The horses refused to go into the Dark Forest; they probably felt the evil aura radiating though the place. So Killian and Aurora treaded by foot for the rest of the journey. Killian thought Aurora would throw a fit like most princesses and complain about her dress getting dirty, but she didn't. Infact, Killian could see her struggle but she didn't utter a word of annoyance. They walked in silence till they saw a palace in their periphery.

"I guess that's the one," said Killian "So, how do you think we should approach this situation?"

"How about we just knock on the front door?" suggested Killian. He could not think of anything better, they were risking their life anyway, so why not?

They were making their way to the door when a puff of purple smoke erupted and from it emerged what Killian thought as crocodile. So this crocodile is the feared Dark One?

"Hello, dearie," the man spoke in a shrill yet oddly disturbing voice, "Why do you seek to find me?"

"A-are you the Dark One?" asks Aurora.

"Yes indeed. But you did not answer my question."

"We wanted to know if you can free a man who has become a wraith. Could you help us?"

"Ah," said the Dark One, "The wraith has long been sealed and he who undoes the curse dies. Your friend was brave to do that, and yet so foolish. The only way is to find someone dumb enough to undo his curse and take his place."

"Wait, how did you know who we are talking about?" asked Killian.

"Because I know everything!" he screamed.

"Um, sir," called Aurora, "Is there anyway one can help us where we can defeat the curse and not have to sacrifice a poor soul?"

"No soul is poor, dearie," he explained. He paused, "but there is a way I can help you, but it is going to cost you."

"Name your price; we are willing to pay it." Aurora said desperately. Killian internally groaned, he had traded before and he knew they were going to be the losing side.

"Oh, I love it when they say that," said The Dark One, "I want you to bring a girl to me, her name is Emma Swan."

Killian's face paled. This man could have asked for anything, riches to land but he chose to ask for the only thing his heart was set out upon. He should have listened to Emma, coming here was a mistake. He tried not to show any sort of emotion on his face, but that didn't matter because the naïve Aurora opened her mouth, "Is this the same Emma you keep around you?"

If The Dark One realized anything, he didn't show it.

"No," Killian lied, "Emma is a common one, and every second girl is named Emma."

"So, do you think we should go out to find this Emma Swan?" asked Aurora. Killian wished that he could go against her, but arguing in front of this evil old man would be foolish.

"We can try," he said trying his hardest to not lose his cool, "but it is getting dark, so we should leave."

He started walking away, and Aurora looked most for a moment but then followed him anyway.

"If you find her, bring her to me." Said The Dark One and disappeared.

"It is the same Emma, isn't it?" asked Aurora.

"She might me," he answered, "And I am not giving her to you."

"But she is the key to getting Phillip back!"

"It is the same as sacrificing someone to the wraith, just this time with a middle man," replied Killian.

"And someone you love," added Aurora nonchalantly. Killian wanted to answer, maybe deny it but what use would that be. He knew he was head over heels for that infuriating blonde. He just walked faster and avoided talking to Aurora. Swan, what is your big secret?

Emma was so keen and walking away from the old lady that she didn't realize she walked all the way to the end of the town. She saw a young girl play with her doll, and she didn't realize she was staring until the little girl looked back at her and smiled, "Do you need any help?" she asked.

"Uh, no," replied Emma, "You are just remind me of myself when I was your age."

"Oh," said the girl. "Do you want to play with us?" she pointed at her dolls. An old and ratty white rabbit doll, a girl and a teddy. They were having a tea party. "Papa had to go out for work and I would love some company."

Emma smiled. She would have loved to. The girl was so cute and innocent, unlike herself. She couldn't get attached to her otherwise this young girl would be stuck in a fate which was unfit for her.

"Maybe some other time, kid." She answered. The girl looked disappointed but seemed to understand. Emma walked away. She took shelter under a tree and soon dozed off.


Emma was six years old.

She was running about the castle. She wore a frilly white dress and had a flower crown which one of the sailor's sons had given her. She was running across the grass, and where ever her feet met the ground the grass grew greener and flowers bloomed. Emma laughed and danced around, she seemed to find it amusing not knowing she was the one causing it.

Her parents, the Emperor and his wife were looking at her through the castle window. "She is beautiful, isn't she?" said Snow White.

"Yeah, she is. But her powers are getting stronger by the day. I am scared for her." Charming conveyed his concern.

"I think she will be alright. She has a strong will and a kind heart; nothing can destroy her if she continues to be her shining self."

"You're probably right," said Charming.

"I know I am."

Emma was twelve years old.

"Mom!" she was running down the corridors in her new ball dress. "Mother! Where are you? I want you to see this."

"I am here, Emma; and don't shout, that is not very proper." Snow White was going to go on about her behavior when she saw Emma in her new dress. It was a light purple, it wasn't the big rounded gowns which were worn traditionally; Emma always refused to wear them saying she couldn't move. This one was long and flowy dress. , "Oh, you look beautiful."

"Really?" asked Emma. "I'm glad. Well, time to go for training then." Emma used to swordfight with her father and for a twelve year old princess she was awfully old. She also practiced archery with her mother, and not that Emma was bad at it, it was just that she preferred a sword to a bow.

"I am not against you playing, Emma, but have you ever thought of making friends with the other children instead of playing with weapons?" asked Snow.

"I would, but they are all scared of me and my magic," she told her mother, "They all think I was some sort of witch that will hurt them, I only messed with Tommy once and only because he was bullying me." It was the sad truth, but people feared Emma. Not only because she was said to be the strongest born magician is the five kingdoms, but she was the emperor's daughter and a force to be reckoned with. She had learned to control her magic, but it required effort. If ever her emotions ran wild, so did her magic.

Emma was sixteen years old.

The attack on her kingdom was sudden, nobody saw it coming. They were unprepared and it hit them. Long ago, before she was born, her parents banished The Evil Queen from their kingdom, and today that woman had come to take revenge. Her mother told her to hide in the storage room and not to make a noise. She did, but her heart was racing inside her chest. She wished she knew her parents whole story on how they defeated the queen but they refused to ever tell her, and now she was regretting not demanding to know. Her heart was racing inside her chest when she heard the door open. It was her father.

"Dad!" she exclaimed and went to hug him only to realize he was covered in blood. Tears weld up in her eyes, "Dad? Please tell me that is not your blood."

"I wish I could, Emma," said Charming. "Listen, we haven't got much time. Take my sword, go through the hidden tunnels and leave the castle. Go find a man called Rumplestilskin, some call him The Dark One. Tell him your name and tell him the castle was attacked by Regina, he will help you."

"But… what about you?" she asked.

"We don't have time, Go!" he practically pushed her into the tunnels.

Emma was scared and thought that there was no chance that her parents would survive the attack. She heard soldier walking through the walls, and that gave her the impetus to run. She ran as fast as her legs would take her, until she reached the end of the castle and the start of the forest. She saw part of the castle being burnt to the ground. That used to be her father's study. The tears didn't stop, and she let them fall and kept on running till she was inside the Dark Forest.