A/N - Each chapter in this story will have two parts to it, one from Harry's Journal, and one from Ginny's diary. They will be about the same days and what happened on those days, but the viewpoint will be different. Some chapters might have some actual events happening but that wouldn't be until later anyway. I would like to thank John who practically forced me to write this. I would also like to say that most of this has come from real life situations that have happened to either one of my friends or myself (or what we want to happen).

Disclaimer - I only own this plot, JKR owns the characters and the settings.

Chapter 1 - Harry's 1st Days at the Burrow ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Aug. 1

Hello, me again. I arrived back at the burrow two days ago and haven't had much of a chance to write since then. Hermione came to stay just in time for my birthday as well. Yesterday was my birthday and I was bombarded with the usual array of people, letters, and presents. When I woke up I found that everyone was already downstairs eating breakfast. It seamed like just a normal day, until lunchtime. I was surprised to find that everyone had worked together to throw me the best party ever! Fred and George were setting off non- flammable fire works and there was cake and presents and lots of great food. Everyone was having a blast. This is what everyone got me.

Ron - new chess pieces "so you don't have to keep losing with mine" as he said. Hermione - A quitage book with the best ever strategies and tips for making the best team ever. Fred and George - a box of things to "have some fun with" and "to make everyones year more interesting" from the joke shop. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley - some new pants and a shirt, the noticed I was outgrowing most of mine. Sirus and Remus - a book of tips from the Marauders, to go along with my gift from the twins.

There is one present that was my favorite. It was from Ginny. She had gone to the ministry's library with her dad and found all of the information she could on my family's history. It has articles on my grandparents deaths, my parents when they were in 7th year, their wedding, their death, and even my birth and survival from Voltemort. I put in my trunk with my photo album. Something was been making me see Ginny for who she really is lately, more than just "Ron's little sister." We have been talking more, and we even sent each other owls over the summer. I told her about Sirus, and the invisibility cloak and everything. Something makes me think we will be good friends this year. - H. J. P. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Aug. 1

Dear Diary, Harry came two days ago. I was so excited that I almost blushed at the thought, but then forced myself to keep my color under control. He hasn't said much to me, but he hasn't ignored me completely either. That's a big change. Well, at least Hermione is here to talk to. I can tell her anything. Some nights we stay up all night talking about Ron and Harry. We help each other out and tell each other how dense the boys are for not noticing us. Yesterday was Harry's birthday. I didn't have enough money to buy him anything good, so I made him something. It took me a long time to think of something really good, but in the end I went with dad to the ministry library and looked up the Potters. I found all sorts of articles and put them into a scrapbook. I even managed to get some pictures of his mom and dad when they were our age from Sirus. They were under a tree by the lake holding hands. They looked just like Harry and I would if we ever started going out. I knew about Sirus because Harry told me in one of our owls this summer. We started to write to each other. He has been telling me about things that only Ron and Hermione knew about. Things like Sirus and his invisibility cloak. I am glad that my efforts to get closer to him are starting to pay off. I hope he will soon stop thinking of me as "Ron's little sister". I had a dream last night about him again. We were having a picnic by the river. It was so romantic. We ate ad talked, and we laughed the whole time. Then we went for a walk along the river. We stopped under a gorgeous weeping willow and he pulled me closer to him, and we shared a wonderful kiss. I wish that would happen some day. It would be wonderful. I have been having dreams like that all summer. In a different one we were walking through the rose garden at school and he all of a sudden handed me a few choice roses and made it into a wonderful bouquet. We shared another wonderful kiss after that. Something inside is hoping that all of my wishing and dreaming will one-day pay off. Why can't Harry like me?? -Ginny ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

A/N - Please review and tell me if you like how I'm writing this (in diary form). Any comment is welcome. Oh, and as a little insentive for you to review I refuse to update I will not update until I get at least 3 reviews.