Here is the final chapter! The other Seth POV is in here! Although I don't think you'll be happy with it.

True to his word, Seth waited.

We laughed, we cried. We talked, we avoided. We learned about each other, and even taught the other about the most important things in life. We were happy, we were sad. We were every in-between you could think of.

But most of all, we were us. Simple, wonderful us.

During this time I found religion. I went on my own spiritual journey for two weeks and found my guardian, a fox. It took a lot of convincing to get Seth to leave me alone in the wilderness. He said I could do other things, like sit at A-Ka-Lat and meditate among my ancestors. But I had already tried that. I'd tried it many times and didn't even get one vision. I decided to follow my grandmother's path after a bit of counseling from her and take the harder path.

It was difficult. For the sixteen days I sat out there, nine of them were filled with rain. I carried enough food for only three days. It turns out finding food in a forest is much harder than one would think. I settled on eating some sap from a tree and hoping the bush nearby was not poisonous.

On the fifteenth day I laid there that night staring at the stars, wondering what each one meant. I was starving, having finished up the bush the day before. I tried eating leaves, but threw them up. I was losing hope and was wondering maybe this was not meant to be. Maybe I just don't have a spirit animal.

It was at that moment a vision overcame me. It caused me a brief moment of panic, but when the form of a miniscule fox sat in front of me I knew what had happened.

It told me that it had been waiting for me for two years, since the day my mother died, and that from now on it would try it's best to protect me. It told me not to worry about my mother, because she is safe. It told me my suffering had only made me stronger, and until now I was not ready for this step. I learned many things that day. About him, about me, and about the world around me.

I was connected with him after that. I never had another vision again; but I felt him. Sometimes it seemed like he was lurking in the shadows, but I never actually saw him.

What felt like many years passed since I'd moved to La Push. It wasn't until my senior year of high school, three years after meeting Seth, that I knew I was ready to be with him. Seth had already graduated, being a year older than I was. He worked in Sam's business. Sam had retired from alpha the year before. Sometimes Sam still shifts, but now he's ready to age with Emily. They have a little girl named Clara. She's barely one and seems to be in her terrible two's already.

I told Seth in a simple way that I was ready to be with him. I grabbed his hand, pulled him close, and pressed my lips to his. He got the message quickly, wrapping me tightly in his arms and kissing every inch of my face with slow precision that left me wanting more.

Two years later we were married, one year after that we had our first child. We named him Harry, after Seth's father who passed away. He was always a quiet baby, barely making a sound. As he got older he became louder, but not like his younger siblings. Our second child, a girl we had in the spring, was named after my mother. She was a happy child, always laughing and running over to the Call residence to visit with Embry and Mila. Mila showed her things, like how to grow plants, and she liked to hear Mila's history stories. Our daughter was a mini Seth, innocent and naive. But unbelievably sweet and without a mean bone in her body. She always had something kind to say, and seemed to almost shield herself from anything negative.

After our third child was born Seth decided to stop shifting, wanting to age with me. Our third was another boy, who was more confused than I could ever could have been. He would hide behind me when strangers talked to him, and when he got older would blush and stay tight lipped when asked questions. He jumped at seemingly nothing, hearing things none of us could detect. He didn't remedy that until adulthood, apparently figuring everything out in college. It was a good thing too because he visited us his senior year of college and phased, our only child to do so. A vampire happened to cross La Push that day, and he had been unlucky. He took a semester off to make sure he could control any "urges" as I liked to call them, and graduated with flying colors. I could have never imagined how much college had changed him, even now as I look back on it I am amazed by it. He would have never been able to handle shifting a few years before.

Seth and I watched our children grow, sprouting higher and taller as each season passed. We held hands, lying on the cool grass and staring into each other's eyes. We tucked our children into bed, tickling their feet, and laying kisses on their foreheads.

We loved. We loved more than words could say.

Years passed by, our feelings for each other never fading. Our children left the nest, one after the other as if it was a race and a grand prized sat just across the line of independence. Our house once so loud and bustling, was now empty. It didn't take too long for our first to have grandchildren, and we stole them often, letting them race about the house with sugary drugs racing through their systems. Our daughter would always give us this disgruntled look when she went to pick them up, but she will understand one day. All of them will.

It felt like just yesterday we were kissing in the moonlight. Now I look over at my withered husband and wonder just where the time went.

"We've been married for fifty-two years Seth," I cough out, hacking my lungs into a tissue.

He gives me a small smile, his eyes watching me sadly. "I told you not to go in the cold that night. You never listen."

I shake my head at him. "I can't live my life in fear. Am I supposed to fear the cold now? I'm old Seth, not disabled."

He runs a hand through my white hair tenderly, his hands steady despite his seventy-three years of age. The beeps of the machine are clear throughout the room. I turn my head towards the ceiling, not wanting to see his face as I utter this.

"I'm not going to make it Seth."

His hand pauses, before he starts his grooming again. "Don't say that. If you say that you won't. You have to be positive."

But I know it is my time. I may only have pneumonia, something moderately easy to treat, but I can feel my time is coming. I just know it. I'm too old, my body too tired. Now it is time for sleep.

I grasp his hand in mine, holding it tightly to my heart before laying a kiss on his palm. "I love you Seth. You've been so good to me all these years. I could have never done better with anyone else. You were patient with me and all the problems I had. You were always kind, and when you did say a mean word you always apologized quickly unlike me. I've loved you since ninth grade, and I always will." I bring another soft kiss to his hand and let it go. His eyes fill with tears and he scoots his chair closer to me, rubbing a hand across my cheek that is etched with age.

"I love you to Ara, more than I can ever say," he whispers, kissing my forehead. It is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep, a soft smile on my face.

Seth POV

I knew the moment she began saying all those pretty little words what she was really telling me, so it was no surprise when the monitors ran flat half an hour later.

An emptiness spread through my chest, but at the same time I felt at peace. I have no regrets about my life with Ara, none at all. I did everything I wanted with her, living each day as if it were my last. I'd had a full life, with more happiness than I ever thought I'd have. No, I can only feel grateful.

She taught me so many things. To not rush, because when you do you miss out on so many things. She taught me to truly love, and what it means to love someone the way I do Ara.

The nurses hurry in, along with a doctor ready to resuscitate her. I gesture for them to stop at the door. Her time is done. There is no point trying to pull her back. They understand, whispering to me that I can have as much time as I need.

I suppose I should call my children, but I can't bring myself to. I'm tired. There is no longer anything to reinvigorate me with her brightness gone. I take a shaky breath in, holding her cooling hand to my lips. Condensation is on it, the difference in temperatures between her and the room becoming more severe. I lay a few more kisses on her hand and curl up beside her.

My wife, who I love more than anything in the world.

I place my chin on her shoulder, ignoring the cool texture of her skin, and go to sleep.

It is time to go to the next life.

I'm such a baby. I'll admit I cried writing this chapter. I know people don't normally end a story like this, but it seemed to fit. Thank you all for reading, reviewing, following, and favoriting my story! I read all of the reviews and thank all of you for taking the time to do them!

xoxo- wolfpackgirl92