Valkyrie's shut herself away in her room and various people and skeletons try to get her to come out





Valkyrie knock knock knock knock

Do you want to fight some vampires?

Come on let's go and drive

I never see you anymore

Come out the door

Or the use window instead

We used to be awesome partners

And now we're not

I wish you would tell me why

Do you want fight some vampires?

It doesn't have to be Caelen or Dusk

Go away Skul

Fine then bye

Time passes

Knock knock knock knock

Do you want to piss off Skully?

And burn his hat in front of him

I think some company is overdue

I've talking to my motorbike instead (Hang in there bike)

It get a little boring no one to talk to

Just watching the hours tick by

Click Clock Click Clock Click Clock Click Clock

More time passes

Melissa, Desmond and Alice were in a car accident, only Alice survives.

Alice remembers when she and her sister used to bake cupcakes together and wishes they could do it once again.

Valkyrie (or Stephanie as Alice knows her by) stays in her room while Alice goes to their parents funeral where she meet Vals friends - Skulduggery, Tanith, Ghastly, Fletcher and the rest of her friends.

Knock knock knock


Please I know you're in there

Your friends are asking where you've been

They say I need to talk to you once again, I'm right out here for you

Just answer me

We only have each other,mum and dad are gone. Why don't you come out the door?

Do you want to bake some cupcakes?