Beacon's Exorcist

Hello everyone! Thanks for clicking on my story. As you know well why wouldn't you this is a RWBY crossover, it takes place right after the ark arc. This is going to be my first real story, so I hope you enjoy. Please review and if you can get some more people to read. I would like some input. Well I should stop talking and get to what you guys want to see. Now without any delay here it is. Beacon's Exorcist.

Edit: This was started before volume 3 was released, so the beginning of this story will go off RWBY cannon. However, once you get to chapter 9-10(which is around when volume 3 was released, the story will start moving back towards the basic cannon story line.)

This early in the story, I had to make due with the RWBY cannon that I had. So, just as a warning, in this story I created some new universities and characters. I even added in a whole new part of the tournament! I'm saying this as a warning: If you're here for RWBY cannon sections, you'll have to wait. As I said before: This story only starts going back to RWBY cannon bits around chapter 10. If you are willing to do that and trudge through the first ten chapters(which are shorter than the rest of the story)I guarantee that this will be a story worth reading.

Disclaimer: I do not own or RWBY each series belongs to their respective owners.

Chapter 1: The Unknown Stranger

Allen sighed under his breath as he quietly thought to himself. How long had it been since he'd seen civilization? About a month? Probably longer, his memory was almost frozen solid. He raised his hand to his mouth to cover a sneeze as a cold breeze blew into his face.

"Dammit Komui!" He yelled, why shouldn't he? He had been stuck in Greenland for ages, all due to a vague report from some villager because of abnormal weather patterns. There were storms with lightning as bright at the sun one minute, while the next clear skies with blazing hot winds. It was quite like that village he went to with Lavi and Kanda. Around the time when he first officially took on the title of exorcist. He had been sent Greenland when similar abnormal weather patterns sprang up in this area. Rightfully so, the Order thought the weather was being caused by innocence. And that was how he ended up here, trudging through three feet of ice and snow. His golem companion Timcanpy flew in front of him, trying to guide his way. Eventually, after a while of searching, they happened upon a small cave. Where the innocence was supposedly hidden. Allen put on a face of genuine discomfort as he nearly tripped down the steep, wet, and gravely floor of the cave. Sheets of ice had formed on the walls, one slip and he would go tumbling down. Allen sighed as he watched Timcanpy fly down to the bottom with relative ease. Almost like it was teasing him.

"Lucky, you don't have to walk down this damnable floor, wait for me at the bottom." Allen said as he watched Timcanpy float down to sit on a rock at the bottom of the cave.

Allen brought his right arm up to his left, scratching the shoulder of his anti-akuma weapon. He cursed when he realized that — since he was busy scratching his arm — that meant he wasn't holding onto the wall. Of course, he tripped and slipped on the ice-like rock. After about ten seconds of continuous rolling he arrived at the cave's bottom.

"Shut it." Allen groaned as Timcanpy flew over to him. If golems could talk, Allen was certain that Timcanpy would be mocking him right about now.

He sat up in a — less than graceful — fashion and continued following Timcanpy deeper into the cave. It didn't take long before the light left him, leaving the duo alone in the dark. Allen took out a small flashlight from one of the pockets in his exorcist uniform. It was his old black-and-white one. He never understood why he kept this uniform, but seeing as it was still his current favorite, and was perfect for this cold weather, he didn't mind wearing it on this mission. Allen tore himself away from his thoughts when he saw that he was nearing the end of the maze-like cave system. "What the hell?" Allen mumbled as his eyes widened. The exit he had discovered was glowing with a purplish hue. And as he got closer and closer to the entryway, the sound of insane laughter grew louder. He poked his head into the room, being careful to stay in the shadows. Just in case someone, or something, was in there with him.

"Wow." Was all Allen managed to say as he took in his surroundings. Whatever he had just discovered looked like a massive underground temple. With paintings on the walls depicting — what looked like — strange black creatures wearing masks made out of bone. The ceiling and floors were also covered in similar paintings. However, these did not depict monsters. Instead they depicted warriors. Some with bows, scythes, swords. It made the entire room look like a mausoleum. The floors were beautifully carved and cleaned. While in the center of the room stood a large pedestal. Lying on top of said pedestal was a strange spherical device.

What is that? Allen thought as he stared at the strange object. He had never seen anything like it before. The object was circular, light blue, and looked like an eye. As he cautiously walked towards the mysterious object, the laughing he had heard earlier returned. What is this laughing? Could it be an akuma?

It was definitely possible. After all, whatever this strange object was, there was a very good chance that it was innocence. The laughing kept getting louder and louder with every step. However, it wasn't until Allen was right next to the device, that he realized that the laughter wasn't actually laughter. It was crying. Someone was crying, but he couldn't see who. The only entrance was where he came from, and from what he could see, there were no windows or gaps in this large room. His boots clinked on the ground as he got closer to the eye. That was when he saw the liquid. It seeped out of the object slowly, from a small hole that looked similar to a pupil. The eye was... crying? His curiosity peaked, Allen reached out to grab the strange device; however, once he did so. The device reacted. In an instant it exploded to life, and started to pull him in. It felt as if he was attached to a magnet.

"What the hell?! Why is it reacting like this?!" Allen yelled as he lifted up his left arm up to cover his left eye. For some reason his curse had activated. The pain that shot through him was unreal.

Allen rolled on the ground in pain as he screamed. Both of his hands clawed at his eye as Timcanpy flew around in the air. Frantically searching for a way to help his friend. Allen looked up at the eye-like object as he lay on the floor. The crying was so loud now, it was nearly unbearable. It sounds like an akuma! Allen thought as his eyes widened. Could that be why his left eye was reacting this way? It was definitely possible, after all, the object definitely felt like an akuma's soul. I have to make it stop! Allen thought as he steeled himself. He tried his best to knock the object off of the pedestal; however, his attempts were useless. Every time his hand got close to the object, a mysterious force would push him away.

"Why? Why can't I grab it?! Don't you want to be saved!" Allen yelled. He wanted the crying to stop, he wanted to leave. However, he couldn't, something told him to grab the eye. Something in him told him to stay. Judging by the strange aura pouring out of the strange device, it seemed as if the object wanted to leave. Or at the very least, be removed from the pedestal. If only he could just grab the damn thing!

That's it! Allen thought as he lifted his hand in the air. Let's finish this and get you back to the Order! "Innocence activate!" Allen yelled as threw his white threads towards the strange device. However, as soon as they came into contact, the threads started getting pulled in. Allen screamed as he tried to tear himself from the object. But nothing would work. Its grip was like steel.

"Timcanpy! Grab on and pull!" Allen yelled, desperate to free himself from the object. He tried his best to deactivate his innocence, but nothing would work. "Pull harder Timcanpy!" Allen screamed as he dug his boots into the ground.

"Activate!" Allen yelled. If deactivating his innocence wouldn't work he would have to destroy the object. "Activate!" He yelled again, but it was to avail. Fatigue had already started to wash over his body. And it was obvious that, no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to escape the eye's pull.

"After all I have done, after all I have been through, this is what will do me in?!" Allen screamed as the last of his body was pulled into the vortex. "Is this really how I die?!" He saw his life flash before his eyes. What would everyone think? They would be decimated if he suddenly disappeared again, especially Lenalee. He remembered Lavi, Kanda, Krory, Komui, and all of his friends at the Order. "No!" Allen refused to die. He reached out and grabbed Timcanpy, hoping to God that his little friend would be able to pull him out. But, of course, that didn't work. Instead, he just ended up pulling the golem down with him. Down into the deep abyss.

The last thing Allen saw before everything went black was a strange black sky. It was covered in stars, and looked mostly the same to the sky he was familiar with. There was just one major difference...

The moon was shattered...

"Where am I?" Allen mumbled as he felt the air brush against his cheeks. With an unbelievable amount of effort, he opened his eyes. "Timcanpy!" Allen yelled as he searched for the golden golem. He sighed when he found it hovering above his head. "Thank God you're okay." Allen said as he plucked Timcanpy out of the sky.

But something wasn't right. He didn't feel like he was on solid ground, instead, it felt like he was in the air. Fearing the worst, he glanced to the left he saw a forest of red trees. The morning sunlight shining on the top of the leaves made it look like a sea of blood. There was just one problem... he was falling, and fast. Suddenly, all feeling returned to his body, and he flailed around in the open air. With every passing second the ground got closer and closer.

Crap! If I don't do something quick I really am going to die! Allen glanced to the right and noticed a long, sturdy, branch. "Tim! grab on!" Allen yelled, to which Timcanpy obliged. "Here goes nothing, Tim, this is going to hurt!" Allen yelled as he activated his innocence. "Clown belt!" The second the words left his mouth his left arm transformed into his anti-akuma weapon. He lifted up his left hand towards the branch and released a long, white, rope. The belt grabbed onto the branch, before wrapping around the tree itself to support Allen's weight. Using the momentum from the fall, Allen swung away from the ground, snapping the branch in the process. Causing him, and Timcanpy, to go flying through the trees.

"Timcanpy try to hold on! I am going to grab another branch!-" Allen was cut off when his body landed hard on a stone pillar that appeared — seemingly out of nowhere. The impact causing him to cough up some blood. After that, he slid off of the stone wall, only to be embraced by the cold — hard — ground. "Well that hurt..." Allen mumbled as he took in his surroundings. There were similar pillars strewn all around him, and everything was completely covered in vines.

"This looks ancient, did I just crash into some old ruins?" Allen coughed as he fell to his knees, that fall really did a number on him. There were some small pedestals surrounding what looked like the central platform. Which, to his dismay, were made of harder materials than the rest of the ruins, just his luck that he would fall on the only part of the floor made of solid metal.

"Damn..." He mumbled as he splayed himself across the iron platform. Timcampy sitting on his chest. Strangely, the world was starting to go fuzzy. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I must've hit my head during the fall. Allen thought as he rubbed his head. Why do these things always happen to me? Was the last thing he thought before losing consciousness. However, before he passed out, Allen couldn't help but vocalize one of his questions. It was a small thing to focus on, but he found himself confused by it nonetheless. "Why are there chess pieces out here?" And everything went black.

"Let's go team RWBY!" Ruby yelled into Weiss's ear as she raised her fist in the air.

"Ow! Jeez! I told you Ruby, don't wake me up like that for the last time!" The huntress said as she pushed Ruby down to the floor.

"Weiss is right, that can get annoying." Blake mumbled as she looked up to find Ruby, who was already wide awake, fully dressed and ready for action.

"What is it this time?" Ruby's older sister Yang tiredly whispered as she pulled a pillow over her face.

"It's training time! The tournament is starting in a few days and we need to be ready!" Ruby yelled with childlike glee. The three other members of RWBY sighed and covered their ears. Ruby could really be loud when she wanted to.

"Five more minutes..." Yang grumbled. Weiss and Blake agreed, it was far too early for this sort of thing.

"Come on guys! Team JNPR and the others are already there, we can't afford to waste any time! Unless... you guys don't want to participate in the tournament..." Ruby smiled as she watched Yang, and the others, bolt out of bed. When convincing them failed, Ruby could always rely on playing to their pride.

"Where are we going?" Yang asked as she sluggishly put on her battle gear. She never was one for early mornings... Ruby perked up with glee and raised her fist into the air.

"The Emerald Forest! The teachers cleared most of the grimm out yesterday, but they'll be back, so today is our only chance to train there safely." By the time Ruby finished explaining, all of them were already out the door and on their way to the cliff side entrance of the forest.

"So is there anywhere in particular you want to train at?" Weiss grumbled. The early morning seemed to have gotten to her as well...

"I was thinking we should go to the old temple, you know, where we all met." Ruby said to her teammates, clearly excited about the upcoming tournament. "You know, the practicing field they set out for us is perfect! It's a nice, flat, open space. We would be able to see any leftover grimm long before they saw us!" Yang, Weiss and Blake all groaned when they heard the location Ruby had chose. None of them wanted to go through the long slog to get there, but Ruby was the leader. So — as much as it annoyed them — what she said goes.

"Why don't we just train at the cliff side?" Blake yawned as she raised a hand to her opened mouth.

"Ren and Pyrrha already told me they will be training there, and every other team participating has already laid claim to the rest of the good spots. That place is the only spot left available." Ruby sighed, Yang could obviously tell that her younger sister was also not a fan of the long walk to get to the temple. Which, considering the girl's semblance, was quite ironic. When they finally made it outside, the four huntresses noticed the odd silence immediately. Most of the hunter teams were still asleep.

"How many teams are in the forest right now?" Blake asked, complete with — yet another — yawn.

"At the moment, only team JNPR. That's why we need to go early. Give it another hour or two and we'll have to run through battlegrounds to get to our spot." Ruby said gleefully as they walked up to cliff side, Pyrrha and Jaune were already mid-spar by the time they arrived. Ren and Nora were perched atop a nearby tree, and just watched as Jaune got absolutely slaughtered.

"Hey Ren! Nora!" Ruby yelled as she ran up to the tree the two were sitting on.

"Hi Ruby!" Nora yelled as she jumped off of the branch she was perched upon. Ren grinned and followed soon after.

"You four sure are up early. I'm guessing you guys also wanted to get a jump-start on training, or am I wrong?" He asked them. Ruby nodded and placed a hand on her bicep.

"If we don't train now we might lose our chance to get into the tournament. After all, how many people can say that they've trained in the Emerald Forest? Hopefully, this will provide us with some much-needed experience!" Ruby yelled with a twinkle in her eye. Yang sighed, when it came to fighting, Ruby was worse than their uncle.

"Well, we wish you guys luck." Ren said as he turned back to Jaune and Pyrrha. JNPR's poor leader was covered in bruises, Pyrrha's tough love was a painful burden to carry. After a few more beatings, the pair overheard them talking and jogged over.

"So you guys are the one's training at the old temple!" She said as she looked over the members of team RWBY. "You might want to bring some hiking boots. Its a long walk." Ruby ignored that comment and raised out her hand.

"You bet we are! Do you guys want to tag along? We could stage a mini-tournament!" Ruby said. That might have been the first good idea she had all day.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Weiss mumbled through a yawn as she walked up to Pyrrha and the rest of team JNPR. Blake and Yang just shrugged and continued on walking.

"Well... it's not a bad idea, after all, we will probably be facing each other in the tournament. It may be good to get a taste of everyone's fighting style, but that's not my decision to make." Pyrrha nodded towards Jaune who flinched before placing a thumb on his chin. The boy might've been poor in a fight, but he was an excellent thinker.

"It could be fun..." Jaune said bashfully with a hand on the back of his neck. "I wouldn't mind fighting you guys, it would be good experience on my part, what about you two?" Jaune asked Ren and Nora.

"I don't see why not, what about you?" Ren said as he turned towards his companion. She didn't even have to answer. Ren could see it in her eyes...

"Let's go bash some heads!" Nora yelled as she jumped into the air. Yang smiled and cracked her knuckles. She was waiting for a chance to spar with the hammer-wielding berserker. Ren noticed this and grinned.

"I'll just take that as a yes." Ruby squeaked as Nora started skipping around them. "After all, the more the merrier~" Yang sighed as she watched Ruby begin to fidget. She knew her sister meant well, but it would be a good-long while before she was used to being around other people. But that didn't matter. After all, every journey starts with a single step. And if there was one place she knew Ruby wasn't shy, it was on the battlefield.

"Well then," Yang said as she smashed her shotgun-gauntlets together. "Let's go to war."

It took their little group of huntresses and huntsman longer than expected to get to the clearing. Even without grimm getting in their way, the dense underbrush of the Emerald Forest was a major obstacle. It wasn't until the sun was high in the sky — nearly one hour later — that they finally made it to the clearing, where, just beyond some bushes, lay the temple.

"Any one of us you want to fight in particular?" Ruby asked Yang as they chopped through some dense weeds. Dead leaves crinkling under their boots.

"Me?" Yang said as she looked over her gear. "I wouldn't mind fighting someone with good hand-to-hand combat skills. I have yet to find somebody who can challenge me in boxing." Yang sighed with pride surging through her lungs. "Although..." she said as her posture slumped. "It does get a bit boring," Yang turned to Ruby and smiled. "What about you little sister? Anything in particular you want to see at the tournament?"

"Hmmmm... I wouldn't mind seeing some new weapons, I've already seen most of what Vale has to offer right now. So I'm excited about what the other kingdoms will bring out." As Ruby said this she got a glint in her eye, to this reaction, Yang sighed. It was well known that her little sister was a weapons junkie, and was obsessed with constantly finding new ways to upgrade her Crescent Rose scythe.

"Really? That's all you're excited about? Not meeting new people from exotic lands? Not new cultures, ideas, or boys?" Yang grinned and tussled Ruby's hair. "Maybe we can actually find you a date somehow." Yang teased as Ruby's cheeks turned to a vibrant shade of red and velvet.

"Lets just focus on training right now." Ruby groaned, too embarrassed to come up with a comeback. Ruby looked over her left shoulder to the rest of team RWBY, Weiss seemed to be asking Blake questions. On closer inspection, Ruby found that their topic of conversation was the faunus. Or more accurately, what constituted a faunus.

"So how many different types of faunus are out there? I mean, I know you're part cat, but what else is there?" Weiss asked as she and Blake hopped over a fallen tree.

"As you have seen in school, Weiss, there are faunus that are part rabbit, monkey, fish. Hell, sometimes there are even faunuses that are part bear or lizard." Blake exclaimed with her index finger in the air.

"I know about those types Blake," Weiss pouted. " I'm talking about faunus that are part carnivore. I have seen faunus that are part herbivore or omnivore, but never something truly vicious, like half-lion or shark." Blake stopped to think when she heard that.

"Yes, there are faunus like that, but they are rare. The only ones — that I know of — who are part carnivore are the leaders of the White Fang. There may be one person that is part carnivore in school, but I seriously doubt it. Those who are part carnivore are put under strict surveillance due their high blood lust." Blake answered, causing Weiss's face to pale.

"Does that mean that they are all killers?!" Weiss stuttered out, fearing that someone like that would be in her school.

"No, very few become killers. Most just join the army, or become a hunter to satisfy their need for violence." Blake stated as she turned her head to Ruby and Yang. "Ruby, how much longer till we get to the temple?"

"I think about twenty minutes? I can't remember. The last time I was here was when I was shot off that platform." Ruby said as she scratched her cheek. "Why?"

"No reason, it's just the more time we spend walking, the less time we spend training." Blake answered with a groan. Her feet hurt. Ruby just grinned and patted her teammate's back.

"Don't worry about that Blake! We'll have plenty of time to rumble, isn't that right Yang?-" Ruby stopped when she felt something cold and hard smash into her left cheek. "Ow!" Ruby said as she cradled the tender flesh in her hands. "Yang! Did you just hit me?!" Ruby yelled as she stared at her sister's shotgun gauntlets. Now they looked much more painful.

"What?! No! What gave you that idea?" Yang yelled as she tried to tend to Ruby's swollen face.

"Well something made of metal just hit me! " Ruby yelled, her voice more annoyed than pained.

"Um guys..." Pyrrha pointed towards the front of the group, where a strange hovering object was floating above the ground. "What's that?"

Ruby and the rest of the group turned to where Pyrrha was pointing. There, floating right in front of Ruby, was what looked like a small bird. Except it was obviously not anything they had seen before. Instead of a body or a head, the wings were attached to a golden sphere. The weird object also had a tail coming out the back of the sphere, and a simple cross detail was engraved into its head. Everybody just seemed to stare at the object for a good minute or so before Ruby let her child like instincts kick in. Quick as a flash, she plucked the object from the air and held it close.

"Awwww! It's so cute!" Ruby yelled as she hugged the golden object, gaining confused stares from everyone except Nora, who seemed to be just as interested in the object as Ruby was. Pyrrah walked up to the two, being equally curious about the animal, and carefully stroked its wings. They felt hard, almost as if they were made out of rock.

"Does anyone know what animal this is?" Pyrrha asked as she pursed her lips. Jaune noticed this and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I don't recognize it. Are you sure you can't recall anything Pyrrha? You're usually brilliant when it comes to this sort of thing." Jaune asked her as he scanned over the strange animal. Pyrrha just shook her head, the animal was a complete mystery to her.

"Should we take it back to Beacon when we are done training? One of the teachers have to know what this thing is. " Yang started. Everyone nodded, none of them had any idea what to do. However, they couldn't just turn back and leave the thing to the wilderness. What if it was an unidentified species?

"Wait, don't we need something to hold it in?" Ruby asked as she instinctively put a hand on her chin. This gave the creature enough wiggle room to escape from her grasp, and fly off into the forest.

"Ruby!" Pyrrha yelled as she bolted off after the creature.

"Crap! Come on! We need to catch it!" Blake yelled, running after the creature along with the rest of the group. After minutes of running after the animal, the creature suddenly stopped dead in its tracks. Everyone cursed as they tried to slow down; however, that just made the landing more painful. One by one they fell over one another, until all eight of them were stacked together in a neat little pile. Once both teams managed to get back on their feet, they were surprised to find that the creature didn't run off.

"The hell? That was the perfect time to bolt. Why did it stop?" Yang scoffed as she stared at the creature.

"Maybe it doesn't want to get away, look." Ren pointed at the creature as it flew to a nearby clearing. "It wants us to follow." Before all of them, once again, bolted towards the creature, Weiss spoke up.

"Guys, we really don't have the time to be chasing some bird. We should hurry up and get back on the path. I can already hear the other teams begin to wander in." Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose, they didn't have time for this.

"Wait, we are going to train at the temple right?" Jaune asked as he stared into the maze of red trees.

"Yes, why Jaune? Did something happen?" Pyrrah asked him, obviously worried for her leader's safety. What if he saw a grimm? Jaune grinned and shook his head.

"No, that's not it, but isn't that the way to the temple?" Jaune said as he pointed at the strange golden bird. The object itself was still patiently waiting, hovering ten meters away. There, to the left of the creature, was a small eroded rock. Signifying that they were close to the temple. Ruby bit her lip as she took a hesitant step forward, she didn't like being led to places. They usually, at least in her experience, led to ambushes and traps. Ruby's eyes widened as she shook her head, why was she being so paranoid? The animal didn't look, sound, or even feel dangerous. If it was, Ren would have sensed its dangerous aura.

"Nora! Wait! Where are you going?!" Ren shouted, sending everyone back into reality. Ruby looked up to see Nora gone, currently running after the golden animal through a clearing of trees. Before any of them knew what was happening, they were all dashing off into the forest.

"The hell?! Why did she just run off?! That thing could be dangerous!" Ren yelled as they tore through branch after branch. Even after knowing Nora for years, he still couldn't predict her erratic behavior. He bit his lip when he felt a twig slap against his cheek. "Nora!" He yelled off into the forest. His call was answered with a scream...

"AIYEEEEEE!" The voice yelled, they didn't have to guess who it belonged to. The group of warriors nearly chopped a tree in half as they made their way into the clearing. There, sitting at the end of the clearing, was Nora.

"Nora, thank Monty! I thought something happened to you!" Ren said as he walked up to his childhood friend; however, his relief was immediately replaced with dread when he saw what, or who, the girl was sitting next to. It was a boy, about Ruby's age, wearing a black-and-white hoodie. Sitting upon his chest was the strange creature they had been following. It was curled up in a ball at the boy's bellybutton. Almost as if it were shielding him.

"What should we do? He looks hurt." Ruby mumbled as she checked the boy's neck for a pulse.

"Well that's a stupid question Ruby, the answer is obvious, we bring him back to Beacon and get him medical attention." Weiss scolded, her gaze never wavering from the boy laying at Nora's feet.

"Well that sucks! After we walked all the way out here!" Yang complained as she looked over the boy. "Although," she bit her lip, "he does look pretty banged up."

"Judging by his condition. I'd say its safe to say that he has a concussion, and a bad one at that." Blake said as she peeled back the boy's eyelids. The dilated pupils and bloodshot veins were images she was used to. She saw them a lot, more than she cared to admit, when she was an agent for the White Fang. Yang nodded and motioned for Pyrrha to help her carry the boy. Within seconds they had him slung across their shoulders. The strange golden animal never left the boy's side, and planted itself in his snow-white hair.

"Well..." Yang said as she took her first step forward. The boy was unusually heavy for his size. "Let's save a life." And with that, the group left the clearing, and began to make their way back towards Beacon.

Edited Author's Note

Hello everyone! If you just started reading this story, let me say thank you! I really do try to put my best into my writing, and I hope you'll enjoy the story. However, you may have caught the 'edited' term above. This is because this is an edited chapter. I updated it on 11/17/17.

I'll try my best to get the other chapters up to the same writing speed, but until then, I'm sorry. If you want to wait till the next chapter is edited, go right on ahead. Just know that I still have to work on new chapters, so that will take awhile. If you do want to stick ahead(which, read the reviews, I hope you do)then I promise you'll be met with a very different, and interesting story.

Chapters 2-8ish are still a bit rough around the edges, while 9-10 only have apostrophe problems(as in, there is a space between every apostrophe)However, 9 and 10 are still perfectly readable. If you can get to 10, I promise it gets way better, with way more quality control after.

2-8 may be rough, but they're readable, if you want to dash through them to get to the good stuff, all power to ya. Just please, don't flame.

Anyway, please review! If you can trudge through 2-8 and get to the good stuff. Then I hope to see you on the next chapter, which is chapter 20(There's a poll going on in the review section till November for the content of that chapter. So if you want to take part, please read! But I'm not forcing you to).

Anyway, please review. And I'll see you guys(hopefully)on chapter 20, or the next chapter, you're the reader, its up to you.