Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. This is for entertainment purposes only. Fair Use and all that. I love Harry, Cedric, and Viktor.

Author's Notes: Warning: This chapter contains sensitive, sexy material. Not for the fainthearted. Just skip over it if you feel awkward. I've been waiting a long time to write the scene, so enjoy!

I just wanted to say that every 'in-betweens' so far that's happened in Harry's life has stayed more or less canon to GoF (except, of course, his experiences after Cedric's death). Meaning to say, most of what happened to Harry in GoF that wasn't made into a chapter here, happened. So Harry's off being Harry still. I should post a chapter of him soon ...

Chapter VIII: Impulse

Cedric meets Viktor by the Great Lake, and things take a turn for the unexpected. Happens during the last day of Harry's fourth year and Cedric's sixth.


Cedric stared out into the Great Lake, his coppery blond hair flopping onto his forehead and brushing against his eyebrows as the breeze licked up. It was summer, and the grounds that sprawled around the massive lake looked vibrant and alive, a stark contrast to its more somber mood in the past, when Cedric had been in the middle of the lake with hundreds of spectators watching him. He certainly felt just as nervous then.

He couldn't believe it, but his sixth year had drawn to a close, a boring end to an otherwise spectacularly exciting year. He wondered if he should be grateful at all, that he had won the Triwizard Tournament and survived, when it was riddled with such a large amount of controversy. Although he had earned the respect of the Wizarding World-or at least, that part of it that followed the events that took place in the school-their attention to him felt empty, because he thought that everything had been unfairly handed to him.

He had been a scapegoat, in the end. He couldn't help but feel like a pawn to the games that the bigger players played, and he hated it, hated the idea of being stuck in one place, helpless, while other people decided his fate. He wanted to be able to take control of what happened to his life, but he didn't know how to break away from it all. Was he supposed to just sit idly by while everything that happened to him was decided by other people? Was he just supposed to go with the flow? He was stuck in a bubble of his own uncertainty.

He could have died that year, if Viktor hadn't pushed him away from a Killing Curse, if Harry hadn't told him about the Swedish Short-Snout. All along, they had decided Cedric's destiny, and it didn't even occur to them that Cedric felt that he owed them. They just went by with their lives, unselfish and undemanding. Cedric hated being indebted to them, if only because he thought it made him useless and too dependent on other people.

He couldn't hate Harry personally, not when trouble seemed to be an occupational hazard for the Boy-Who-Lived. Cedric was beginning to learn to live with that, and it didn't deter him from continuing on being Harry's friend. He couldn't fault the teen, not when Harry lived and took everything in stride, strove for the best and made do with whatever was thrown at him. On the contrary, it made the thought of being around Harry all the more attractive in his eyes.

It was day after Harry had arrived at the Hospital Wing, and he had yet to wake up from his fitful slumber. Madam Pomfrey had been like a prison warden, making sure that he and Moody and Harry were not disturbed by any anxious visitors. But Cedric couldn't bear being in the goddamn place for more than a day with nothing but the ceiling to preoccupy himself with, that he snuck out that morning the minute he was left alone.

Bill had lifted the curse on his foot sometime during the night after some grueling spell deconstruction, and he could walk on it perfectly already, but Madam Pomfrey insisted that he stay the full twenty four hours, and leave when it was time for the End-of-Term feast. Because of his recent hatred towards conforming to any kind of authority, Cedric exercised his wild streak and left early that morning.

Not entirely sure of how to go about his day until the Feast later that night, he went back to his dormitory to pack his things for their impending departure, being extremely careful not to be seen by anyone. He had the luxury of being protected by a dysfunctional, paranoid Mediwitch during his stay in the Hospital Wing, but after that there was no one to serve as buffer to any onslaught of Hufflepuffs still high from their beloved champion's triumph.

Any thought of the Tournament and what had transpired sickened him, and the reverent faces of his admirers would only serve to dampen his mood. He still hated to disappoint in the end, and facing the crowd would only reveal his true colors. Yet he was actually half-tempted to show them what he thought, just so that he could see their joyous faces dissolve into shock as their beloved, flawless, well-mannered Hufflepuff representative lashed out viciously at them.

His thoughts that morning as he shoved his clothes into his trunk had flitted inevitably to Viktor. There was still that pang in his chest, a longing to see the teen. He wanted to tell Viktor exactly how he viewed the man, even though he didn't know what those feelings were exactly. He was undoubtedly frustrated, but of what, he didn't know. He couldn't be angry with Viktor, not when the man had been nothing short of what Cedric expected him to be, but he was still inexplicably annoyed by him.

It was the slow, steady reversal of his opinion of Viktor over the course of the year that left him so desperate to understand what it was churning inside of him. Viktor had been the heavy-eyebrowed face that scowled at everyone, the unapproachable Quidditch celebrity that seemed completely untouchable to the likes of Cedric.

But the Triwizard Tournament had brought them together, and thrown Viktor into an altogether different light. He was thoughtful and selfless and pleasant to talk to. He was surly, sure, but considerate of other people's opinions of him, especially of his and Harry's. Though he and Harry were so identically dense that one had to be very clear and straightforward with them, Cedric didn't mind.

Viktor went out of his way to be a little less awkward with them, took initiative to get to know them better. All the rough edges and the lack of social skills and foolhardiness were overshadowed by the man's quiet eagerness to please, and the determination to do better. It was all so terribly appealing to Cedric that he couldn't help feel more and more warmth and affection for the Bulgarian with each passing day that it made him sick to the stomach.

He had owled the older teen shortly after that, telling him to come by the side of the Great Lake where they had their first conversation. It had been by sheer impulse that he penned the dreaded note and sent his owl off with it. He regretted it now, as he paced himself into the ground.

Standing under the huge, lush tree canopying the side of the Lake, his heart hammered relentlessly in his chest and his palms sweat, thinking of Viktor. He briefly entertained thoughts of his feelings for the man. He was certainly attracted to him, and all the running around and being unintentionally brave and heroic during the Final Task just made him like Viktor all the more. Maybe he liked him more than as a friend. Maybe he even lo-he shook his head furiously, face heating up. He couldn't even think about it without being reduced to a liquid version of a schoolboy with a crush.

A tap on his shoulder sent him jerking away and almost made him trip over one of the tree's big roots. He jerked around to see that it was Viktor, looking absolutely breathtaking. His words caught in his throat. He stepped back for a moment just so he could bloody breathe, his fingers trailing around the width of the tree.

"How are you?" Viktor smiled. "You look-"

"Don't scare me like that," Cedric interrupted with a huff. "I didn't see you come around. How did you get here so suddenly?" He felt like he might collapse, and he struggled to keep his composure. He leaned against the trunk next to him and turned away, looking out towards the Lake, and he fought the fierce blush that threatened to overtake his face, silently grateful that there was a breeze to cool him down.

"I followed the path," Viktor said with a hint of amusement. "You vere too busy to notice me."

Cedric breathed quickly out of his nose, unable to keep eye contact. He was trying to steady his breathing, dispelling any and all of his previous intimate thoughts about the Bulgarian. He shouldn't be behaving so nervously-it was Viktor, for Merlin's sake. His blood shouldn't be causing heavy traffic in his veins.

"I see that you're valking again," Viktor pointed out. "I stopped by the Hospital Ving and you veren't there."

Cedric was too focused on gathering his bearings to say anything back. Viktor stood by, stepping on a root that bulged out of the ground and bending down to pick up a pebble. He tossed it back and forth between his hands. Cedric quickly remembered that it was considered impolite to be silent.

"I hate hospitals," he confessed, gaze flickering briefly towards Viktor's face before dropping down to Viktor's hands. "I couldn't stand being there for another second."

Viktor nodded slowly. "It can get boring just lying there. I understand. And the school Medivitch seems like a scary woman." He gazed out into the Great Lake, where the Durmstrang ship bobbed like a small toy. The wind picked up, a cool summer breeze that wrapped around the both of them. Cedric used this time to stare at him for the first time.

He had spent so many hours just worrying about the other teen that a new wave of relief bloomed inside of him just seeing him standing 's here, he saved Harry, he made it back alive.

"How's Harry?" Viktor inquired lightly, side-eyeing Cedric. The blond blinked rapidly and looked away again. He answered this time without missing a beat.

"Good! Good. He's recovering. Madam Pomfrey said he should be able to go down for dinner later, if he wakes up in the afternoon."

"I'm glad," Viktor whispered, looking down at the pebble in his fingers. There was a pregnant pause, and Cedric spent it trying to figure out what Viktor was thinking. "You should haff seen him, Cedric," Viktor said after a while. "He fought him. The Dark Lord. Even after a Cruciatus. I'm glad he's safe."

There was no question that Viktor was awed by Harry. Cedric bit his lip, something of a pang flaring in his chest. Was he jealous? "Me too," he said quietly. "I'm glad both of you are. I was so worried about you."

"You vere vorried about me?" Viktor asked, looking up. Cedric locked eyes with him. Viktor's dark brown eyes were open and expressive, and Cedric could feel his breath coming short just staring into them. He could get lost in those eyes if he stared for too long.

"I am allowed to, aren't I? I mean, you just went up and left. I thought you were just going to discuss things with Dumbledore. I didn't know where you were, much less if you were in danger," Cedric said bitterly. "I had to hear from Bill Weasley that you went off and played Tug-of-Harry with You-Know-Who."

"You're upset." The Bulgarian stepped closer.

"I'm-"Cedric shut his eyes and breathed for a second. He was forgetting to breathe again. "I'm fine. Not upset. Just worried sick, you prat." His dreams the previous night had been filled with dark figures, running after them within the maze, and then a spell was coming towards him, and Viktor crashed into him and took the hit in his place ...

"I'm sorry," Viktor said in a low, soothing voice, his eyebrows furrowing. He jerked forward, hand going up, as if just stopping himself from reaching out. His hand dropped back to his side. "I did vot first came to me. I had no time to think."

Cedric shook his head. "I know. I don't ... you just scared me, alright? You came back to that place even though it was dangerous." He remembered the sickening green light from the Killing Curse. "I should be thankful that you do things like that so recklessly. I wouldn't ..." his voice dialed down to a murmur. "I wouldn't be here if you didn't push me out of the way. Neither would Harry. You saved the both of us. But I can't, for the life of me, just accept it. You've got to be more thoughtful next time ..."

Viktor said nothing, just stood by with an inscrutable expression. Cedric could hear every beat of his heart in his chest, could feel the way the hairs on his arms pricked at the feeling growing inside of him. Had he stepped out of bounds? Was he asking too much? He and Viktor have only known each other for less than a year, but it felt like it had been much longer than that.

"Vhy did you ask me to come out here?" inquired the Bulgarian.

Cedric swallowed nervously. He noticed that Viktor had a hint of a stubble on his chin, and that there was a faint scar running from the bridge of his nose down to his cheek. Cedric's mouth went dry. He wanted, badly, give Viktor a kiss ... but he was too caught up with trying to say the right words that he failed to say them altogether.

"I wanted to thank you." He shoved a hand into his pocket and ran the other one through his hair. His heart had never pounded so fast in his life. "So thanks."

"Is that all?" Viktor asked, eyes hooding. He shuffled closer. Viktor's close proximity took all of Cedric's focus. Electricity and awareness shot through his body.

"Yeah." Cedric lied, looking up and getting caught up in those eyes once again.

The longing became unbearable, and Cedric pried his eyes away before he did something that he might regret. He turned on his heel, ready to bolt out of there, but just as quickly, Viktor grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, capturing Cedric's lips with his own.

The warmth of Viktor's mouth sent currents through the him, his eyelids fluttering shut. The Bulgarian's hands snaked around his waist as he leaned into the kiss, and Cedric lost himself in Viktor's minty breath and soft lips.

Cedric found his arms winding around the Viktor's neck, coming undone now that Viktor's made a move. It felt incredible. He couldn't get enough. Viktor sucked on his bottom lip slowly, and Cedric kissed back, tilting his head to the side to fit their mouths perfectly. He pressed closer, wanting more than anything to feel more of Viktor's heat. Gods, how he'd wanted this. It was everything he had ever imagined and more.

The warmth pooled quickly around his groin area the second Viktor's tongue entered his mouth, prying his lips open and probing lightly. Cedric gasped, their breaths intermingling. The slick muscle felt so hot against his own tongue that the front of his trousers strained instantly. He didn't know Viktor had such a talented mouth. So many nights thinking of how it must feel built up into incredibly blistering exchange. Viktor wanted him. The gentle firmness of the Bulgarian's body moving against him and the man's insistent lips tasting him over and over drove Cedric wild.

He moaned. Viktor wasn't stopping, sucking and biting and nipping, and Cedric was going lightheaded. He needed air badly, and the exchange was turning desperately intense as they struggled to stay connected.

"Viktor ..." he said against the male's lips. "Let me ..." He couldn't get a word in edge-wise, not when the searing mouth stopped him. Cedric descended further into pleasure, letting Viktor give and giving back as good as he got. Merlin, if he only knew what Viktor was thinking, what he wanted to do with Cedric ... but they didn't need words, not when friction and contact supplied all the communication.

Viktor started palming the front of his trousers with the heel of his hand, fingers sliding down between Cedric's legs and cupping upwards. Cedric thrust his hips up to meet him, hands running down the man's shoulders, smoothing down thick, hairy arms and moving towards the Bulgarian's chest. Cedric's dick was hard, so fucking hard that it hurt, and Viktor wasn't making it easy with all the pressure.

The blond moved his lips to the man's chin, lips grazing lightly over the roughness of Viktor's stubble before surging upwards, kissing the crook between Viktor's jaw and neck. The resulting groan against him sent tremors down Cedric's spine.

"Take these off ..." Viktor nearly growled against his ear, thumbing into the waistband of his trousers. The hot breath across his neck made Cedric salivate with need. Merlin, out here? In the Great Lake? Oh, but his hardness wasn't going anywhere, and it really was painful ...

Cedric complied, unbuttoning his trousers and zipping down his fly. Soon after, his boxers tented out, the freedom feeling absolutely relieving. His cock was throbbing immensely inside the thin fabric, and he felt tiny drops of himself leaking out from the tip. Viktor kissed him once, and then breathed against his cheek as he looked down at Cedric's erection.

"Shit," Viktor murmured, and the unexpected curse felt so hot against his mouth that his cock twitched in response. The Bulgarian kissed him, hard, and Cedric swam in a daze. This really was happening, wasn't it? That's his hand ... Oh God, those are his fingers pressing my prick, aren't they?

Cedric arched back, his shoulders hitting the tree trunk behind him. Viktor's mouth kissed under his chin, lapping and sucking, showing him just how fantastic it made him feel when Cedric did it, and Cedric's skin felt like liquid fire beneath the assault. Viktor thread his fingers around the fly of his boxers and tugged his cock free. The unique sensation of his prick sitting flush on top of Viktor's hand made him force his eyes shut.

His hands sought out Viktor's own warm bulge, eager to reciprocate, while at the same time rolling his hips in time with Viktor's fist. The man's dick strained tightly against his jeans like a rock, and Cedric fumbled with his fly, practically shoving his hand down to unzip it.

The Bulgarian tilted his chin up, kissing him. "Look at me," he commanded. Cedric's lids flew open and Viktor locked eyes with him, daring him to break contact. Cedric was confined to touching and feeling, arrested by those beautiful orbs.

He reached down blindly, his tongue doing a once-over his too dry lips, and then he thrust his hand into the opening of Viktor's trousers. The contact between the pads of his fingers and the skin of Viktor's hardness sent a current through both of them. Cedric felt the male tense around him, huffing quietly. His large arms came around and braced himself against the tree. With struggle, Cedric wrapped his fingers delicately around the thickening shaft and pulled the man's cock out.

The thick flesh was strong and full around his hand, but Viktor didn't allow him a peek. He was once again pillaging Cedric's lips, surging forward and kissing him wantonly. Let me look, please let me look ... Cedric pleaded quietly, his moans turning desperate. Viktor thrust his hips forward into his hand, their bodies crashing together and pinning Cedric's wrist and cock.

How can this be happening? Viktor's lost all control ... Merlin, the man's amazing ... He finally got a chance to glance down, see the man's girth, and he nearly came right there, seeing Viktor's wonderfully chiseled stomach, hairs trailing down from his navel down into a thatch of coarse black hair. Viktor was well-endowed, painfully so, and was fully hard against him. Cedric's knees went weak with need. Merlin, he's perfect ...

Viktor kissed like the world was going to end, that they were going to die, and the only way to save them was by attacking his mouth. It felt so exciting that the Bulgarian could be so horny after all this time, when Cedric had been the one doing all kinds of dirty things at night with the Bulgarian in mind.

"Wanted this ..." Cedric groaned quietly, as Viktor rested his forehead against the tree and began rutting against Cedric like a man possessed. Anyone could run into them, see their pants down, their cocks out ... The thought drove him absolutely mad with arousal, that Viktor was thrusting against him in the middle of the grounds with no regard for who might see.

The friction turned into fireworks between his legs. He could feel his balls tightening into him. They panted in unison, rolling their hips against each other. Viktor wasn't stopping, he wasn't stopping, and Cedric was so close to the edge that all he needed was breeze to topple off ... that when Viktor's lips blindly sought his and crashed them together, Cedric came with a wordless cry.

His spunk burned a path out of him, muscles spasms wracking him from the waist down. He was coating Viktor's shirt and stomach and everything. Merlin it was a mess. But the feeling of elation was nothing compared to seeing the Bulgarian cry out his name in ecstasy, as his own prick pulsated and ejected thick wads of come all over them.

"Cedric!" Viktor growled, and he came fast and hard. Cedric watched, awed by the image of the Bulgarian depositing all over him. Their chests heaved great lungfuls together, the furnace of heat between them making them sweat all over. Gods, but Viktor looked so happy, so satisfied. And his cock wasn't letting up, completely proud as it stood at attention. Cedric felt incredibly light and buoyed. They stared at each other, both boys taken aback by how much they had let themselves go. And then, Viktor did something incredibly rare.

"Ve're doing that more often," Viktor grinned, giving him a fluttery kiss before pulling back again. Warmth and contentment settled, and Cedric fondly gazed back. Viktor suddenly looked all too adorable to take, and Cedric flushed as he panted quietly. He smiled back, grinning in disbelief. He was still gobsmacked about it. He didn't know that Viktor wanted him, too.

"Do you mean ..." Cedric trailed off. They shared a long, languid kiss after that, just tasting and getting used to each other's mouths. Viktor nodded against his lips. "You want to date me?" Cedric asked quietly, and the Bulgarian kissed him again. He hummed in acquiescence and Cedric beamed.

Cedric became suddenly aware of his surroundings, and the stained state of their fronts. He coughed, and pulled his wand out, tucking himself back into his boxers. "Let's just, er ..." he Scourgified their fronts to clean up, and then watched as Viktor made himself presentable again. Cedric felt awkward. Happy, yes, but still tentative with the other male. He shoved his hands back into his pockets, smiling hesitantly.

"I haff wanted to do that for some time now," Viktor told him with a duck of his head, looking up with mirthful eyes. Cedric smirked.

"I would have kissed you yesterday, you know," Cedric admitted, giving Viktor a peck on the lips as he sidled close. "But damn McGonagall got in the way ... I guess now, I couldn't hold back because yesterday made things feel all the more real, you know? Like, what if things had gone differently? I wouldn't be able to do that to you."

Viktor hummed silently in agreement, hands settling comfortably on Cedric's narrow waist. "Ve're dating now, okay? You can kiss me anytime you want."

"Even at the Feast later, when everyone would be looking?" Cedric teased. The Bulgarian scowled, but flushed all the same, and Cedric chuckled lightly.

"You are a show-off, you are," Viktor said back, and Cedric snorted. Viktor didn't look like he minded it if Cedric was.

"So what do we do?" Cedric took his time staring at the Bulgarian's face, memorizing every plane and line. He was going back to Ottery St. Catchpole for the summer, and he wouldn't be seeing Viktor for quite a long time, especially since he was going back to Durmstrang. Viktor looked guarded for a second, a frown settling in place, and Cedric furrowed his eyebrows inquisitively. Viktor tried to smile back to reassure him.

"I'm not going back to Bulgaria."

"Why?" Cedric's heart leaped. Viktor wasn't going back to Durmstrang? Didn't they have a finishing year there or something?

Viktor shrugged. "Father's decision. I ... my year's done, basically. I only haff to sit through your NEWT exams. Ve're moving to our house in London. Something's come up. But it's nothing to vorry about. Just some tension back at the capital. After that, who knows?"

"So you're staying nearby?" Cedric couldn't fight the grin trying to split his face open. Viktor locked eyes with him and jerked his head a few times.

"I vouldn't do this vith you if I vouldn't be able to see you often ... of course I'll be close by," Viktor assured him, his hands circling around his waist and pulling him close. Cedric kissed him again, sweet and full of tenderness, and this time it was much more intimate, more open. Viktor wanted something long term, and of course Cedric couldn't deny him, not after everything that's happened.

"I still have my seventh year after summer. That's going to be tough," Cedric murmured. Why was he being insecure? Did he think Viktor would leave him just because he was still a student and Viktor was graduating? Maybe he did. Maybe it was too early. But Viktor shook his head, kissing him briefly.

"Ve'll think of something. It vill be easy. You going back to school isn't the vorst thing." Viktor was calm and confident that they could make things work, and really, that was all Cedric was asking. So summer was coming along. They could make unforgettable memories during those months. Viktor could visit his place, and Cedric will introduce him to his parents and cousins. Everything should be smooth sailing.

Cedric didn't expect any of it. He didn't expect the whirlwind sort of confession, the hot, blistering sex against a tree. He almost laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. He was in a relationship with Viktor Krum! He wanted to shout it out to the heavens, let everyone know that he had bagged someone so wonderful and kind and hot. But of course, he was going to have to restrain himself. Everything with them was new. They were in an experimental stage of romance, and he was sure that both of them didn't want to screw it up. He kissed Viktor again, feeling absurdly happy for the first time in months.

End of Part I