Chapter 1 Family Reunion

Kirk Lassiter was happy to see that his son was alive but the one question he had who was the lady that was standing next to his son. Kirk Lassiter walked up to his son.

Kirk ask "Who is the young lady with you?"

Connor says "Risa Ward she is my girl friend and you might say my partner in crime."

Kirk ask "Will you please come home with us?"

Connor says "Yes I will but Risa will also come with me."

Kirk says "Ok I just want you home with us."

Risa walked up and kiss Connor.

Risa ask "Connor, can we settle down some where now since we completed our goal to end unwinding?"

Connor says "Yes we can, I was thinking we can go back with my parents and found a place to live near them."

Risa says "That sounds great."

Claira and Lucas walked up to them.

Lucas ask "Can we go now?"

Agent Aragon walked up to Connor and Risa.

Agent Aragon says "We are about to head off."

Connor says "We are not going back with you Agent Aragon we are returning home with my parents."

Agent Aragon handed a piece of paper to Connor and says "We will be watching and call if you ever need us."

Connor and Risa says "Thank you Agent Aragon."

Hayden walked up to Connor and Risa.

Hayden says "It have been an honor to work with you both."

Connor says "Same here."

Connor, Risa, and Connor Family headed to the car and headed back to Columbia.

Connor gave a kiss to Risa.

Claira and Kirk look at their son.

Risa ask "What was that about?"

Connor says "As you said we have complete our goal and that was a victory kiss."

Risa says "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Lassiter for giving us a ride."

Claira says "Call us mom and dad your family."

Risa began crying. Connor put his arms around her.

Claira with a confuse look ask "Was it something I said?"

Connor says "Well Risa was a Ward of the state and never had anyone to call mom and dad."

Risa after calming down says "Thank you."

The ride home was full of question for both Risa and Connor about their adventures.

Lucas ask "What are the scars all over you from."

Risa says "Well they are called sems from Connor being rewound."

Connor says "Rewound is when you are piece back together from being unwound."

They finally made it back home and Risa was asleep. Connor picked up Risa and headed up to his old room and place her in the bed. Connor got a blanket from his mom and laid on the floor and his room not wanting his parents to argue with him about sleeping with her.

So Connor and Risa are home and this is just the beginning of a new adventure not as AWOLs. Connor's parents have accepted Connor and Risa back as family. Connor and Risa also have the FBI watching their back. So what will happen next? Please Review