He Saw Me Chapter 9 A Breakfast Club Fanfiction BenderxOC

It was weird. In an insane way it was almost like we became a rag tag group of friends. I still had a weird distrust of Claire. I saw something in her I've never seen before.. Tenderness. I noticed ever since Brian made his startling confession she looked at him differently. It was almost as if her brain wasn't focussed on shopping or the lastest trend of pink.

Andy and Allison seemed to connect on a different level. Their mutual feeling of neglect seemed to bring them closer together. They sat closer together and even Allison through her awkwardness brought herself to smile up at him. She let Claire and I give her a makeover. She looked so pretty with her hair pulled back and a little bit of a cleanup job with her makeup. Her and Andy's looks became more and more intense until I saw their lips connect. Allison looked so happy. I don't think I ever seen a person glow until that moment.

Then of course there was Bender and I. Between the frequent kisses and mini make out sessions we couldn't stop smiling. I was disapointed when he took me off of his lap and looked at me.

" I have to head back."

I sighed and nodded, watching as he crawled back into the ceiling and off to the utility closet. I stood there for a moment with my arms crossed looking at where he had left, Allison came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You know he's going to be fine"

I smiled and nodded at her, as the clock told us it was time to leave, I walked to the utility closet and opened the door, shutting it behind me. Bender immediatly came to me and lifted me in his arms where I wrapped my legs around his waist. We began to kiss passionately. I ground myself into him as he ran his fingers through my hair. He made me smile as he bit at my lip.

We both nearly burst out laughing as Vernon almost had a heart attack catching us in the positon we were in. It landed us another week of detention, but we didn't care.

As Bender and I walked out hand in hand we waved goodbye to Carl, letting him know he'd see us the next week. I waved at Allison who was glowing happily in Andy's embrace. Claire and Brian walked together hand in hand, blushing like little school girls. As for me Bender and I walked home together through the field, I jumped on his back and he carried me. Throwing his fist up in the air as we got off school property.

The End!