Okay, so I think something similar to this might have been done before, but I thought it would be really fun to write so... I wrote it :D

It was a pretty average day up in the throne room on Olympus. Zeus and Hera were arguing, Demeter was eating cereal (her own special cereal brand 'Demeter Oats'; only one drachma for 2 boxes), Aphrodite was lounging on her throne, painting her nails such a bright shade of pink it probably would have blinded the mortals, Apollo was reciting haikus about how awesomely cool he was to no one in particular and Hermes was spinning on one of those office spinning chairs, typing on his laptop.

"And done." said Hermes.

"Done what?" asked Apollo

"Finished this new website I've been working on. It's called ."

"Don't mortals have something like that already? or something." said Poseidon.


The other Olympians all stared at her.

"What?" She said "They're a cute couple"

Athena glared at Aphrodite, then at Poseidon, who looked defiantly back.

"Ummmm, so as I was saying" interrupted Hermes, wanting to avoid a fight between Athena and Posiedon, " is basically like except it's for us gods and goddesses, no mortals allowed."

"Are you saying that we are free to write whatever we wish on this website, and we do not have to worry about hiding the fact that we are immortals from the humans?" questioned Athena.

"Yeah, pretty much" said Hermes

You could practically see the ideas forming in Athena's head, all the great works of literature she would publish. Not like those ridiculous 'twilight' novels or whatever they were called.

"Hey!" complained Aphrodite "I like Twilight!"

Athena hadn't realised that she had been speaking aloud. An awkward silence filled the throne room.

"Moving on" said Hermes "I've set up accounts for all of you, with your normal name for your username, but you can change it if you want."

Hermes waved his hand, and 10 laptops appeared, one for each Olympian present, since Hermes already had his laptop, and Dionysus was at Camp Half-Blood.

"I'll Iris-Message Dionysus and tell him about this" said Hermes before flashing out.

Zeus, who surprisingly hadn't said much this whole time, announced 'For once, I think Hermes might have had a decent idea. This could help us get along a bit better. I expect you all to have published at least one story by this time tomorrow."

"But I don't want to write. Writing is for nerds. " Ares complained.

"No, writing is for those who have some brain cells, which you clearly don't posses." muttered Athena under her breath.

"As your King, I decree that you WILL write at least one story by this time tomorrow. It should hopefully help us to bond. We can review each other's works afterwards."

Zeus was starting to look pretty scary, so no one said otherwise. When his beard started crackling you knew it was time to shut up. Zeus flashed out, and soon the other Olympians followed. They some writing to do.

First chapter of my first fanfic done :P. Please review, I'll be forever grateful. Constructive criticism and suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks :D