Hello, Whovians! Chapter one of Led Through Time! :) I really hope you enjoy! I'm also writing a Re-Write series, if ya wanna check it out. I reply to ANY reviews. So you should leave one. No pressure.

Chapter 1: Fiction comes to life

*Hello, my name is Elizabeth Jackson. I can remember the exact moment all my dreams came true, and the moment those dreams, and my life, got ripped out of my hands. I thought I was going to stay with him, The Doctor, a wonderful, amazing, man, who has saved all time and space, but at a cost. No one ever stayed with him long. I somehow managed to stay . Where do I start? Ah, yes, the beginning...*

"Right," I mumbled to myself. It was getting dark and I needed to get home. I was walking from the store, I was out of milk and was baking a cake for...well, I was just baking, since I was good at it. I had been good at for almost all 24 years of my life. Suddenly a man ran straight into me. Sending the half-gallon of milk to the ground. As it slowly glugged out I turned to the man. "Sir, why don't you watch where you're going?!" I yelled

"Sorry, I was just, uh, running." He said, he was wearing a bow-tie and and suspenders and his hair was swept off to the side.

"Yeah I saw that." After a moment my non-angry brain kicked in. "Sorry for yelling, I was just, uh, getting home. What's your name?"

"I'm The Doctor. And you should really run." He said, while looking behind him nervously. Suddenly a lizard looking thing came in my sight.

"What in the heck is that?"

"That is...very dangerous." He glanced at it again. "Right, now," He grabbed my hand. Before I could react he said "Run." And took off, dragging me behind him. Quickly, I caught up to him. He lead me to a small blue box. I stopped short.

"Wouldn't that be a bit of a...um...tight squeeze?"

"Trust me. It is far from it. We have no time. Inside!" I walked in and my mouth dropped open.


"Go on, say it." He said. "I've heard them all."

"The TARDIS." I mumbled. Suddenly I remembered it all. In the moment I forgot completely about Doctor Who, which is a rare thing.

"What? How did you know?"

"I... know everything. I'm all-knowing."

He looked at me suspiciously. "I've heard that before." He mumbled. "Do I know you?"

"No, I've never met you."

"No I've met you befor-" His eyes grew wide. "Lizzie!" He yelled, before running over and hugging me.

"How did you know my name?"

"Oh, mixed timelines. Right, Lizzie Jackson, I am The Doctor."

"Yes I know. Give me a minute...Stay still." He stood like this was normal. "So, your hair, plus TARDIS, early eleven. What was the last thing you fought?"

"Big fish. Before you ask, Rory and Amy are back at their homes, because."

I sighed and then said "I was right. Take me somewhere beautiful."

"How do you know I even want to take you anywhere?"

"Well, when you realized it was me, you seemed happy to see me, so, I've traveled with you in my future and your past."

"And, Lizzie, once again, is right." He grinned. His face then fell. "Wait, Elizabeth, you're normal. You're not-"

"Not what?"

"I've said too much." He said "We should pick up Amy."

After a moment the TARDIS shook. He left for a moment and returned with Amelia Pond.

"Lizzie?" She said. After a moment she stood and stared at me. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, timelines, I don't know you yet."

"So that means your not-" Before Amy could finish the sentence the Doctor cleared his throat. "Right." She said

"How's Rory?"

"He's Rory." She simply replied.

"Doctor, can you take me somewhere amazing?"

"Of course I can." He then flipped switches and pressed buttons until he flung down one big switch.

After we landed, The Doctor and I ran to the doors. The Doctor swung open the doors. "Come on." He said.

After they walked out The Doctor stopped. "This isn't the right place. We should turn around, this race is very, very dangerous." Before they could turn around humanoid dragons surrounded them. They had metal armor and scaly skin. They also had large tails and pointy claws and teeth.

"What race is this?" I asked

"This is the Drazons." He said "Poisonous teeth and claws."

"Take them as prissssssonersssss." One spoke. By the looks of his armor he was one of the leaders.

A guard threw me in harshly. I fell on the floor and groaned. Amy was held in a different cell.

"Lizzie, are you okay?" Said The Doctor in a concerned voice.

"I think so." I mumbled

A guard hissed "Feeding time issssss in two hourssssss, then execution."

"Doctor?" I said shakily "I can't die today. If I die here you won't meet me and I won't meet you, time would change. For all we know you meeting me could be a fixed point."

"Yes, I know, I'm trying to figure something out."

I was taken out of the cell, and to a room, with The Doctor and Amy sat across from me. I was standing, that meant that I was going first. A lazier bullet went trough me, making The Doctor launch up, "Lizzie!" He yelled, and the guard pushed him back down. Tears were in his eyes. Along with Amy's.

My eyes slowly closed, and that was it, my death. Fixed points changed, along with all of time and space.