Me: -groans in pain-

Thunder: What's wrong, Tales?

Me: My ears are killing me! They've been hurting for almost a week!

Shade: Welp, that's your own fault then.

Me: How's it my fault?

Shade: I dunno. It just is.

Me: ...As my friend Boo said, this is all Bill's fault..

Thunder: Maybe?

Me: Meh.. Well, I haven't had internet either due to it being out at Mom's.. So it gave me some time to work on Chapter 3, and I got it done and started a little bit on 4. ..I question what I typed.. I really do. Anyway, reviews?

Thunder: Yes.

Me: Wonderful.. Let's answer them.

Forestspirit of Thunderclan- Indeed. Dipper is in for a very tough road ahead of him. Oh God, that was quite dark, and I enjoyed that. XD. Thank you for the review!

Nevaeh Productions- Oh God, I'm blushing.. XD. Thank you so very much! I don't think I'm that good of a writer.. I really don't. But I'm glad you all at least think so.. That's great! Well, here's your update!

Gravityfallsgrl- Well, you wanted more, and here it is! Eh, I don't really do ships for Gravity Falls as of yet.. But I may make a one-shot of that for you if you'd like? Maybe? I'm not even sure.. But yeah.

Thunder: Done?

Me: I guess so. -crawls under covers- Meh.. My ears..

Shade: -shakes his head-

Thunder: Let's just get this over with, shall we?

Me: Yeah.. Enjoy everyone.

Chapter 3

"Wakey, wakey, Pine Tree!" a voice called out.

Dipper groaned, slowly opening his brown eyes. He winced, cringing slightly as pain shot through his body, not as badly as before, but still bad enough. He slowly sat up, rubbing his head and his arm before glancing around to see where he was at. The land around him was gray, dull of all its color apart from him and a certain floating 'dorito'. Wait, what had happened? He remembered waking up and talking with his sister and Bill.. Then pain.. Lots of pain and burning.. And then darkness.

Were they in his mind?

"Right you are, kid!" the dream-demon laughed, floating around the child. "Smart one, aren't you?"

"W-what do you want?" the 12-year-old asked, following the yellow, glowing figure with his eyes, never looking away from him.

"I already got what I want, Pine Tree," Bill chuckled, stopping and looking at Dipper right in the eyes. "You."

He gulped heavily, taking a step away from the demon. He didn't like the sound of him 'owning' him, and of course the dorito knew this. And he enjoyed every minute of having his enemy under his power. Well, he was going to have to explain it to him, he knew from reading the boy's mind that he was confused as to what was going on, and what he meant by what he had told him.

Time to shine some light for his little puppet.

"What I mean Pine Tree, is that I own you. You remember our little deal? A puppet for the answers? Well, you're my puppet-"

"I'm not anymore.." he cut him off, speaking quietly.

Bill laughed at the boy's reply, making him flinch and recoil in fear. Oh how he enjoyed making his enemy fear him, but he enjoyed it even more when he had control of him. After all, he was his puppet, and he was suppose to have control over his little puppets. The 12-year-old was no different, and he was going to have to make him see that. He knew that the child was going to continue to fight him, no matter what he did to him. So, the demon was going to have to come up with something to get the boy to obey him.

"Did you forget already? I don't need your body to control you. I can without it."

"W-what do you mean, Bill?" Dipper asked shakily, taking another step away from the floating demon. "You ca-"

Before he could finish what he was going to say, he felt the same burning pain he did in the real world. He screamed in agony as the marks he was given began to glow brightly again, and he dropped onto the ground on his hands and knees, shaking, crying, and bleeding from the marks burning deeply into his flesh.

"As you can see kid, I very much care," the demon warned him. "I can make your life a living hell if I wanted to. This is only a taste of it. This is what will happen to you if you don't do what I tell you to do."

"B-but y-you-"

"Oh, I can, Pine Tree. I can, and am. You're my puppet, kid, and I'm going to make you listen to your master, one way or another. Like it or not, you belong to me, and me alone."

Dipper whimpered softly, curling up in a ball. The pain was terrible to him. It felt like his arm and head were being burned to the point where it be all black and break off easily. Or to the point where he'd die.

"P-please stop.." he begged. "It hurts so much.."

Bill smirked at this, enjoying it. Hearing your enemy beg you to stop whatever you were doing, made him chuckled rather darkly.

"I may, kid. Say it the right way, and I might think about it."

The boy let out another whimper, in pain or fear, the demon didn't know. Well, he did know, but he had fun with this. When the child opened his mouth to ask what he meant, he quickly told him the 'right' way.

"N-no. I w-won't say it, Bill.. I-"""""""""

The 12-year-old gave a small cry as the pain got a bit worse, and that made the floating dorito grin. He was going to get his puppet to obey him one way or another. No matter what it took, he was going to make sure that it happened.

"Say it, Pine Tree. If you want the pain to stop.. Then say it."

He let out another pained whimper, trying to find his voice to speak again. He didn't want to say it. That was the problem. He didn't want to give in to Bill, and admit that he was his puppet, nothing more than his tool and toy to be used and played with as the demon saw fit. He knew it was true, there was no way to beat around the bush. He belonged to Bill, even though he didn't want to admit it aloud, but he knew that he really was his, and there was nothing he or any of his family and friends could do about it. So, why did he continue to fight? Why did he not want to give in to the demon's orders, and allow himself to trueily be his puppet, just as their deal had been? Maybe it was just the way that he was, fight until the very end. Or maybe, maybe a small part of him didn't want to become a puppet, allow the demon to win. But the pain.. It hurt so badly that he could hardly stand it anymore. If Bill was being true to his word and that the pain would stop if all he did was just admit to it, then why was he fighting against it? He wanted the pain to stop, he really did. But to ask it from the person, or demon, that had caused it in the first place?

He wasn't sure that he could do that.

Bill floated around the child, waiting for the boy to say something, anything at all. He knew that the kid was trying to figure out if he should listen to him or to continue fighting against him. He incrased the pain, the marks glowing brighter, and made him cry out in pain once again. He smirked at this, and floated down so that he was face to face with the child.

"Say it, Pine Tree.. The pain won't end if you don't.. It'll only get worse. Just say it, and it'll all be over."

Dipper curled himself tighter in his small ball. Tears rolled down his face as he cried due to how bad he felt, and how bad the pain was now. He opened blurry, watery eyes and looked up at the dream demon in front of him. He flinched slightly, only to whimper as it hurt to do so.

"Say it, kid."

He couldn't take it anymore. He had to say it. If it would make this torture stop, then he was going to say it. Even if it meant giving up his free will, admitting it, to the demon that he was his now and forever, then he was going to.

"P-please make it s-stop, Master Bill," he chocked out, his voice sounding a bit odd due to from crying for awhile. "P-please.. I'll do whatever you say. Just.. Make it stop.. Please.."

The pain went away as quickly as it came, and Bill smirked, floating back, looking down at Dipper.

"That's a good little puppet."

Me: And there you go guys..

Thunder: Poor Dipper..

Me: Yeah, I know. I'm mean to him.

Shade: Indeed you are.

Me: Meh.. Let's just end this now. My ears are killing me. Thunder, please.

Thunder: Sure. Don't forget to read and review everyone and we'll see you soon! Bye!