— more to give himself a purpose rather than any actual reason— he turned, chancing a fleeting glance in her direction.

She was already watching him, a strange combination of puzzlement and some other emotion in her expression, one that was quickly replaced by a carefully indifferent curiosity.

"Who the hell are you?"

Feeling like he was surrendering more of himself than just his name, he let out a small breath, his eyes locking with hers.

"Barbie. People just call me Barbie."

Keep an eye out for the rest, which I'll be uploading fairly soon.

And remember, feedback is always welcome!