It's Never Too late

Disclaimer: I don't own CPD, CF, or any of its characters, If I did Shay would be alive & Linseride wouldn't be going through all this crap lol

Summary: This is what I think should happen between Linseride during the triple crossover. Some of this stuff is based on the promo and spoilers I've seen, but it's all me. Kelly comes back from Vegas married, but what happens when Erin is shot? How will that affect his new relationship? How will his new wife

Reviews are very welcome, I would love to hear what you guy think, this is my first fanfic, so please be nice. Enjoy. Xo

Chapter 1:

Kelly walked into the station like he was on top of the world. Smile on his face, as he held the hand of his new wife. They had just returned from Vegas and he was ready to introduce her to his family at work. "Nervous?" he asked looking over at the blond, as they quickly approached the kitchen area.

"No, why should I be?" She asked, confidence radiating from her as she spoke. Truthfully she wasn't worried about meeting his friends. She had snagged him after one night of fun in Vegas, to her it didn't matter what his friends thought, they were married and if they didn't like it, they would just have to learn to deal with it.

They walked into the room, a couple of the guys playing cards, Mills cooking at the stove, Dawson and Casey talking on the couch, Kelly smiled at the site. He cleared his throat, "Hey guys can I have your attention," Kelly said as all eyes turned to him. Most of them had confused looks on their face after seeing the blonde girl at his side. "Everyone," Severide continued, "this is Brittany, my wife."

People at the house didn't know how to react to the news, Hermann was the first one up, to congratulate his Lieutenant. He was surprised to say the least, but he figured someone had to make the first move. Slowly the rest of the house got up to meet Brittany, and congratulate their friend. Even Dawson got up to hug Kelly and welcome the newest member of the family. Everyone seemed to be taking this well, everyone but Casey. He got up with a pissed off look on his face, and walked passed Severide going into his office.

Kelly watched his friend leave the room, excusing himself. "Hey Casey, what the hell man?"

"Kelly I don't wanna do this now. You want your happy welcoming, go back in that room and let the rest of the guys give it to you," he spoke his back to Kelly as he continued to walk away.

"You can't just be happy for me like everyone else?"

Matt finally stopped turning around to look at his friend, "I could if you did this for the reasons you should have. You're self-destructing Kelly, this isn't what Shay would have wanted for you. Do you really think she'd be happy right now? You coming home married to someone you just met. You're just dulling the pain and trust me when the excitement of this marriage where's off, you're not gonna be happy." He couldn't help it, the words just kept coming. He had tried to talk to Kelly before get him to realize he was spiraling, but nothing seemed to work. But this? Kelly had gone too far. "And what about Lindsay?" He had to ask, he liked the detective for his friend and thought the two of them were still going strong.

Kelly scoffed, "Lindsay and I decided to take a break, she didn't want this, so I found someone who did." It was still a bitter subject, something else he refused to let himself cope with. Erin walking away from him that night was something he thought about from time to time. He regretted making her wait, but obviously not enough to do something about it. Right now he refused to deal with life, he was just going through it and even if Casey was right and he did was numb the pain, right now being numb felt pretty good.

Their little dispute was irrupted by the sound of the speakers and beeping overhead, telling them it was time to suit up for a call. All the guys started to suit up, Kelly included, but he stopped in to let his wife know he had to go before hopping on the truck.

When they got to the scene it seemed like a normal fire, the filed the usual protocol and got everyone out safe. But what they found? That was the disturbing thing. Boxes and boxes of pictures, the apartment was covered. All of kids. It make Kelly sick. Boden came into to check it out, before giving the call to CPD to come in and investigate.

CPD on the scene, it was what was needed, but the last thing Kelly wanted. Not because he had a problem with the squad, but he knew he'd see Erin and he didn't know of he was ready for that, especially right now.

They Intelligence Unit arrived at the scene, walking into the apartment. Erin looked around the room at the evidence on the floor and the members of the Fire department standing around, nodding a hello at each of them. Her heart skipped a beat looking at Kelly and she kind of hated that fact. She was a little nervous about seeing him, she hadn't heard from him since the night he stood her up and they talked about Shay. She heard Voight say something about the new case and she immediately shook her other thoughts away. Getting down on the floor, she looked at the pictures, shaking her head.

"They're just kids," she heard Kelly say, before she looked up at him, "they look pretty young."

Looking up from him from her spot in the floor, Erin spoke, "We'll get em." They had to.

After getting back to the station, Erin looked over the pictures and the evidence, when Voight called her into his office. Putting down the pictures she got up, and closed the door before her as she walked into his office. "What's up?" she asked taking a seat across from his desk.

"Looks like we're dealing with a child pornography case. Detective Benson from the SVU in New York called. She got word of our guy and he fits the MO of a suspect they were dealing with. They're gonna fly out here, share some information, help us catch this guy."

"Sounds good, SVU helped us before, they could be a good asset to the case," Erin said as she stood up taking a file from Voight and going back to her desk. She looked over the new file and the evidence from the scene today. Taking a deep breath, she knew it would be a long couple of days, until they found whoever was behind this, she wouldn't be able to rest easy.

Sorry if there isn't a lot of case detail, im kind of just going off of what I've seen in spoilers. Theres gonna be some event jumping too, this is a Linseride fic after all, so the case won't be my main focus. Please let me know what you think so far.