Obviously, I love McSwarek fluff and I just saw a video on youtube and it gave me this idea. Hope you enjoy. :)

"Are you sure he's going to get it?" Andy asked biting her lip as she stepped out of the bathroom in her Halloween costume. Traci laughed and nodded.

"He's a freakin' detective, Andy. How could he not?" Traci laughed taking a drink of her wine glass. Andy sighed and looked down at her outfit of choice for the annual Black Penny Halloween party.

"I know, but it almost seems too obvious," Andy groaned pointing to her shirt. She was dressed as a skeleton this year with an added bonus. Just under the ribcage was another little skeleton body.

"Well, you kind of have to make it a little obvious, hun. He's a guy. When I told Dex I was pregnant with Leo he stared at me for a good ten minutes before it finally clicked I think," Traci admitted. Andy smiled and nodded. She had just found out a week ago that a little McSwarek was on the way. She had gone to the doctor to get it confirmed and sure enough she was 8 weeks along. Traci had been the one she confided, like always.

"You think it's ok that we're just going to announce it tonight to everyone? I mean don't people usually wait until the first trimester is over?" Andy asked as she followed Traci out to the living room.

"Yeah, but most women don't have the job you do. You need to be on desk," Traci began. Andy made a face and Traci smiled in understanding.

"I know. I get it, but you try talking Swarek into letting you get into a squad car," she challenged. Andy groaned and nodded.

"Good point. He's going to want to wrap me in bubble wrap, isn't he?" Andy asked already knowing the answer. Traci just laughed in response.

"Ok. Well, good luck. I gotta go before he gets home and I need to go make sure Steve is actually getting ready," Traci smiled as she walked towards the door. She was wearing a batgirl leather costume and Steve was going at Batman.

"Yeah, well, at least he's dressing up. Sam still refuses to," Andy smiled. Traci laughed.

"Good luck. I love ya and I'll see you later," she winked. Andy nodded.

"Thanks," she said nervously. Traci left and Andy flopped herself on the couch. Boo, their one year-old, dog walked in lazily from the kitchen.

"What's up, Buddy? You think Dad is going to be excited to be a daddy for real?" she asked as the dog jumped up and sat next to her. He rested his head on her thigh and she smiled.

"I hope so," she sighed, nervously. She knew she was more than ready for this, but she wasn't sure about Sam. Ever since she'd met Jay Swarek, she understood Sam's hesitation to become a father. She knew he would be the most amazing father, but understood that he had doubts. Who wouldn't after being raised by that man? Her thoughts were interupted by roar of the truck in the driveway. Andy smiled nervously and Boo hopped up excited to see his male owner. Andy stayed on the couch and pulled a blanket over her to hide her costume. She didn't want to surpise him as soon as he walked in the door.

"Hey boy," Sam's voice welcomed as he walked in the front door. He knelt down to pet the dog and Andy smiled from the couch.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hey babe. How was your day off?" he asked as he walked towards the couch. Andy nodded and he placed a kiss on her lips gently.

"It was good. Traci and I did some retil therapy," she grinned.

"Imagine that," Sam laughed as he walked towards the stairs.

"It looks like you are ready to go? I'll just go change my shirt and we can head over to the Penny," he told her unbuttoning his shirt as he walked up the stairs. Andy smiled.

"K. Sounds good," she answered, throwing the blanket off of her and standing up. She took a deep breath and made her way up the stairs, Sam had just gone up.

"How was your day?" Andy asked casually walking into their bedroom. Sam was in their walkin closet pulling on a black long sleeved shirt.

"Not too bad. I jus listened to Steve complain all day about Traci making him dress up for tonight," he chuckled. Andy laughed as sat on their bed.

"Yeah, she just left and was worried that he wasn't going to be getting ready when she went to their place," she said.

"I told him that I'm lucky because I have this amazing girlfriend, who isn't making me dress up as anything," he grinned walking out to flash his dimples at her. That smile gave Andy all the courage she needed and she sood up.

"Yeah, well, you haven't said anything about my costume. What do you think?" she asked spinning around with her arms out. Sam smiled and nodded.

"Skeleton. It's cute, McNally," he nodded.

"So, you like it?" she asked putting her hands on her hips. Sam nodded.

"Yeah, it's not what I thought you would've picked, but it... McNally," he studdered. Andy smiled softly.

"Andy, why is there? Is that a...Baby? Are you pregnant?" he asked as his mind finally processed her costume with the tiny skeleton in the abdominal cavity. Andy smiled nervously and nodded.

"Yeah, I know we didn't plan this and we aren't even," Andy began, but was cut off as Sam closed the distance between them and picked her up off the floor.

"We are having a baby?!" he asked with a grin. Andy nodded putting her hands on his shoulders as he lifted her up excitedly.

"We've having a baby," she smiled happily. Tears threatened her eyes.

"When did you find out?" he asked as he set her feet back on the ground and put his hands on her hips.

"Last week. I went to the doctor and I'm 8 weeks along. I wanted to tell you, but I was nervous and I wanted it to be special and," Andy rambled. Sam cut her off with his lips over hers and Andy melted against him.

"I'm glad you're happy," Andy laughed as he pulled her against him. Sam let out a laugh.

"You thought I wouldn't be? Andy, this is the most amazing... You are carrying our child," Sam told her touching her flat stomach. Andy smiled and ran her hand through his hair.

"I love you, Sam Swarek," she smiled.

"I love you, more, Andy McNally," he answered.

"Ok. Come on. We have to get going," Andy said.

"I take it we're telling everyone tonight?" Sam asked with a laugh. Andy grinned.

"I think it's probably a good idea. I mean with work and," Andy began.

"Oh you are staying in the barn. There is no way I'm letting you," Sam began in his TO voice. Andy rolled her eyes and put a hand on his chest.

"Yes, Daddy, I know. Hence why we're telling people tonight. I don't want to risk anything," Andy answered. Sam smiled, content with her answer.

"Well, then, let's go," he grinned taking her hands. Andy grinned and nodded.

"Yes, let's go, Daddy-O," she teased. Sam rolled his eyes as they walked down the steps.

"You ready for this?" Sam asked as they walked towards the doors of the Black Penny. Andy grinned and nodded.

"Yes, I've known for a week. You are the one who just found out, are you ready?" she asked with a chuckle. Sam stopped and rested her against the brick building.

"Yes, McNally, I'm more than ready to shout it from the roof tops that you are pregnant with my kid," he told her honestly. Andy smiled up at him and he kissed her lips gently.

"All right, Swarek. Let's do this then," she grinned. Sam chuckled and held the door open for her as they walked in. The Penny was all decorated for Halloween and almost everyone was in costumes.

"Hey you two finally show," Oliver, who was dressed as a vampire, called as they walked into the bar. Andy smiled as she took off her jacket. Sam took it from her and hung it up.

"Yeah, well, I had to pick her up and then I had to work on my costume," Sam teased. Andy rolled her eyes as he wrapped an arm around her and they made their way towards the bar. Traci and Steve were playing pool against Dov and Chloe, who were dressed as zombies. Nick and Chris were dressed as police officers, which made Andy chuckle a little.

"Yeah, looks like you worked real hard on it, buddy," Oliver teased as he sat next to Celery, who wasn't dressed up.

"Yeah, well, he helped with my costume," Andy shrugged and Sam grinned at her. He didn't think anything to wipe the smile off his face tonight.

"A skeleton? Real original there, McNally," Dov said as they walked over to the bar to get another pitcher of beer.

"Did you even pay attention to my amazing costume?" Andy asked showing off her costume.

"Oh my God. Congratulations!" Gail's voice cried as she and Holly walked up to them from their table. Gail was dressed as a devil and Holly an angel. Gail pulled Andy into a hug and Andy laughed as she pulled away and got confused looks from everyone else.

"Nice job, Peck. I se you are a better detective than your brother," Sam teased. Steve gave him a glare.

"Bite me, Swarek," he chuckled.

"I still don't..." Oliver began shaking his head. Andy rolled her eyes.

"Ok. I really thought you guys would get it right off. Check out my," Andy began pointing to her baby skeleton.

"Oh my God! You're pregnant!" Celery cried happily. Oliver's eyes widened and everyone turned to look.

"Finally! Way to go, Swarek," someone called causing Andy to blush and Sam to laugh.

"Ollie, are you ok? You are in more shock than Sam was," Andy laughed at the man in front of her.

"I'm just so freakin' happy for you guys!" Oliver cried pulling Andy into a hug. She laughed and looked back at Sam, who was smiling.

"I'm a round for everyone! Let's go! We gotta toast to Baby McSwarek! Everyone get a glass... Except you, darling," Oliver said touching Andy's shoulder. She laughed at how excited he was.

"I think he's more excited than you," Andy teased looking up at Sam.

"Not a chance, sweetheart," Sam grinned and then placed a kiss on top of her head.

What did you guys think? I'm thinking of continuing with Halloween's down the road for this story, what do you think? Thanks for reading!