A/N: You guys are the best. For real. I so appreciate all the sweet reviews! They were just what I needed. Here's a little something to jumpstart your week: the final chapter! Enjoy!

"Here we go!" Deeks pulled out a can of whipped cream and shook it vigorously. "Who wants some?"

"Me!" the girls cried shoving their bowls toward him.

He capped both ice creams with a generous amount of topping. "You do know the correct way to eat whipped cream though, right?"

Both girls shook their heads. "Watch and learn little ladies." Deeks tipped his head back and shot whipped cream directly into his mouth. "Right? Who wants some?"

The girls squealed in delight and laughed as he squirted whipped cream into both of their mouths. "Want some?" Deeks asked, turning to his partner, a cheeky grin on his face.

Kensi shook her head. "I'm good."

"Aw, c'mon Auntie Kensi. All the cool kids are doing it," he teased.

Kensi set her jaw. "Fine. Bring it."

"Open wide." Deeks' eyes sparkled with mirth.

Kensi obeyed and he lifted the can into position. "One, two, three!" The can fired but not into Kensi's mouth as planned. Instead it made a spitting noise and sprayed her entire face with sticky cream.

Deeks froze, the can still in midair as Kensi slowly wiped her eyes to the sound of the girl's giggling. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he said quickly as Kensi lowered her gaze to glare at him.

The glint in his eyes and the twitching of his mouth said he was not sorry in the least.

"Deeks, I'm going to kill you," she said calmly.

"Now Kensi, Kens, it was an accident," Deeks told her, slowly backing away.

"Accident my—"

"Fern, there are children here!"

Kensi lunged, grabbed the can from him, and squirted a large amount of whipped cream directly into his face. "Kensi!" he sputtered wiping cream from his eyes. "Girls, don't try this at home!"

The girls were rolling on the floor by this point, peals of laughter filling the air. Kensi smiled at him smugly. "Now we're even. Pass the sprinkles please."

He handed her the container and pretty soon they were all digging into the variety of flavors Deeks had purchased. In between bites the girls braided Rainbow Loom bands into Deeks' hair and slid bracelets up his arms until he was nearly as decked out as the rest of them.

Kensi watched in silent fascination as her partner was beautified by the two little princesses. He took it all in stride, not protesting even as the girls pulled on his shaggy locks. He'd meant it. Kids really did like him. There was something very touching about it.

Kensi gave herself a mental shake. Of course children loved him. He was like an overgrown child himself. This was what she kept repeating to herself an hour later as they all snuggled into the fort watching a movie.

"I can't believe you've never seen 'Mary Poppins'," Deeks said for the fourth time as Dick Van Dyke danced across the screen.

"Movies were not an activity of priority for my father," Kensi said softly, noticing the girls' drooping eyelids. "I think maybe it's time for bed."

Deeks stretched and looked at his watch. "Yep, I guess so. Let's go little ladies. It's off to bed with you."

"Five more minutes," Bria pleaded.

"Nope," Kensi told her. "It's way past your bedtime anyway."

"You take them up and I'll get rid of the evidence," Deeks suggested.

Kensi glanced around the room and grimaced. There were pizza boxes, ice cream cartons, and fort materials strewn from one end of the room to the other. "Good idea."

When she returned twenty minutes later without the girls the living room almost looked like normal. The blankets were stacked in a neat pile, the couch cushions had been returned to their rightful place, and the pizza boxes and ice cream cartons had vanished. "I'm impressed," Kensi said as she looked around. "Do you moonlight as a French maid?"

"Well I may have had some practice with after party cleanup during my misspent youth," Deeks told her with a grin.

Kensi collapsed onto the couch. "I'm exhausted," she groaned. "Watching children is ten times harder than shooting bad guys."

Deeks joined her on the sofa. "Admit it. You had fun."

"Maybe a little," Kensi said grudgingly. "But I wouldn't do it for just anybody."

"That's fair," Deeks agreed. "Want to see what's on TV?"

"Actually I was kind of hoping we could finish 'Mary Poppins'," she told him.

Deeks grinned. "You mocked my love of musicals. For years you've mocked my love of musicals."

"Well," Kensi tried not to smile. "Maybe you've converted me. Just put on the movie." She shoved him good-naturedly and settled deeper into the couch cushions.

Deeks shook his head in surprise. "All right then. 'Mary Poppins' it is."

When the final credits rolled an hour later Deeks stretched and looked over at his partner. "Are you crying?" he asked incredulously.

"No!" Kensi swiped furiously at her eyes. "My eyes are watering from exhaustion."

"It's okay if you are," Deeks continued. "I won't judge you. It's very moving, the whole father learning to spend time with his children thing."

"If you tell anyone about this I will tell Callen and Sam that you can sing the entire 'Phineas and Ferb' theme song AND that you knew it before you got here."

"Okay, okay!" Deeks laughed. "What do you want to watch next?"

"Is there a 'Mary Poppins 2'?" she asked.

"Um, no," Deeks scoffed. "When something is perfect you don't make a sequel."

"But Bert and Mary Poppins didn't end up together," Kensi protested.

"They're not supposed to," Deeks explained slowly, as if to a child. "It's not about them."

"Well it should be," Kensi grumbled.

"Come on, be a big girl and pick something else," Deeks encouraged as he slid off the couch and onto the floor, opening up the cabinet under the TV to inspect its contents.

"What are my choices?"

"The Land Before Time #82, Barbie and the Magical Princess Unicorn, Monsters Inc, Harry Potters 1-7, The Notebook, and Saving Private Ryan," Deeks rattled off.

"Seriously?" Kensi wrinkled her nose. "Monsters Inc."

"You sure? No 'Notebook'? No 'Saving Private Ryan'?"

"Nope! I need popcorn," she bounded off the couch and into the kitchen only to return several minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and a bag of M&M's. "You found the stash!" Deeks said brightly. "I'm impressed."

"Loose board in the back of the pantry," Kensi replied, popping a kernel into her mouth. "Not the most creative, but very effective."

"Movie is up. You ready?"


Deeks woke abruptly and blinked several times. The end credits were rolling on the television and the popcorn bowl sat empty next to him. He started to stretch and that was when he realized Kensi was curled up against his side, sleeping on his nearly numb arm, which was trapped behind her shoulders.

He gazed down at her sleeping face and smiled. She still had on a lopsided tiara and a very large, chunky necklace as well as multiple bracelets. He was so proud of her. She'd done a great job tonight and had handled every challenge thrown at her. She deserved every second of sleep she got.

Kensi sighed and snuggled closer to him and Deeks felt his heart skip a little. He shook his head in surprise. What was happening to him?

The sound of the tumbler turning in the front door lock alerted him to the fact that Sam and Callen were home. "Well, the house is still standing," Sam grumbled.

"I told you they'd be fine," Callen replied.

Deeks suddenly became very aware of the compromising position in which he and Kensi sat. "Kensi," he shook her gently with his free hand. "Wake up."

Kensi blinked and stretched. "Is the movie over?"

"Sam and Callen are here," Deeks said, sliding his arm out from under her. In her exhausted state she didn't seem aware of how close they had been and Deeks felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. There was no time to evaluate his feelings however because Sam and Callen had reached the kitchen and were about to walk through the door.

"Kitchen looks okay!" Deeks heard Callen call.

"You good?" Deeks asked his partner.

"Yeah," Kensi yawned and reached for the remote as the senior members of the team came into the room. "Hey guys, how was the game?"

"We lost," Sam said, his eyes searching the room for any signs of destruction.

"Nice accessories Deeks," Callen said with a smirk.

"You're just jealous because we didn't make any for you," Deeks told him. "The children are safe, upstairs in bed. They have been fed and entertained to their hearts' content and now we are going home."

He reached for Kensi's arm and pulled her off the couch. "Hold on a minute," Sam held up a hand. "What exactly did you all get up to this evening? What activities did you do?"

"Is it not enough that we babysat for you?" Deeks asked. "We have to give a detailed report of our evening? I'll put the write-up on your desk first thing Monday morning, boss."

"I'm just interested in what you all did tonight," Sam said with a smile. The kind of smile that said he knew exactly the kinds of things they had been up to all evening.

"We had food and we watched movies," Kensi told him. "Just a normal night at home."

"A normal night at home."

"Yes," Kensi told him firmly.

"Then why do I smell…" he sniffed the air, "pizza?"

"Run," Deeks advised.

They both took off for the door. "Deeks!" Sam yelled.

"By Sam! You owe us!" Deeks yelled back as he slammed the door.

A/N: And there it is! This is the end of this one but there will be something new soon, I promise! Final reviews are always appreciated! Thanks again for reading!