Phase One

Tony woke with a start and looked around he realized he was a bit more subdued then what he usually is and knew it was because of the drugs that they kept putting into his system. Where they were holding him looked to be a prison of some sort that they have taken and put into use of their own needs. Tony looked down and saw he was still in a white suit, also their doing. It was kind of like a jump suit, his roommate though had a red suit on. He had already figured out from the last two weeks of being here that the white suits like him, were exactly that, like him, an Arctic. The red as you can guess are for Pyro's, as the days went on they got Tony into the routine of getting up going to the cafeteria and going through several tests and giving him hygiene and his suits that they want him to ware. As the days continued Tony ate in the cafeteria where the rest of them that were captured went there Tony saw several other suits and when he asked the color of the suits directly coincided with what Elemental they were. The blue suits were Aquarius, the black suits were Tellus, the gray suits were Aerodi's, and the green suits were Electro's.

Tony got up from the bed and headed to the toilet that was in their cell after taking care of his business he was about to sit back on his bed because usual routine, they wouldn't be going to breakfast until another thirty minutes from the time of the clock in the cell. Suddenly a guard was at the door.

"Both of you stand up and put your hands on the back of your heads." Tony looked over at his roommate who had a similar face of confusion that Tony was feeling. They both did as told, the guards then opened the door and entered, there were three. Two of them placed cuffs on both of them then the third led them out. Tony looked around and saw that there were several other prisoners being taken somewhere like them. They were led to the back doors were it led to a fenced in path to a bus.

"Ok all of your processing is done; now that you all have been processed, you will be transported to training facility phase one." A guard in front of the door said. Tony started panicking, if they moved him his team might never find him. He tried using his power but nothing came of it. "Now before you all go each of our guards have a gift for each of you." The guard at the front continued. Suddenly there was a guard in front of Tony and before Tony could question what the hell was going on the guard grabbed his left arm and clamped something around his wrist. Immediately Tony hit the ground excruciating pain went up his arm. He looked down and saw what looked like a one inch size metal bracelet with four glowing green lights on it.

"What we have just placed on your wrist will be with you throughout your entire training. If you try and remove it, it will shock you. If you try and escape it will shock you unconscious and it has a tracker and alert in it that if you do try and escape it will notify us and we will find you. It does give you a chance to change your mind though; the green lights you see the further you get from a grounding station with them each light will turn red for each mile. The last one turns red and goodnight, now a grounding station is usually stationed in one of these facilities, but in transport it will be on a guard you are transporting with, but we will not tell you which guard for obvious reasons. Now that that is all said you will all head out single file onto the bus." He opened the door. "Now move." He said and the line headed out to the bus.

Tony watched as the scenery passed by, he thought it strange that none of them were blind folded. But now that he thinks about it there has to be some high powered people involved to get this kind of funding so there would be no reason to worry for them. Tony looked around at the group of people that sat on this buss. There was about thirty men and women, all wearing different color suits. Tony started counting in his head, he counted six gray suits, eight red suits, eight blue suits, four black suits, two white suits (including himself), and two green suits.

After what felt like hours they pulled off onto a dirt road drove for a bit then pulled off again onto a drive way that was surrounded by trees. Tony couldn't see what they were driving up to until finally the bus pulled up to what looked to be an old but highly secured facility on the ground right before the gate there was a sign that was hardly readable that looked like it ended with something like "TAKA" but that was only part of what it actually used to be. It seems as though they took that sign down and replaced it with a symbol, right above the main entrance was a huge star that had the elements as its figure. Tony if in any other situation might have thought it to be beautiful now he was just concerned on what it meant.

They all got off the bus and were led into the building and then back out to what looked to be a court of some sort. They were placed in a sort of formation. When a man with two people on his side stepped out and in front of them. The two people on his side where in the same suits as them, the one on the man's left had a red suit on and the man on the right had a blue suit on.

"Welcome, this will be your home for the next four weeks or until you're ready for the next phase." The man said. "From here we will show you were the living quarters are, but before that we will separate you." The man then indicated with his head and a white suit, green suit, black suit, and grey suit came out. "Everyone with the same suits as these guys will follow them when I am done explaining a few things."

"Phase one of training is going to be the hardest part of all of your training, but all of you will make it through, I have no doubt." The man said. "We have breakfast at 0400, and from there we will do PT, which is physical training in case some of you didn't know what that meant." "From there we'll then split you all into your specific groups and you will train for what your power is." The man then nodded and all the guys that were standing next to the man also nodded. "My name is Mr. Jennings, the guy in the green suit is SGT Hanning, white suit is SGT Mathews, black suit SGT Carlson, Red suit SGT Stevens, Blue suit SGT Morris, and gray suit is SGT Ashland. Throughout this training however you will all just call them SGT."

"Ok you are all dismissed, follow your SGT's to your designated areas and at 0400 tomorrow morning we will get started." With that the man turned and left. Everyone looked around and saw slowly as everyone started doing what they were told, Tony looked around and saw guards posted all around the fenced in court yard, he also noticed the guards within the court yard and the building itself. This was definitely being very well funded. Tony couldn't think of any out and decided to live to fight another day and did what he was told. He followed the SGT in the white suit, along with the other women who was also wearing a white suit like him.

The SGT lead them back to an area that had a star like the entrance to the facility the difference was that this star was completely made from ice unlike the entrance that had a star made of all the elements. The SGT then lead them down one hallway then stopped.

"Female bay, head in there should be a bunk open with folded linen on it, the locker on the right side of the bed will be yours and it should already have essential hygiene items inside along with other uniforms." The woman nodded and headed into the door, and then the SGT turned to look at him and nodded for him to follow.

"And here is the Male bay of the Arctic unit." The SGT said and opened the door; Tony entered and saw that it was pretty much a gigantic open room with a lot of bunk beds. There was already a bunch of men inside some laying on the bed others going through their locker and some in the bathroom, shit, showering, or shaving. The SGT lead him over to a bed that had folded linen on it, Tony walked over to it and touched the linen. It felt cores from the looks of it; it looked like old army linen. Tony walked over to the locker and opened it up. Inside was some more uniforms that where white, but these were different than the one that he had on. This one had black stylish stripes that went down the sides of the leg and arms of the uniform. There was also a patch on the side of the shoulder that was the star like the one out front and on the other shoulder the star was that of the one upon the door of the Arctic Unit and written in the middle of that star was the word "ARCTIC".

Looking at the front of the uniforms there was a patch above the heart that said "ELEMENTAL" and on the other side of the chest it had his last name "DINOZZO" which was really as close to military style as you could get there, Tony thought. Also in the locker was PT clothes t-shirts with the Elemental star on the back and "ELEMENTAL" written on the front, with plane black shorts. Underwear and socks where in the drawer of the locker and shoes and boots at the bottom of the locker. Grabbing on pair of the shirt and shorts with the underwear he headed to the bathroom to shower to get ready for bed. Heading to the bathroom he saw that there was a laundry facility right before the bathroom. Thinking about it now Tony realized that this was not what an old prison would be like this was more like a military barracks. The first place that they were at was definitely an old prison, but this one was not.

The next morning Tony woke with a start at 0340 as the SGT with a few other what looked like SGT's came bursting through the door waking them up. Tony climbed out of bed and made it as that was what was being hollered at them to do, and then he quickly put on his shoes for he already had on PT's for the exercise. The all toed the line which was the end of the beds and turned to file singlely out the door once Tony got to the door he saw what looked to be two medics on each side of the door each had a suitcase in front of them with a needle in there hand. He watched as one by one they passed through the door and was given a shot. Tony knew what this was; since he had been captured he had been given this shot every morning before breakfast. He had a feeling it had a lot to do with not being able to use his powers at the moment. He also thinks it might be doing something else as well, for it's getting harder and harder for him to remember how he got here or he was or who his friends where and that they would get him out of here.

Tony kept reminding himself in his head over and over again 'my name is Anthony Dominic DiNozzo; I am an NCIS senior field agent on Leroy Jethro Gibbs's team. Ziva David is my partner on the team, Timothy McGee is my probie and friend, Abbigail Scioto is like my younger sister, Donald 'Ducky' Mallard is like family, and Jimmy Palmer is my close friend.' Tony kept the mantra up as he passed through the door and felt the needle go into his arm.