She sat on a damp log. She had just lit the camp fire and was waiting for it to grow. Emma, like always, was alone. Unless you count dead rabbits meant for dinner as companions. Most people must find it odd that a girl like Emma to sit in the forest, and prepare the game she hunts alone. But it was ordinary for her.

That was until she heard footsteps. She hoped it was just an animal that had been attracted to the light of the fire. But today wasn't her lucky day because from behind a tree emerged a man. He was also dressed in fine robes. Too fine. Wait- was that royal robes he was wearing? They were.

Emma could only thing of two options- run or act calm. The first one tempting but this stranger seemed to have a clue about what he was doing, so taking the smarter option she decided to be unfazed by the presence of a royal.

"Who might you be?" he asked.

"What is it to you?" she answered, not the best way of keeping calm she thought.

"How rude of me, my name of Killian Jones", he started off with a charming smile. "I was just wondering what a pretty lady like you was doing in a dark forest at night" of course he thought I was a helpless girl, why did she even bother to fret.

"The name's Emma." she said trying to smile to show that she was fine. "Are you a royal?" she asked curiosity getting the best of her.

"Sadly.", he said grimacing. "But right now, I am just a mere man trying to find his way."

"The castle is that way." She said pointing somewhere behind him.

"I know where the castle is, love. That is not where I plan to go."

"Then where do you wish to go?" she asked amused. Killian started walking forward and sat next to Emma on her damp log. What the hell is this royal up to, go way!

"Sorry, Emma. I didn't mean to invade your private little camp." he smirked. Was he mocking her? "I actually didn't have a destination, until now that is."

Emma raised an eyebrow, maybe she should have decided to run. It might have been easier than conversing with this Killian Jones. "Is that so? Well, please leave. As you mentioned it is a private camp, therefore you are not welcome." She said, getting up and readying the game to roast.

Obviously, because of her rotten luck he didn't even nudge. Instead he sat down on the log. How dare he?

"Your presence is not wanted here. Go away", said Emma trying to keep her voice level.

"There is no need to be that untrusting, love-"

"Don't call me that," Emma practically growled. "And leave."

He looked at her with a slight sadness. He was going to get up and leave. Emma felt bad for him, he didn't know her. So how bad could it be?

"You can stay if you want." Emma sighed. "There is enough food for two."

Killian broke into a huge grin, almost lightening up the whole area. He got up to help her out.

"So, Emma, what is a lovely lady like you doing in a gloomy dark forest like this?" he asks trying to initiate casual conversation.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I was here running away from one of those tedious balls at the castle. Some special occasion with fake smiles and useless exchanges. I really hate all that," said Killian as he put some wood into the fire.

"Why is it that hard for you? I doubt you have to wear a dress and those bloody tight corsets. I have been in my share of fights but nothing has been as painful as dancing in those wicked things." Emma said. She started smiling imagining Killian in a corset.

"No, darling, as much as it amuses you, I don't have to wear a corset. I just don't like balls, is it that hard to believe?" Killian said with a fake smile. Emma looked at him, he was hiding something. She was sure of it. He was probably running away, just like her.

"So, why are you running away?" asked Emma.

"You seem sure of yourself," Killian looked at her. She gave him a stern look, she was sure of herself. "Fine, since I will probably never see you again, no harm in telling you. I am running away from my father. He wishes me to wed some princess from the northern kingdom. I will bring us the riches that the people most definitely need."

Killian could feel Emma rolling her eyes. She seemed to find it quite amusing as she was chuckling away.

"You royals and your problems are so superficial. If you marrying a girl will feed more than a hundred people so that they don't have to sleep hungry at night, so be it. If you have to suffer for your people to be happy, do it. Besides that, I am pretty sure this girl you are marrying isn't that bad." Emma explained.

"So your solution is to just deal with it and do as my father says?" Killian asked.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Life ain't some fairytale where there will be a happily ever after with true love's kiss and all that bullshit." Emma concluded, turning the meat over. She sat on her log and stared into the fire. "It is probably as hard for her as it is for you anyway."

"You talk as though you have experience. You don't look like a royal."Killian said sitting next to her. He looked at her, "Emma, how do you know so much?"

"Well, Killian, we all have our secrets, don't we? Just let it go." Emma said trying to keep her voice steady. "How about drop the subject and we can enjoy my peasant dinner."

Killian didn't push the subject further. Instead the two enjoyed their peasant dinner. There were moments of stretched silence but for some reason it was comfortable.

"So, Emma, what is your favourite colour?" asked Killian trying to break the silence.

"What sort of question is that?"

"A simple one."

"Red. Yours?"

"Black. I'd wear all black if I didn't have to dress up to impress everyone around me." Killian said.

"Oh, right, I forgot you are a prince. You sure don't act like it."

Killian chuckled. "I wasn't always royalty, you know. I was adopted when I was about seven, I think." Killian stopped but Emma gestured for him to keep going. "Well, it's not much of a story really. I was a sailor's son. He died. The king took me in because of a promise he made to protect my father's family. I didn't get along with anyone in the beginning; life at sea is so much different from life in a palace. Don't get me wrong, I love waking up on a soft bed but there is just something about sleeping on those hard musty sleeping quarters that makes me feel at home. But then the king's actual heir and my brother came, Liam, a bloody moron he was. But he was my brother and he was the only person I really grew up with."

Emma knew she shouldn't ask more that it. It did seem like a touchy subject but she couldn't keep her mouth shut, "What happened?"

"He died." That's all he said and that is all Emma needed to hear to know not to ponder over that subject. We all have skeletons in our closet, I guess.

"Well, it seems pretty late. You should go back now." Emma said.

"But I would hate to lose your company," said Killian with a lazy smile. "Beside the night is still young."

"You obviously don't know how to survive the forest, just go home, before the wolves show up."

"And what of you, love?" asked Killian still unwilling to leave.

"I have survived this forest for almost half my life; I know what I am doing. It is nice to meet you, I'll be off now." And with that she ran off into the depths of the woods.

Killian smiled. "I really do wish we meet again." He murmured.