
[GOMxKuroko] "To eliminate and eradicate the existence of those who dare to defy and harm the Akashi, I am willing to pay any number of amounts you ask for!"

Disclaimer: I own nothing!


"I heard that you have made a contract killing with the Akashi." His father stated – not asked -, in that monotonous voice of his as his hazel orbs narrowed subtly in a show of the slightest uncertainty and skepticism. His arms were linked behind his back, head angled towards the right with his hazel orbs silently clashing against his son's own frosty blue.

"I did." His son answered truthfully with a slow nod.

"And why did you deem it worthy to do so, Tetsuya?" The man asked with a tone of sincere curiosity.

"The deal was agreeable and the amount of money being paid has proven to be satisfying to our standards. I have assumed that there was no other better client other than an eager client willing to pay any amount of money for a very simple task with simple orders." The explanation was blunt and straight to the point- something as to which the older of the two was proud and pleased to notice.

"I see." The older man hummed in contemplative thought. "However, you do know that now that you have formed a contract with the Akashi, your duty wouldn't be finished until your client tells you that your job is over, don't you?"

"I am aware, father."

"If that's the case, prepare for your departure tomorrow."

Pausing for a very brief moment to look at his son, the man nodded in acknowledgement.

"I have great expectations of you, Tetsuya."

Frosty blue eyes gleamed with animalistic ferocity as he bowed his head and left the room.

"I will try my best to not disappoint you, father."