Chapter 13

"You can't be serious!"

"Oh, I don't know Nat he looks plenty serious to me." Clint said, making Clark shoot the archer a look that clearly said he was not helping. However, Clint just smirked before leaning back in his chair as if he was waiting to watch a particularly entertaining show. Or in this case he just wanted to see someone else get on the Black Widow's bad side.

"Look before you get angry with me, step back and look at this objectively. For Alexei, this will be a challenge he can't refuse. In his mind, I took you from him. If he gets rid of me, then he's gotten rid of the competition, the only thing standing between him getting you back."

"He's a delusional mad man."

"Well yes, we know that. But he doesn't. He will jump at the chance to kill me, and in the process he will make a mistake. One we will capitalize on so that we can kill this son of a bitch once and for all."

Natasha looked at him for a minute, saying nothing, but everyone could see the struggle in her eyes. The Black Widow could see that this was the best possible plan, but the other side, the side that didn't want to go back to being the emotionless assassin only saw the man she loved most in the world being placed in a confrontation against one of the most dangerous men in the world. Not that Clark wasn't a dangerous man in his own right, but this was one fight that Natasha was unsure that he could win, especially if Alexei knew about his powers.

"Just one major flaw in the plan Clark...what if this nut job knows about your gifts?" Pete asked, giving voice to Natasha's fear. If Alexei knew about Clark's powers, than it was likely that he also knew how to kill him and if that was true than Clark was already dead.

"I've got that covered. Dr. Swan gave me a little trinket that can cut off my powers."

"So let me get this want to fight the man responsible for teaching Nat advanced weapons and tactics, but you want to do it with a handicap?"

"No Clint. What I want is for that animal to roll over and die, but that's not going to happen so he has to be put down. Now if one of you has a better idea that dosen't involve Natasha pretending to go along with him I would love to hear it. Otherwise, this is what we have to do." He said, waiting a minute to see if someone would speak. When no one did, the Last Son of Krypton just nodded and walked out of the room.

"I'll talk to him." Steve said, getting up and following the younger man.

"Come to talk me out of this Captain?" Clark asked without turning around.

"You know, there's an old saying...before setting out to get revenge, first dig two graves. One for your enemy and one for yourself."

"What's your point?" Clark asked, still not turning around.

"My point is, is getting payback worth leaving Natasha a widow?"

"If it means that she and the rest of my family are safe, if it means that they don't have to spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders or living scared that every day will be their last then is worth it. Then again, I don't really need to explain that to you do I?"


"Meaning I don't think you enlisted because you wanted to kill Nazis. I don't think you wanted to kill anyone. I think you just wanted to protect America. So please do not stand there, and ask me to do anything less."

"Take a break Cap, I've got this." Natasha said, and Steve nodded before walking out, leaving the two alone.

"Don't try to talk me out of this Tasha."

"Why are you so dead set-"

"Because I can't lose you! I can't lose you to him, not for a second. Because hell will freeze over before I allow that animal to lay a hand on you ever again. I know you can handle yourself but-"

"I know. Just promise me that you will win."

"I promise."

"I mean it Clark. Nothing flashy, no games, no torturing the monster to defend my honor. You strike first, you strike hard, and you make damn sure that he dosen't get back up. I'll back you up, but make sure you come back alive. I would rather him get away than have to bury you."

"I know. Now, do you have a way to contact him?" He asked, and she nodded, fishing a cell phone out of her pocket.

"There's a private number he would give me to use in case I ever had to run. Hopefully he'll still be checking it."

"Well I have to admit Natalia, I wasn't expecting your call." Alexei said, answering the phone on the first ring.

"No? Well how about mine?" Clark asked.

"Kent. I will give you and yours one chance to walk away. Hand over my wife-"

"Not gonna happen. My fiancee is not an object to be bartered with. Now I would offer you a chance to surrender, but we both know that isn't going to happen. So here's what's going to happen. You and I are going to settle this once and for all. None of your thugs, and none of my team. Just us."

"Now why would I do that when I could just hunt you down at my leisure?"

"Your ego won't allow for anything less. Now unless you're even more of a coward than I know you are, you'll tell me where you are so I can come and kill you. Otherwise, you'll make me waste precious time hunting you down like the dog you are."

"My wife can get you here. She should remember the place well, given that it's where she learned her place. However, if I even think there is anyone else with you then I will make sure you live just long enough to regret it. I'll see you soon."

With that he hung up, Clark crushing the phone in his hand due to his anger at the way the Russian talked about Natasha. However, his anger faded when he turned and saw Natasha frozen in place. She was looking at the wall, but he could tell she wasn't really seeing it.


"'s about five miles outside of Moscow. That's where..." She trailed off, but Clark knew what she meant. That was where Alexei had blown her cover and let her be abused and assaulted.

"You don' have to go Natasha. I can go kill him and I'll be back before lunch." He said, trying to ease her fears.

"No. I need to do this. I need to beat this once and for all."

"Are you sure you can do this?" He asked, making it clear that it was her call. Clark knew Natasha was scared, but he also knew that she wasn't stupid. If she couldn't handle going back to that house of horrors then she would tell him. She would never let the mission be compromised because she doubted herself.

"Yes. I've run from this long enough." She replied, and he nodded once.

"Then check your gun, and let's go kill your ex."

"With pleasure."

"So what's the layout on this place?" Clark asked as he set her down about a half mile from where Natasha had told him to go. He was being detached and professional, even if what he really wanted to do was say forget about a plan and go in there powers and all. If he did that both he and Natasha would probably end up dead. So instead he put the blue kryptonite ring Dr. Swan had given him on his finger while he waited for Natasha to speak. When she did she was monotone, cold, uncompromising. The Black Widow.

"A compound with two exits, one from the north and another from the south. Usually it was manned by six men, all heavily trained in weapons and tactics. No windows, only one story high so there were never any stairs. There was an armory as soon as you entered where extra weapons were kept, and a medical office midway between the exits stocked with minimal supplies...just enough to take the edge off the pain."

"Okay then. You go south, I go north and we meet in the middle." He said and she nodded before the two began walking toward the compound.

"Stay safe." She said when they arrived at the point where they were to separate.

"You too. I love you." He said, and she kissed him.

"I love you too. Now let's get this done."

Clark's first glimpse of the compound confirmed what Natasha had said, although it seemed that her original estimation on the number of guards was off. Clark counted three guards at the north entrance with another two on either opposite side of the building. Instead of six guards in total there were at least five on each side, and that was just from what Clark could determine. For all he knew there could be more inside.

However, one thing at a time. First the five at the front.

He moved silently, coming up on the lone guard on the left side. Wrapping his arm around the man's throat while using the other to stifle the man's scream, the Last Son of Krypton snapped his neck. He laid the body on the ground, searching the man and finding a gun on him, which he placed in the waistband of his jeans before walking around the building.

Coming around to the right side he shot the guard right between the eyes before he could utter a sound. Now all that were left were the three at the entrance. He walked over to them, dropping two of the men with bullets to the head.

However, just as he was going to dispatch the last man he fell forward, revealing Natasha standing behind him.

"I had him." He told her.

"Sure you did."

The two slowly made their way into the building, weapons drawn both alert for even the smallest sign of movement. They advanced through the compound, but encountered no one. Clark was about to ask Natasha if she had the right location when they came upon a locked door. Natasha promptly kicked it down, revealing the man who had caused her such pain. However, as she saw who stood beside him she felt her knees go weak. It couldn't be...

Then the person uttered one word.


Clark's eyes widened as he heard the girl's words. However, as he looked from the girl to Natasha he knew it was true. The girl looked to be about thirteen years old, with the same green eyes and red hair as her mother.

"I...I thought you were dead. He told me you were dead."

"No Sasha, I'm very much alive. Now I need you to listen to me very carefully. This is my friend Clark. I need you to go with him, he's going to get you out of here."

"She goes nowhere. She has a duty to Russia as do you." Alexei spoke up. Natasha opened her mouth to speak, but Clark beat her to it looking more angry than Natasha had ever seen him.

"You take a child from her mother and try and turn her into a killing machine, and then you try and use her as a bargaining chip. This is something I cannot and will not allow. May God have mercy on your soul." He said, looking towards Sasha.

The girl dropped to the floor just as Natasha's gun went off, a bullet lodging into Alexei's skull. Finally after so many years the monster who had haunted Natasha Romanoff's nightmares, who had caused her so much pain, who had taken her daughter from her was dead.

An instant later Natasha had embraced her daughter, tears flowing freely down both their cheeks.

"Can we leave...please?" Sasha asked a moment later, and Natasha smiled.

"Yes we can leave. We just need to find-"

"Ah hem." Clark said, cutting her off with a smirk.

"I think I can handle transportation Tasha."

"Are you sure?"

"Sasha's your daughter, that's good enough." He told her and she smiled before kissing him.

"A friend, huh mom?" Sasha asked, and Natasha blushed while Clark laughed.

"Now, let's get out of here." Clark said before picking Natasha up with one hand and doing the same to Sasha with his other.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Clark's a very special man sweetheart. He can do things that other people can't."

"What kind of things?"

"Hang on, and find out." Clark told her before racing away, coming to a stop a moment later inside the house in Denver.

"How did we get here?"

"I'm pretty fast when I want to be." He said setting both women on their feet.

"Sasha, there's food and drinks in the kitchen. Can you-"

"Sure thing mom." She replied before walking into the kitchen. She wanted nothing more than to stay with her mother, but she could also see that her mother and Clark needed to talk.

"Look Clark, I know we agreed to no more secrets but, I..I thought she was dead."

"You don't need to explain Natasha. I'm just glad you have your daughter back." He said before embracing her. He didn't know the whys or the hows and frankly he didn't care. Natasha was happy, and that was all that mattered.

"The last time I saw her was just before I went to go kill Alexei. I should have been more careful, but his people got to her. He told me she was dead just before I shot him. He must have put her in stasis like I was, until he was ready to come back. He was going to use her in a new Red Room program."

"Well that isn't going to happen now, and if anyone else tries...well there's a reason we're two of SHIELDS best."

"Clark, I can't ask you to-"

"You didn't ask. I love you Natasha, and that's never going to change. However, it might be easier if we put our engagement on hold. You should spend time with your daughter. When and if you decide that you want to-"

"Thank you, but I don't want to put our engagement on hold. Sasha is important to me, but so are you. She'll just have to get used to the fact that there's someone special in my life."

"Are you-"

"Yes I'm sure." She said, just as her phone rang.

"It's Fury." She said, and he nodded before walking into the kitchen and allowing her to take the call.

"Do you want a coffee?" Sasha asked.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"So, is this as awkward for you as it is for me?" Sasha asked, and Clark laughed.

"It's not that awkward to be honest. Compared to some of the things I've seen this is downright normal."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Sasha asked with a smile.

"Because your mother is one of the most dangerous women in the world." He replied, and she laughed.

"That must be it. Speaking of, I need to you love her?"

"I do." He replied, and she nodded.

"Good. Then I don't need to tell you that if you ever do to her what my sorry excuse for a father did to her, I will end you."

"If I ever do, I'll load the gun myself." He replied, and she nodded.

"So tell me, how did you and my mother meet?"

"I bought him a drugged drink and then kidnapped him." Natasha said, and the other two laughed.

"So, what did Fury want?"

"To tell us that he and the others have taken care of what's left of the infected SHIELD."

"Good, then we're done. We're officially free."

"Not exactly." Natasha replied.

Three Weeks Later-Closed Senate Hearing

"In light of recent events, many are wondering why you are even here as opposed to a jail cell." The senator said, making Clark laugh.

"Something funny Mr. Kent?"

"Actually yes. What I find funny is that we are being questioned by you and your colleagues, given that you are the members of the World Security Council. You were supposed to watch SHIELD, make sure that something like the Clairvoyant never happened in the first place. You failed. Now, unless you want all your dirty laundry made public you will allow us to go and live the rest of our lives in peace."

"Very well, but the girl-"

"You are not going anywhere near my daughter. If you do, I will end you." He said, cutting the man off. He realized that his words were true. In the short time he had known her, he had come to look at Sasha as his own daughter, and hell would freeze over before he would let anything happen to her.

"Very well, but if your services are required-"

"I'll leave my card with your assistant." He replied before turning to Natasha and Sasha both of whom were smiling.

"Let's go home."

As he walked outside the building with his new wife and daughter beside him, Clark couldn't help but smile. He had never expected his life to turn out this well when he first became an Agent of SHIELD.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Clark Kent Agent of SHIELD will return in Multiverse! Coming in 2015!