A/N: So, this was ALSO supposed to be an o/s, hahaha, for tap-Violeta. She wanted a o/s where Galinda and Fiyero compete to win Elphie's heart. This is what came out, hehe. I suspect it will be about 6-8 chaps long. Hope you enjoy!

Summary: Based on a prompt given to me by tap-Violeta and the movie This Means War. Galinda and Fiyero are both falling for Elphaba, so they decide to each take her out let her choose who she'd rather date. But none of the dates go as planned thanks to the jealousy that love can bring out. Who do you think will win?

Disclaimer: I'm not Gregory MaGuire, Stephen Schwartz or any of the amazing people who made Wicked possible, I'm just playing around with my favorite musical!

Wicked Wars


The Bet

"You want to what?" Two heads whipped up to face each other as Fiyero and Galinda locked gazes in shocked disbelief. Had they really just heard what they thought they heard? Fiyero's mouth kept opening and closing, his amber eyes twice their usual size. He looked as if he was trying to come up with something to say, but his brain had simply shut down at his friend's bewildering comment. His lips flapped like a cod fish's as he kept trying and failing to form some kind of an intelligent sentence in response.

Galinda's bubble-gum glossed lips parted in a small, perplexed 'o' as she tried to wrap her brain around what had just happened. She finally understood what Elphie meant when she would gently tease her about having a "blissfully blonde" moment in class if she missed something one of the teachers had said. It was as if Fiyero had spoken another language entirely. She heard the nervous, stuttered words as they poured out of his mouth, but all of a sudden, none of them made any sense.

She'd known when he came to the dorm last night that he had something important to say, she could tell from the serious and uncertain look in his eyes. Galinda had actually been relieved. Just as Fiyero had knocked on their door, she had been mentally preparing herself to go and see him. She'd confessed that she too had something she wanted to talk about, so the two of them had agreed to meet early in the cafeteria and grab a table just before Elphaba's last class let out. She had a feeling, just by the way they were acting around each other last night- both had been paranoid and jumpy, seldomly wanting to meet the other's eyes as they mumbled their reasonings for wanting to see each other privately- that they had similar issues on their minds. But this similar? It was a lot to process.

"I-I'm sorry, Fifi," Galinda fumbled as her ability to speak finally started to return to her. "I don't... I think I must've heard wrong." She gave a breathy laugh and swung her golden curls from side to side as she tried to clear her muddled though.

"What?' Fiyero blinked dazedly and then cleared his throat. "Oh, yes, erm... right." He scrunched his brows together. "What were we talking about?"

Galinda let out a short, breathy giggle at her friend's absentmindedness. "You were saying something about Elphie? I think I heard you say you wanted to um…" her eyes darted around the crowded cafeteria for a minute and she twisted her wrists in anticipation.

"Oh, right, that. Well I uh… I wanted to ask your permission to um… ask her out," he mumbled into his lap.

Galinda sucked in a breath and her eyes widened. She clasped her hands together so hard her knuckles turned white. So she hadn't heard wrong! But then that meant… Oh Shiza! she cursed inwardly. What was she supposed to do now?

"I mean, um, not that I need your permission, exactly," he rambled on. "I am a prince, after all. I can do whatever I wish," he laughed halfheartedly, trying to ease the tension between the two of them. Right now it was so thick he could cut it with a knife. "But, well, you and Fae are my best friends, and if we start dating... I just don't want to ruin that, y'know? And um…" He coughed awkwardly before turning to face the blonde. He frowned nervously when he noticed how pale her face had gotten. Her fists were clenched at her sides and her eyes were shooting daggers at his head. He gulped audibly and shrank back a bit. "So, erm," he fidgeted uncomfortably and kept his gaze trained on the table, resisting the urge to shiver as he felt Galinda's gaze bore into him. Most wouldn't believe it, but the usually perky, fun-loving blonde could be incredibly intimidating when she wanted to be. "I'm guessing that's a no?"

"Fiyero…" she asked carefully, trying to keep her voice steady. "That's what I just asked you about. Weren't you paying attention at all?" she huffed irritably.

Fiyero's head snapped up, and he nearly choked on his milk. "Wait," he coughed. "You did?"

"I did." Galinda's grey-blue stormy eyes locked on his moss green ones in absolute sincerity.

"But… I mean… er... " he sputtered, utterly confused now. "Galinda… Fae is… well, she's a girl."

Galinda sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically, drumming her fingers on the table. "Oh, really? I hadn't noticed," she droned sarcastically. "And your point is?"

Fiyero shifted in his seat, clearly out of his element. "N-nothing, I guess. I just um, I didn't know you, er, swung that way." He winced at the timidness of that comment.

"Neither did I." she shrugged simply. "Until Elphie." As she said her name this time, a slow, radiant smile graced her face and her cheeks took on a slightly rosy tint.

"Oh." Fiyero raised an eyebrow, but tried not to make too big of a deal about it. "Well, um, okay then." He bit his lip in disappointment before asking, "Do you know, does she, um, Elphaba, feel the same way?" he asked curiously, hoping he might still have a shot.

Galinda's blush deepened and she averted her gaze to her lap. "I, um, actually… I don't know yet," she confessed. "I… haven't had the courage to ask." She was a bit ashamed to meet her friend's eyes.

Fiyero sighed and ran a hand over his face, trying to hide his small smile. "Well, here she comes now," he said, pointing to the double doors and waving. Galinda's head jerked up and she swallowed nervously when she spotted her emerald roommate weaving through the crowd and smiling at them.

"Oh crap," she moaned. "Fifi, what do we do?" she wondered, squeezing his hand so hard that the prince could only grunt in discomfort.

"Glin?" he asked through gritted teeth. "Can't. Feel. My hand."

"Oh!" the jumpy blonde giggled and immediately let go. "Sorry, Fifi," she apologized. "But, seriously, what do we do?"

The prince shrugged, "I don't know. Why not just, ask her? Let her choose who she'd rather date.

Galinda started at him. aghast. "Ask her?" she hissed. "That's your big idea?"

"Why not?" he queried, his eyes wide and innocent.

Galinda shook her head in exasperation. "Because you can't just-" she started to whisper, but Elphaba's unusually cheery voice cut her off.

"Hi guys," she said, sitting down and taking a bite of her apple.

Galinda and Fiyero glanced at each other. Fiyero nudged her in the ribs, and she glared at him. "Hey, Elphie." She tried for a relaxed smile, but it came out more like a grimace.

Elphaba's eyes narrowed. "Alright, spill it." she demanded as Galinda kicked Fiyero under the table. "What trouble do I have to bail you out of this time?" She was only semi-joking.

"No trouble, Elphie," Galinda piped in, waving her off dismissively. "Fifi and I were just having a little… debate." she improvised.

Elphaba smirked, obviously seeing right through her. "Uh huh. Then why do the two of you look like cats who swallowed giant bowls of cream?" she raised an eyebrow knowingly. Her friends locked eyes and blushed. "Come on," she coaxed again. "Out with it."

"We were uh... discussingwhichoneofusyou'dratherdate." Fiyero blurted out.

Elphaba's eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

"Fifi!" Galinda stomped on his toe with her bright pink stiletto.

"Ow!" he yelped. "What was that for?"

Galinda just glared and huffed in exasperation. "You are so empty-headed sometimes," she chided, whacking him upside the head. Fiyero winced and rubbed the back of his head where a large red bump was beginning to form. "Geez, Glin! Not so hard!"

Elphaba, meanwhile was choking on her last bit of apple, still flabbergasted by what the prince had said. Galinda whacked her on the back until the piece of apple skin shot out of her mouth and across the table.

"Ewww!" the blonde squealed, jumping backwards. Fiyero laughed at her exagerated reaction as Elphaba gulped down some water.

"What's so funny, brainless?" she asked sharply, "It's your fault I almost choked to death just now," she accused.

Fiyero held up his hands in surrender. "Whoa, sorry, Fae! I thought you were just exaggerating," he pleaded truthfully.

"What? You didn't think that news would shock me?" she asked sarcastically. "Betting on who I'd rather date! I hope you two were just joking," she warned seriously.

Galinda laughed hesitantly and exchanged a glance with the prince. "Of course we were, Elphie," she lied.

"We were?" Fiyero gave her a quizzical look, but Galinda starred him down and motioned for him to play along. "Oh! Oh, I mean of course we were Fae! We're your best friend's after all. For one of us to date you would just be… weird. He shot a pointed look at Galinda, but the blonde ignored him.

"Mm hmm." Elphaba rolled her eyes and continued to eat, not quite sure what to make of her friends' dramatic antics.

"But-" Fiyero started, leaning back casually in his chair with a mischievous smile on his face. Galinda shot more daggers at him, but he paid them no mind. "Just for fun..." he continued, secretly satisfied when he snuck a peek over at the blonde out of the corner of his eye to see her nostrils flaring in frustration. "If you had to pick one of us to date, just once, who would you pick?" he smirked.

Elphaba laughed and thought about it for a minute. "You know," she mused, "I really don't have any idea. You're both such good friends, and… I've never dated anyone before." She blushed a forest green and her friend's fought to keep straight expressions. They knew she wasn't well liked, but to have no one ever ask her out before. That befuddled them both. "So, I don't...I don't even know what I like," she confessed, her face flushing. "Besides,as great as the two of you are, we're so… different. She turned to the blonde with a small smile. "Glin, you're much girlier than I'll ever be," she chuckled. "And, Yero, you're so… relaxed. I could never just let go and have fun like you can." She shook her head and smiled, gathering the trash from her lunch onto her tray and standing up. "This was all very...interesting," she smirked at her friends. "But I really don't want to be late for Math." She made a sour face and Fiyero and Galinda smiled sympathetically.

"You can give me another 'date quiz' later if you like." she added, sticking her tongue out playfully. And before either of them could say anything more, she turned around, placing her tray on the rack to be washed and hurrying out of the cafeteria.

When she was sure Elphaba was out of earshot, Galinda slumped back in her chair and sighed, blowing a stray curl out of her face. "Well, that went well," she retorted indignantly. "What are we supposed to do now?" she whined. "She thinks neither one of us have a chance with her! Not even me! And I'm her best friend!" she lamented, sticking her lip out in an exaggerated puppy dog pout and doing her best to look completely forlorn.

Fiyero snorted at her dramatics. "Relax, Glinny," he joked. "She didn't say she didn't want to date us, she just said we're different from her."

"Don't call me Glinny," the blonde snarked back. "And isn't that basically the same thing?" She ran a hand through her golden hair and groaned in annoyance. "I swear, Fifi, I can't believe you actually told her we were talking about this! What in all of Oz were you thinking?" she questioned.

"I was thinking," the prince chuckled with a mirthful glint in his eye, "that someone had to say something, or else we'd both just be sitting here for the rest of our college lives watching her from afar like lovesick puppies!" he pointed out.

Galinda huffed, but said nothing.

"I don't know about you," Fiyero continued, "but I'd rather not look like a sore loser who sits on his couch eating ice cream all weekend and pining after a girl he can never get up the nerve to talk to."

"I talk to her!" Galinda protested hotly, "And so do you, for that matter."

"Yeah," he admitted, "but we talk to her as friends, Glin. This is a whole other ball game." He made a motion like he was swinging a baseball bat. Galinda giggled.

"I know. But what do you suggest we do, Fifi? We can't both date her, can we?"

Fiyero shook his head. "No, we can't." Then a mischievous glint lit up his eyes and he smiled mysteriously. "Unless…"

"Unless what?" Galinda sat up a little straighter. For a moment, a happy sparkle lit her gaze. Until she noticed the way Fiyero was looking at her. Uh oh, she thought with a grimace. She knew that look. It was the look he got whenever he had a big, elaborate plan to cause trouble that usually landed them an inch away from getting expelled if Elphie didn't save their arses. "Fifi," she asked suspiciously, "What are you planning? Because whatever it is, I highly doubt it's a good idea. I cannot get 'almost expelled,'" she put exaggerated air quotes around the prince's now infamous expression, "again. Momsie and Popsicle would kill me. Last time, they almost took away my credit card!" Galinda looked petrified at the thought.

Fiyero feigned a gasp. "Galinda Upland without her credit card?" he exclaimed. "Oh, the horror!" He doubled over laughing and Galinda scowled.

"It's not funny!" She stomped her foot for emphasis. "If any part of whatever you're planning in that crazy, trouble-making head of yours has the potential to land us within five feet of Horrible Morrible's office, you can forget it," she insisted stubbornly.

"Calm down, Glin!" Fiyero chided with an amused grin when he finally caught his breath. "For once, this plan has nothing to do with the old bat."

Galinda's brows shot up into her hairline in surprise. "It doesn't?"

Fiyero smiled and shook his head, shaggy broken hair sweeping across his forehead. "Nope," he grinned proudly. "All I was going to say was, why don't we both take Fae out?"

Galinda's mouth dropped to the floor. "What?" she squeaked, appalled. Her eyes were wide and bewildered. "How would that work? You just said we both can't date her!"

"Exclusively," he corrected. "No, we can't. But she's never dated before right?"

"Right…" Galinda confirmed, still finding no logic to this suggestion whatsoever.

"And she said she doesn't know what she likes right?" the prince prompted again.


"So, we show her. We each take her on a date, or two, and let her figure it out for herself."

A small smile slid on the blondes face. "Okay…" she said slowly. "This might actually work."

Fiyero smirked. "See? I can be smart sometimes."

Galinda snorted and gave him a playful shove. "Yes, you can, Fifi." Then her brows furrowed in sudden concern.

The prince's triumphant grin drooped a bit when he noticed her suddenly somber face. "What? What did I miss?"

"N-nothing." Galinda looked down and fiddled with the hem on her knee-length yellow dress. "It's just... " She looked up again , a hint of fear shining in her storm-colored gaze. "Fifi, what if… what if this gets weird?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, perplexed.

"Well what if she um, picks one of us and then… suddenly we can't be friends anymore?" she asked timidly.

"That won't happen!" Fiyero assured her, "You're one of my best friends, Glin. I'd never let a girl ruin that!"

Galinda smiled hesitantly. Then she bit her lip. "N-not even Elphie?" she asked again. "I know how much you like her, Fifi, and I do too. I just don't want it to ruin our friendship, if, no when, you lose," she jested.

"When I lose?" Fiyero repeated. He was joking, but there was already a slight sharpness to his voice. It made Galinda nervous. They were both very competitive, and they both loved to win… but this time, one of them had to lose. It was just how this game worked. "How do you know it won't be you?"

Galinda gulped and held up her hands in a white flag of surrender. "I was just kidding, Fifi!"

Fiyero's gaze immediately softened. "Oh," he flushed sheepishly.

Galinda raised a skeptical brow. "Now do you see what I mean?"

The prince bit his lip and stared at his hands, cheeks turning beet red. "Um... maybe," he admitted.

"Good. So, I think, if we're going to this, we need to establish some rules."

Fiyero scrunched his nose in discontent and scoffed. "Ugh! Rules take the fun out of everything!" he sniffed.

"And they might be the only thing that keep us from being at each other's throats over this," the blonde reminded him, suddenly looking very stern.

The prince's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Alright, fine," he agreed reluctantly. "What kind of 'rules'?"

"Well…" Galinda chewed her lip in concentration as she thought. "First of all… Elphie can't know we're doing this. And she especially can't know we're doing it together."

Fiyero nodded curtly. "Absolutely."

"Second… we should each give a week between asking her out the first time. I can ask her out without suspicion because I'm her roommate, but you…" She smirked nonchalantly.

Her friend raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you don't think I can be subtle?"

"Fiyero," Galinda reminded him with a laugh, "You nearly ran her over the first day you got here!"

"Hey!" he protested, "That was my driver, not me!"

"Still…" the blonde smirked.

"Whatever." He waved her off. "What's the third rule?"

Galinda folded her hands daintily in front of her, grinning cunningly. "The third rule is simple, Fifi. No stealing each other's date ideas. The point of this is for Elphie to decide which one of us she likes best. That means no outside help."

"Pfft! That's nothing. I know Fae better than anyone else in this school."

Galinda quirked a brow and smiled. "Even me?" she challenged.

Fiyero was unfazed. He slapped the table and actually started to laugh. "Oh… oh, that's funny, Glin!" he managed between spurts of laughter.

Galinda's eyes narrowed and she squared her hands on her hips. "And what, pray tell, is so amusing about that? I am her roommate after all."

Fiyero wiped tears of mirth from his eyes. "You may be her roommate, Glinny, but even she said it, you're entirely too girly. You'll probably take her out to a sappy, romantic movie or something! She'd love that! NOT!" He collapsed into hysterics again.

"I know what she likes!" she huffed. "Besides, what about you, Mr. Dancing Through Life? What do you plan on doing about the fact that she says you're too 'relaxed'?" she spat back.

"I can be serious when I want too!" he insisted hotly.

Galinda rolled her eyes, "Yeah. Well, we'll see about that," she snarked.

"Yes," Fiyero hissed, snatching his tray from the table and standing up abruptly. "We will." And then he turned and stalked off into the hallway.

Galinda curled her hands into fists. Her nostrils flared and her eyes flashed. "Ok," she retorted smugly. "If that's how you want to play it." A catlike, calculating smile snaked confidently along her face. She was sure she had nothing to worry about. "Then let the games… begin."

So…. thoughts so far? Love to hear what you think.