Hey guys this is really my first fanfiction that I've posted on this website. I'm not an amazing writer sadly but I write so I can get ideas out of my head so I can focus on other things, like more ideas… Well I was thinking that because I have all these stories saved on my computer I might as well post them somewhere people can read them . Well I hope you like it, so R&R and tell me what you liked and what you didn't, I want to hear it all (but try and keep it positive). This will probably be a 3 or 4 chapter thing I don't really know…


Chapter 1

I knew that this was a bad idea. I had been telling myself all week 'you really shouldn't do this, it's a really stupid idea this will only result in trouble for everyone involved, hey are you listening?'. I sighed as I trudged through the thick foliage that rattled around me. These ex-wires couldn't move quietly if their life depended on it. All their stupid chatter was stopping me from concentrating. All their unintelligible yip yap was really getting on my nerves… Oh my god would they ever shut up! I was actually about to lose it on them.

"Guys shut it" I snapped at them.

"Sorry Yuki" Shiemi almost whispered.

"Okumura where are you even taking us, all you said is that we're going on a fieldtrip" Bon stated with an air of annoyance in his voice. I rolled my eyes seriously why are these ex-wires so god damn impatient' I thought.

I turned around to face the line of students behind me. Since I was at the front of the line it wasn't that difficult, Shiemi was directly behind me but all the other were at least 10 paces behind the both of us. We waited for them to catch up before I started my explanation.

I looked at the class before I addressed them. They were a pitiful sight. They were all drenched in sweat, we'd only been walking for a couple hours and they weren't even carrying a bag, I on the other hand was touting around a full out hiking back pack and was dressed in a dark black full length trench coat and I haven't even broken a sweat yet. Boy we have a long way to go.

"Well since you all want to become exorcists of some sort or another you should be exposed to all sorts of demons and not only the most basic ones that you can bat an eyelash at and they go poof. No, that wouldn't help anyone" I paused for dramatic effect. "You need to be able to know when you should fight and when you should high tail it outta there so you fight another battle and not end up as a mismatched splatter on a sidewalk."

I started again "I'm taking you to a demon king that is in charge of the halfway house so to speak, between Assiah and Gehenna. He tries to convince the demons to stay on their side, so he's a friend of the Vatican, and on that note we're almost there. Oh, and a word of advice don't freak out, plus all the demons from here on out you're not allowed to lay a finger on." I kept walking them leaving the students behind me to stutter and gasp at their own pace.

I saw a glimmer of light ahead as I finally broke through the last layer of greenery and entered a pale gold colored clearing. I had to block my eyes because the sun was so bright, I could barely see as the light bounced off of pretty much everything. I sighed as I pushed past the waist high grass; I just needed to move forward. I looked up still squinting because of the sun, a cabin, I didn't notice before but there was a small log cabin situated across the field. I stopped to get a better look at it only to have absolutely everyone behind me plow forward so that I got a lovely face full of dirt and grass.

Jeez not only were these ex-wires out of shape but they were heavy as elephants too. I groaned, partially from pain and partially from frustration.

"Everyone okay?" I asked not really concerned, I was more annoyed that they hadn't been looking where they were going. They really are hopeless. I sighed I seemed to be doing a lot of that today.

It took a couple minutes for everyone to get themselves in order so I could get up and we could keep moving. We started our way towards the cabin at a pace that everyone could keep up at and that we wouldn't have any more "incidents". This is almost more trouble than it's worth I thought to myself.

We were almost halfway to the cabin when I noticed a little black cat sitting in a section of dirt in the tall wavy grass. I usually wouldn't have thought this was a big deal except we were nearing the home of a demon king, and black cats weren't particularly lucky. I'm not super superstitious but being in the line of work I'm in it doesn't hurt is you are. I could almost tell that this cat was going to be a pain in my ass at some point. I glared at the cat waiting for it to move it was either going to attack or run away I thought cautiously.

The cat just looked at us, looked at his paw, looked back at us, looked back at us then stood up and sauntered into the thick grass where it disappeared from sight. I felt the blood drain from my face. For some reason or another this felt like a bad omen that would affect me later.