Chapter 1

I trudged wearily away from Lake Town. I didn't care what happened to me. So long as I am away from that place. All my life has been moving from place to place. My short life. So I think. I am tired of moving. Of running. From who knows what. To who knows where. I am exhausted. Drained.

I stumble on wearily through the rocks. Rocks? Since when had the grass become rocks? I frowned and looked up. Somehow, I have managed to climb all the way up to the base of the lonely mountain.

Should I? Should I travel on? I have heard of the dragon that lives there. In my travels, I have heard many stories. Apart from the elves, my favorites were about the great Fire-born. Smaug the great. Smaug the tyrannical. How many titles does he have?

I sigh. Better to die. At least I will be pitied if my story gets around. A small smile crosses my face bitterly. Yes. A girl who was either eaten or burned by the horrible Smaug. I snorted inwardly. Yeah.

I finally made it to the gates of Erebor. I wonder. Has the treasure always been there? Is the great rumored treasure really as great as it has been said to be? Well. It's not as if I would ever know, anyway. I care not for all the treasure in the world.

I lay back against the stone walls, licking my dry, cracked lips. It's hot, and I'm thirsty. Against my better judgement, I lay my head back on the wall, and fall asleep to the strange silence that drapes the mountain in a cloak of mystery, lore, legend, and doom.


Smaug slowly stirred from his place in the ocean of gold, jewels, and treasure. His three eyelids slide open and his pupils narrow in anger. He has not smelled man in a long time. He is hungry. He is angry.

Roaring in annoyance, he stands, shaking the coins off of him, watching with wide nostrils as they slide off and clink against their brothers below.

"Who dares to enter my mountain?" He wonders aloud. He slithers toward the main entrance, following the smell of blood and death towards his prize.


I was awakened by the sound of a roar in my ears. I clamped my hands over my ears, eyes squeezed shut from the light.

"Who dares to enter my domain? My territory? Who is this foolish one?"

The voice makes me stand shakily to my feet, gritting my teeth at the pain. I looked down at my feet to find them torn and bleeding.

I looked back up into the face of doom, hovering over me, studying my small form with his large eyes, swirling with molten lava.

"Who is this? Daughter of man?" He bares his teeth. I shuddered at the sight of his teeth and the draft of air that wafts around me, drawing my scent into his nose.

"You do not smell like any creature that I have met before." He rumbled.

I frown. Why do people make up such gruesome stories about this dragon? He is all magnificence, even though I know that he is fire and death. They never mention what he looks like at all. Or if they do, it is rather vague and sketchy or wrong completely.

"Why have you dared to enter my domain? Do you not know who I am?" His voice makes me tilt my head at its deep, baritone quality.

"I do know who you are, oh Smaug the magnificent. I have come here because I have no where else to go. It is better for me to die at the mercy of your magnificence then by the hands of other unfeeling beings." I replied, looking down.

He paused. For some reason, I realized that I have startled him. "And what makes you think that you have deserved death, oh little one?"

"No one cares for me. Every one says that I am worthless." I shivered.

"And you believe them?" He sneered.

"I have seen no reason to not." I retorted sourly.

"Then you are perhaps of no use to me at all." He snarled.

I shut my eyes as a blast of fire curled around me. My eyes opened wide, startled. What? Why did I not feel hot? I looked down and yelped. I dropped to the ground in embarrassment, covering myself. My clothes were all burned, but my skin was unharmed, hair glowing golden in the light of the flames.

The flames abruptly stopped. "A daughter of fire." Smaug's voice was shocked. "Perhaps you have more worth to me than I thought." He mused.

"I am not a thing to be tossed about and admired as though I have no feelings!" I shouted, annoyed.

"No, you are not." I was shocked into silence at his agreement. "You are far more than that. There is the smell of an ancient mystery about you, my little flame. From now on, you will live with me. You will be my little daughter of fire."

I whimpered as his talons curled around me as he drew me through the gates of Erebor.

Soooo... What do you think so far? Please review!