Characters: Blake, Yang

Cameos: Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha

Genre: Humor, Smut-ish

"What?! No, Yang, we're not going to make them…" Blake hesitated before she continued, "We're not going to make them do that."

"Aw, come on kitty cat, that's no fun!" Yang said as she tousled the Faunus's hair, poking the ears hidden underneath the black bow that she always wore.

"Yang, we're not going to write smut as a birthday gift. Who does that?"

"Well I wanted to take her out drinking, but nooo, she can't have just one night on her birthday to break her training regimen. I mean, really, in this whole time that we've been dating, has she ever once had a piece of dessert? Like, loosen up, ya know?"

"I think it's admirable that she's been able to keep such a disciplined diet. It's a lot better than you-" Blake nudged Yang with her elbow as she spoke, which elicited a grin, "Eating all of Ruby's cookies after she's gone to bed."

"Hey, she said I could have some!"

Blake shook her head, but couldn't hide her smile, "Some doesn't mean half of them."

"And if I remember correctly, you ate the other half, plus drank half of our milk," Yang said with a devilish grin.

"You can't tell her though! She still thinks it was Santa that came and ate all the milk and cookies. Let's not tell her for another year, let her believe it a little longer."

"Well I think it's time she finds out the truth."

"But she's still so young!"

"Well, I'm sure there's something we can work out in order to come to an agreement." The grin spread across Yang's face again, this time full of the knowledge that she had triumphed over her partner.

Blake sighed. "You really want to write her smut for her birthday, don't you?"

"You know how she gets after reading those. She blushes as red as her hair and always sits up a little straighter when it gets to the good parts. And-" Yang brought her lips within an inch of Blake's ear before she whispered the next line, "If you talk real softly in her ear like this, she'll do it right where you are."

Blake's face was incredibly warm at the thought of their girlfriend's kinks, but decided to fight back against such a lewd birthday gift. "That's not a gift we should be showing in front of the others though. What if Ruby asks to borrow it when she's done? I mean, she did that with Ninjas of Love, and I don't think she bought the 'It's about a ninja Valentine delivery man' explanation that you told her."

Yang ignored Blake's attempts at logic, and instead continued her seductive behavior. She straddled Blake and rubbed her cat ears beneath the bow as she whispered into them, "You know, I think that a reminder of our love would be the best gift of all."

"Yang… just… but what about…" Blake could barely fight off the intoxicating feeling that Yang had caused to spring up within her.

Yang unwound the bow, and gently nibbled on the soft ears that hid underneath. "You don't worry about a thing kitty, we'll see how you feel after a little lovin-"

Knocking on their door interrupted the two young huntresses. Blake scrambled up and out from under Yang, "One moment! Just got out of the shower!"

"Blake! You've been in there for thirty minutes now!" Weiss's shrill voice called through door. "Besides, I though cats didn't like water."

Ruby's muffled voice came from further in their dorm, "Hey, Weiss, have you seen Yang anywhere? She isn't in JNPR's room, and her dress is still here, so she obviously hasn't left for the party yet. Oh, and here's Ember Celica."

"No, I do not know where your sister is Ruby, I am not her mother."

"Hehe, good, or that would make this awkward," Ruby replied before faint kissing noises made their way from the opposite side of the door.

"Oh look, there's Blake's dress as well. Maybe they went to get something from the store?"

"No, Blake's in the show-" Weiss's speech cut off abruptly. "Actually Ruby, I think I left my- err- tiara! I think I left my tiara in… Professor Port's classroom! Yes, that's it! I left my tiara, so why don't we go get that!"

"But… wait, what about…" Ruby's voice faded as Weiss dragged her down the hallways.

Yang approached her partner and kissed her bare shoulders. "Well," she sighed between kisses, "That was a close one."

Blake turned on Yang. "This is the last time we write naked in the tub. Ruby almost caught us!"

"So what? She knows we're dating Pyrrha."

"But as far as she knows, dating only means holding hands and kissing, like what she and Weiss do."

"Well, how about we just finish it up real quick, since there doesn't seem to be time for anything else?"

Blake sighed, still slightly embarrassed. "Fine, but we have to be fast since we'll both need to shower after."

Yang's grin was wider than ever. "I meant finish the story, not the sex."

Blake's back stiffened up, and she was now fully embarrassed. "Right! That!"

Yang's laugh rang out, and she tossed a towel to the brunette, before quickly drying herself off and walking naked out into their room to slip into her dress.

Blake fanned herself briefly before following. "Alright, so I think we agreed on smut?"

"Seems like a good option. That way we can get Pyrrha to help us pick up where we left off," she said as she winked and gave Blake's butt a light squeeze. "Although, I may not be able to resist this booty for the whole night."

"I think the birthday girl should have the first opportunity tonight."

After a quick ending written for their short story, Blake and Yang exited the door and crossed the hallway to JNPR's room, knocking lightly before walking in through the doorway.

"Alright, where's the birthday girl? We've got a little gift that we're eager to share!"