Ivan Kravec, the CIA's lead from the Postman's laptop was traded after he provided what the DPD deemed was useful intel at the time. Turns out it was a major botch up as Kravec proved untrustworthy, but he was gone and untouchable. Langley didn't realize the ramifications of not fully vetting Kravec's intel before trading him, thus giving him freedom to continue to do what he pleased as money launderer who helped dozens of terrorists, drug lords, and dirty politicians.

Kravec is a sociopath. He appears calm and stable, but there is a dark sinister side to him. His façade is a man of mystery and charm, but he will not forget being crossed. He enjoys toying with people and their emotions, making people feel uneasy gave him tremendous pleasure. He was a skilled torturer at the FSB. He is good at talking a game, keeping secrets and deception. He has no empathy when he hurts his victims.

While he was in CIA custody he began plotting his revenge on Martine Miller in between the pressure tactics the Americans were exacting on him. It didn't have to be tomorrow or even next week or next month, but he was going to exact pain and suffering on the woman responsible for getting him caged again. It had been years since he was locked up and at his age, it really didn't suit him. Back in Paris when he was getting ready to ship the woman who called herself Martine Miller off to a Russian prison for questioning, he was sorry he wasn't going to be the one to break her, but knowing she was going to be locked up in a Russian prison gave him extreme pleasure. If only his former girlfriend and FSB counterintelligence operative Yana wasn't in such a hurry, he would have had some fun with Martine himself. The bitch deserved what she was going to get for thinking she could drug him and use him. Did she take him for a fool to be so enamored by her that he didn't notice that she had drugged him and set up the rouse that they had had sex? He knew she was foreign intelligence the morning he woke up in a haze. He just wasn't sure which agency sent her.

The nerve of her to return to squeeze out more information was something to be admired, she had audacity and arrogance. He had been attracted to her, in another life, if she weren't a CIA operative working against him, he might even have enjoyed her company long-term. It was uncommonly difficult to admit she worked him. Between being fascinated by her beguiling ways, he wished he killed her when he had the chance, but soon the time would come for her to suffer. He was going to find out who she really was and plan her punishment. Yana had taken a photo of Martine and ran it through the FBS database to reveal her true identity. She was none other than Annie Walker, CIA. She took down Lena Smith in his homeland, was responsible for Hector Serrano's death, and escaped a Moscow prison. Hector was a good friend of Ivan's, they had trained together and were like brothers. Ivan had plans for Annie, plans to make her regret everything she had done.

Annie Walker made him look powerless, a man who could be compromised by a woman. He had never in his esteemed career allowed a woman to best him. He managed to keep under wraps that someone was able to get a hold of sensitive client financial records. Kravec skillfully diverted the attention of the CIA to Mueller or Tabrizi. It was so easy for him to fool the CIA. Mueller was small potatoes, a stupid washed out American working with dumb country bumkins in Azerbaijan, a wanna be jihadist, they had no long term vision. Kravec managed Mueller's money, but had no respect for him and no qualms selling him out.

Kravec's client list included more notable clients than Mueller. There were bigger fish to fry and Kravec protected them by sending the CIA Mueller's way. Those Langley hacks were so stupid and full of themselves, they thought they would break him with their basic mind games, a little waterboarding and electric shock. It was child's play to him. He was waiting to formulate the right plan and the right opportunity, it was all about timing and he would strike when they least expected it. That's what Martine Miller or Annie Walker did to him and that is what he planed to do to her.