Before you guys kill me I know I'm already writing a multi-chapter story but I just couldn't get this story out of my head. Also I was wondering if I should continue My Sunshine(s) I just don't really know where the story is going. Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy this story! xoxo

Aria's POV

Saturday mornings. I've always loved Saturdays but Ezra made them different, better. I get this amazing feeling when I wake up and realize that I have a whole day with the love of my life ahead of me. There isn't any sneaking around or hiding from my high school peers. It's just us. I can kiss him without looking over my shoulder and hold his hand with him flinching. It's perfect.

Standing at the door to apartment 3B, memories came flooding back into my mind, our first date, first picture as a couple, first kiss. The door held so many memories, good and bad, the time I told Ezra I loved him, the time he got shot saving my life. A shiver ran down my spine. I hated thinking back to that night.

I may have almost lost him but that night did prove something, Ezra really did love me.

The door swings open to a pair of crystal blue eyes and a loving smile.

"Hey," he greets me, bringing my tiny frame into his strong arms and pressing his lips to mine. I smile, "Good morning." Ezra grins when he notices the two cups of coffee in my hands, "This is why I love you." I laugh and place the cups on the living room table.

He walks towards the couch and sits down, patting the spot next to him, instructing me to sit. I obey and he brings my body closer to his. I snuggle into his side, inhaling his scent.

"So what first, Chinatown or Gone with the Wind?"

"Hmm…I was actually wondering if you wanted to get some breakfast at the brew with the girls and I. I thought it'd be nice for them to start seeing you as my boyfriend, not former teacher."

He smiles, "Sure that sounds fun." I kiss his cheek, "Great. I'm sorry if you were looking forward to spending the day here." His face suddenly changes from happy to hurt. "No. It's fine," he responds, through gritted teeth.

I sit up, concerned. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" Ezra puts his head in his hands, "No. I just have a headache. You should just go. Have fun."

I trace patterns on his back with my fingers, trying to sooth the pain. "Are you sure? I could stay. I want to make sure you're ok." He looks up, "I'm sure. We can watch a movie when you get back." Then he pecks my cheek, "I love you." I'm still hesitant but I give in, "Ok. I love you too."

I stand up and lean down to kiss his the top of head, "I'll be back soon. Call me if you need anything." He nods and forces a smile. "Feel better."

Ezra's POV

Aria just left to go to breakfast at the brew, alone. I really did want to go. I want to be in every part of Aria's life and her life includes her friends. I want her to be able to trust me again. I feel terrible for not going but I suddenly got this horrible headache.

It's killing me but I tried to keep it together for Aria's sake. She doesn't need another reason to worry about me.

I decide the best thing to do is relax and try to take a nap before Aria gets back. I try to stand up but I get extremely dizzy. My head is spinning like crazy and I suddenly get the urge to puke all over the carpet.

I reach for the table to steady myself but my vision is off and I miss.

I feel myself falling into darkness. I try to stay awake and wait for Aria but black dots begin to cloud my vision and the world around me fades to darkness.

Aria's POV

"Aria?!" Spencer shouts. "Hmm? Sorry I'm just distracted." I really was distracted. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave Ezra home alone with a headache.

She sighs, "I said it's a shame Ezra couldn't make it." I nod, "Yeah."

Hanna puts her hand on my shoulder, "Are you worried about Ezra?" I nod, "I don't know. I've just been so protective of him ever since he got shot. I realized how important he is to me." She smiles, "We get it, Aria. You can go check on him if you want."

Emily nods in agreement, "Yeah. If you want to go, you can." I sigh, "Thanks guys, but I want to stay. Graduation is coming up and we don't really get to hang out like this anymore." Spencer smiles, "I know. I'm really gonna miss this."

Hanna shrugs, "It's not like it's going to go away. We can still hang out after graduation. It just won't be every day." Emily nods, "Yeah. I'm going to visit as much as I can." I smile, "I love you guys."

I had an amazing time with my friends. They're always there when I need them. I'm really glad I stayed. I was overeating about Ezra anyway; I'm sure he's fine.

I walk up to 3B and pull out my keys, unlocking the door. I'm careful not to make too much noise in case Ezra's taking a nap. "Hey, babe, I'm home."

My face immediately pales and my heart drops to the pit of my stomach when I enter the living room. Ezra is lying, unconscious in the middle of the floor. "Oh my God! Ezra?!" I scream rushing beside him. I pull out my cell phone and dial 911, "Please come quickly. It's m-my boyfriend he's-he passed out. I don't think he's breathing. Please help! ," I sob into the phone.

I keep muttering the words, "Please be okay." under my breath while I check for a pulse. I put my hand on his pale cheek and sob, "Babe, please. It's Aria, I'm right here. Please say something!" He stays completely still. "Ezra, please!" I sob into his chest.

The paramedics finally get here and strap Ezra onto a stretcher. I run behind them as they rush him to an ambulance. I jump in next to him and grab his hand, bringing it to my lips. "I love you." I whisper. How could I let this happen? I shouldn't have left him alone! What's going to happen to him? Is he ok? A million questions run through my mind as my breaths quicken. A paramedic put his hand on my shoulder, "Are you ok?" I nod, unable to speak.

I start hyperventilating. This shouldn't be happening. This is all my fault. Black dots begin to cloud my vision. I realize this is a panic attack. Someone shouts something that I can't make out. The last thing I remember is someone putting something around my face and everything around me disappears.

I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you think of this story so far and if I should continue My Sunshine(s). Ily all! xoxo