Ezra took one last look at his master. He knew he needed to go and yet his instincts were gluing him to the spot. Kanan and the others had quickly become his family over their time together and the teen couldn't help but feel like he was abandoning them to save himself. It wasn't until he heard a shout of distress from Zeb that he turned away and ran towards his other crewmates.

Beads of sweat trickled down Kana's face. The strain of the battle had his muscles screaming as he blocked what would have been another deadly blow to his chest. Lights clashed and for a moment the Jedi's whole world boiled down to the sound of blaster fire, the smell of ozone, and the deadly gaze of his enemy. This isn't good. The Inquisitor was strong and obviously well-trained. His movements almost seemed second nature in the way they flowed with terrifying precision. Like any force user who strayed to the dark side: his attacks were backed up by a fierce anger. Kanan cursed. He knew he was outmatched…

Kanan was forced to take a few steps back as again and again the Inquisitor's light saber came inches from striking. Karabast. If he wasn't too careful, soon enough the battle would be close to Ezra. He had to end this. Kanan refused to let his enemy get that far.

Drawing his energy; the Jedi struck with a fierceness he had never used. For a moment, it looked like his attack caught the Inquisitor off guard. The man's smile slipped from his face as for the first time he was the one who had to step back. Kanan took the opportunity to couple his attack with a quick swipe at the legs. The Inquisitor was fast though, and with little visible strain, he leapt over one attack while blocking the other with his lightsaber. Once he landed, the pair paused. Like two wild predators, Kanan and the Inquisitor began to circle one another; each waiting for the other to strike.

"You fight like a man on his last leg Jedi. If I can even call you that. Did your master teach you nothing of discipline?"

Kanan didn't dignify the Inquisitor's remark with a response. He knew it was just a taunt. He knew what the man was trying to do. He wanted to get into his head; to disrupt his patience and disconnect him from the force. Well it wouldn't work. Kanan couldn't help but feel anger rise but he quickly pushed it to the back of his head. He refused to be distracted, for if there was anything he knew for certain, it was that a distracted Jedi was a dead Jedi.

For what felt like an eternity the pair continued to circle one another. Kanan was on edge; just waiting for the Inquisitor to strike. His muscles were tense and his focus was sharp. All he needed was a sign… There! The Inquisitor's jaw tensed and his eyes flashed as he threw himself at his enemy. Kanan blocked the strike only to retaliate with one of his own. Lightsabers clashed as the duel between light and dark began once again.

"You were well trained" The Inquisitor remarked as he made another move to cut Kanan down "But not well enough".

Kanan leapt out of the way; taking the opportunity to connect to the force as he threw the Inquisitor into a pile of crates. His enemy landed with a crash; broken crates leaving splinters and debris on his skin. Oh the Inquisitor thought with malice, he would regret that.

"I seem to be doing well enough". Kanan taunted.

As the Inquisitor rose a new anger, one like none before, surged through him. The man stood with dignity and controlled pride; gently dusting himself off as though he was amongst friends but his eyes told a different story. They blazed with the intensity of a man willing to do anything, to go through anyone, to destroy his target. Kanan felt the pit in his stomach grow. He had never faced someone so in tune to the dark side. He knew that when the battle recommenced, it would be like nothing it had been before.

While Kanan readied himself for the next round of attacks, Ezra dove behind a storage crate; blaster fire narrowly missing his head. The teen waited. It was only a matter of time before the trooper had to reload. There! For a moment, the fire above him ceased. Ezra took the opportunity to look over his makeshift cover as he tried to spot his crewmates.

Ah kark. From the way he looked at it, Zeb and Sabine were in a bad spot. It was only a matter of time before the pair was surrounded. For now, they were being forced towards the Ghost as troopers slowly moved in for the kill. Blaster fire was everywhere. Speaking of blaster fire, Ezra swore as a shot clipped the tip of his hair. That was close! Well it looked like the sleemo of a Stormtrooper finally reloaded his weapon. Man, it was times like these that Ezra really wished he had a lightsaber.

Not for the first time, Ezra felt like an animal trapped in a corner. Every time he tried to get himself closer to his teammates, blaster fire stopped him in his tracks. It wasn't until a particularly close shot came inches from hitting his chest that the teen reached his limit. Throwing his precautions into the wind, Ezra dashed from cover, dove to the ground, and rolled until he landed on his knees. From that position Ezra loaded his slingshot and aimed. The charge hit its mark; connecting with a trooper just as he was about to fire. The man shouted as he fell to the ground. From his left, the teen heard his friend shout.

"Kid come on!" Zeb called. There was still too much space between himself and the pipsqueak. The Lazat doubted Ezra could make it to them before they were forced to take off in the Ghost.

From his position, Ezra was thinking the same. There were just too many troopers, too many obstacles, and too much distance between himself and his friends. At this rate, Ezra feared he would be brought back into the battle between Kanan and the Inquisitor as the pair continued to move closer to his location. The teen swore. He needed to calm down. Breath. Kanan was always telling him that a Jedi needed to maintain a tranquil mind and spirit if he was going to win. Ezra tried to focus on that as he closed his eyes; blocking his mind from the sound of battle and the smell of smoke. It was then that the teen felt something pull at his consciousness. Ezra knew he didn't have the time to pause. He needed to get to the others, but something in him told him to look back and almost without realizing, the teen found himself turning towards his master.

Kanan was fighting with everything he had. The strain on him was visible as beads of sweat trickled down his face and his expression twisted in concentration. It looked like he was barely able to keep the Inquisitor's attacks at bay. Kanan tried to get in close, using his weight as momentum to push the Inquisitor back with a directed attack but the Inquisitor was ready. He moved out of Kanan's path with ease and while the Jedi rushed past him, the twisted man used his position to his advantage and slashed Kanan across the back.

"No!" Ezra shouted; lifting his arm as though he could help.

Kanan fell to his knees with a shout. His lightsaber layed ignited by his side. The wound was shallow but it stung with the fire of a thousand kouhuns. Before he could stagger back to his feet, Kanan was forced to block what would have been a lethal strike to his neck. The Inquisitor towered over him. He looked like a man made of venom and power. Even as Kanan blocked his attack, the Inquisitor pushed forward; using his strength to force the sabers closer to the Jedi's throat.

"Not so powerful are you now. You're a fool for thinking you could defeat me. You can't protect yourself let alone the boy. You never even became a Jedi Knight and yet you take on a padawan? You're not fit to train a dog!" The Inquisitor taunted. The fury in his eyes reaching new heights.

"Who are you?" Kanan shouted as he struggled to push his enemy away. He could feel his strength waning.

Ezra saw all of this from where he stood. He was horrified. The teen knew it was only a matter of time before Kanan would be struck down. He couldn't let that happen! Almost on their own accord, Ezra's feet began to move; slow steps at first that sped up until he was sprinting towards his master. Ezra heard Zeb and Sabine call his name. He could hear the terror in their voices but their calls remained in the back of his mind. More powerful than that was the need to get to Kanan's side. To do something. He couldn't just sit back and watch him die.

Kanan used all of his strength; pushing the lightsabers away from his neck. The Inquisitor was forced back but soon returned with an attack of his own. Still on his knees, Kanan blocked it but the Inquisitor was ready for that and with a flick of his wrist he forced his lightsaber under the Jedi's. With horror Kanan felt his saber wrenched from his grip as it went clattering to the side. This was it. He was weaponless and worn down; at the mercy of the Inquisitor who relished the moment with a sickening grin. Kanan faced his enemy. He refused to close his eyes when the final blow came. He would meet his end like his master before him: with dignity and pride. He only hoped Ezra and the others would make it out in time. If he had the chance to do things over…he would have been a better master to the boy but he swore that he would continue to look over him. Even as his body rotted away to nothing. Kanan glared at the man before him.

"Say goodbye Jedi". The Inquisitor whispered. Finally, he would end this pathetic nuisance. The Inquisitor lifted his saber; he would run the Jedi through like the pig he was.

Kanan watched as the blade soared towards his chest. He waited for the pain, but before any could come he felt a weight push him aside. Orange fabric covered his vision as something threw itself in front of him. What?