I don't own DBZ.

All my characters are between seventeen and eighteen years old. They're also seniors.

::Vegeta's thoughts::

" Hello Class, this is our new classmate Vegeta Ouji Jr. Please welcome him with respect and consideration," Mrs. Nugal spoke then turned to Vegeta, " You may take the seat next to Goku son."
" Who's Goku Son?" Vegeta whispered. He didn't like all the eyes on him. It drove him crazy.
" He's the large built guy, in the back with an odd haircut, " The teacher spoke sharply making Vegeta jump back a step.
"Fine," He said in answer and then mumbled incoherently to himself. As he walked back to the open seat that was apparently his; the big guy next to the seat started waving idiotically with a stupid grin on his face. ::what have I got myself into:: Vegeta sat himself down and pulled out his notebooks. The only reason he even did homework was so he could stay on the soccer team. He had been on the soccer team at his old school and when he moved here they but him on this school's team. He went from being an East City Bear to being a West City Orange Star. He'd rather be a bear.
" Hi, I'm Goku Son. Please to meet you," the big guy held out his hand. Vegeta took it reluctantly.
"So where are you from? Vegeta," Goku asked good naturedly. Vegeta grimaced, he wasn't really in the mood to talk especially to people he didn't even know. He decided against his feelings and spoke, " East City."
" Whoa, that's a huge city. West City is only half its size. Are there really skyscrapers there?" Goku had a huge grin on his face. ::this guy is a total moron::
"Are you an idiot or something. Of course there are skyscrapers…" but before Vegeta could finish his sentence the teachers shrill voice interfered.
" Mr. Ouji, If you something to say please speak up or would you like to come do this problem on the board for us?" Mrs. Nugal had her hands on her hips and was giving him the evil death glare. She stuck the chaulk strait out at him. He pulled himself out of his seat pulling up his low rider jeans in the process. He took the chaulk and stared at the problem. 2x-34x+2. She wanted the domain and range too. Vegeta bit his lip. He hated math.

If you like it please review and consider this as only a taste of what's to come.