Hakuno Kishinami was floating in and endless sea, he felt his very existence being erased as by the Moon Cell once he entered it. As the sole winner of the Holy Grail, he was allowed to make a wish. But he was conflicted, he didn't know what to wish for, he knew the right thing to would be to seal away this damn thing but this war took away the lift of his friends and... his sister. Using up a command seals Hakuno and Hakunon managed to save their friends Rin Tohsaka and Rani VIII. Rin Tohsaka the ally he relied on the most and Rani VIII an Atlas homunculus. If it wasn't for them neither he or his sister would have made it to the final round, inevitably they fought each other. Hakuno's Saber & vs Hakunon's Archer. The match was unfair to begin with, Hakunon had in her possession a Demonic Atlas that rendered most of Saber's attacks useless, the situation was made even worse with Hakunon's Scarlet Coat of Arms that she received from her Archer. Hakuno didn't want to lose, he didn't want to die. Making use of Saber's Noble Phantasm right after Archer activated his, we were able to render their defenses useless and cut him down.

Hakuno was curious he shouldn't have been in the Moon Cell this long.

"During his time floating in this endless sea he was able to pick up on information from the Moon Cell. The real Hakuno and Hakuno nKishinami. My"other self" in the year 2000 was a patient with Amnesia Syndrome, a brain disease that caused memory loss and would eventually lead to death. A doctor who could potentially cure the disease was found but died in a terrorist attack before an operation could be performed, The doctor was Twice H. Pieceman, the man who was caught in the same incident as Hakuno and Hakuno Kishinami. It was decided that the patient would be cryogenically frozen until treatment became possible. Because of the world's technological stagnation, no progress was made, and they remained in this state for 30 years.

Hakuno pitied "their other selves" they didn't get to enjoy life and was frozen from. Hakuno decided on his wish but before he made his own wish he sent the data on the "other" Hakuno and Hakunon Kishinami to the two surviving masters, Rin, and Rani.

"I apologize, Saber, your master is going to be a bit selfish.."

"Umu, it's perfectly reasonable for someone like you to be selfish in this situation, but Praetor,"

"Please don't forget about us... and come and visit us anytime you like, Praetor."

Those were the final words he would possible hear from his beloved servant, "Don't worry, I'll never forget you, and I'll do my best to come visit you again. It was time for Hakuno's wish. He had no idea if this wish would even work or not but he had to give it a try with the time he had left and thus he wrote his wish.

"I wish to seal away the existence of the Holy Grail, you ensure my friends live, and allow me and Hakunon to live"

I had no idea if more than one wish could be granted, but he had to give it a shot. In the Moon Cell, Hakuno came to appreciate his life. He wanted to live just like any other person. Being a fake, being a clone doesn't mean he didn't have the right to live. Hakuno's fortitude would never waver during any difficulty, adversary or danger, and Hakunon was the type of person to never give up. This is what made them unique and resulted in the two of them facing off in the final round. The Moon Cell processed his wish and felt his body disappear from the ice cold sea. But what Hakuno Kishinami failed to notice was that the Moon Cell, had granted Hakuno Kishinami something special and decided to observe him and added a "unique skill." to aid him in his new journey.

Hakuno now lying face up, starred at the cloudy sky. A similar sky that he and Hakunon dreamed about. A sky where Hakuno and Hakunon life ended. Noticing the quick increase in his body temperature Hakuno stood up, he looked around the hellish scene that stood before him. Bodies scattered around him. Human beings burnt to the crisp. People dying trying to save other people. Then the following thing came to mind. "I wish for me, my friends, and my family to live." Sure he made a wish to live, but that didn't mean to drop him into a Hellzone. He needed to find a way out of this place. He tried to sprint out of the area but tripped on his 5th step. Something was wrong, his body felt different but that's not the only thing. He tripped on something. He looked back and saw his sister. A younger looking version of his sister. He knew the Moon Cell granted his wish. "I worked, me and my sister... are alive." Hakuno gleamed. He carried his sister on his back and walked through the blazing inferno with the sole thoughts in mind. "I want to live. I want to save my sister. I WILL LIVE! I WILL SAVE MY SISTER!"

Hakuno walked straight away, while walking he noticed that he and his sister weren't in the body of a teenager anymore. He was in the body of a young boy probably around Alice's height, wearing blue jeans and a long-sleeved black T-shirt. He didn't care about that thought. He had to act and fast or they would both die. Unaware of this destination to whether is was a means of escape, or if he was going straight into the heart of this catalyst. That's right. Neither he nor Hakunon would give up in a situation like this. When facing Leonard B. Harway and his servants Gawain and Diarmuid, Julius and Li Shuwen, Twice Pieceman and Saver. Those two will not give up, that's just the kind of person Hakuno and Hakunon are.

Kotomine Kirei walked through the destruction of New Fuyuki City enjoying very moment of it. Enjoying the people despairing in anguish. He spotted Emiya Kiritsugu a while back, but his eyes were lifeless. Broken completely Emiya was digging through the rubble looing for a single sign of life. He wasn't even wrote killing anymore. That's when Kirei spotted a small boy, caring a young girl.

"Oh a couple of mongrels who have yet to burn away." the children had acquired Gilgamesh interest. "and he no longer had his golden armor, the only thing that was covering his body was a red cloth. "Maybe there are some plebeians who are worth of my rule after all." the servants voice showed interest, in both the children, which was surprising to Kirei. The only other person who the King of Heroes took an interest in was Kirei and the King of Conquerers.

"There is something about those children that intrigue me as well." said Kirei somewhat surprised at his words.

Kirei stared at the left hands of both children. There lied two command seal on each. However, Hakuno was completely aware he was being watched. After all the time he spent in the Moon Cell he became fully aware of when a Master and Servant were near him. Except for those of Li Shuwen skill. He turned his head to the left and stared the two looking at him. One was a young man who appeared to be in his twenties however, Hakuno couldn't forget that man, his face was unmistakeable Kotomine Kirei, the NPC supervisor of the Holy Grail.

...And the next one was completely unknown to him,At that moment Hakuno decided to bet his luck and went forth to face the two. Kirei took notice and saw the children approaching. The boy was on his knees exhausted from carrying the girl. The boy now feet away from Kirei and Gilgamesh smiled and said "Please take care of us." just before he passed out.

"Well then Kirei, what do you plan to do with these children?" the servant stood and watched and he stood right next the children. Kirei continued to stare at the children's command seals. "These kids are mildly amusing. I could use them later on in the future." He grabbed both of the children and carried them on his shoulder.

Hakuno woke up lying on the bed he looked around and stared at his sister who woke up literally seconds after him. She was confused, as excepted he had no idea what was going on. When she stared at Hakuno she was unresponsive and just gaped at him. Hakuno didn't know how he could explain it, or if he could even explain the situation properly and with that he avoided the topic. "I'll explain everything later... just play along for now.

"I see that you two have awakened." a familiar voice said. The twins turned their attention to the voice. Hakunon was surprised, unlike Hakuno who already met the man before he passed out. As he excepted Kotomine Kirei took an interest in them. With Hakunon currently flabbergasted, Hakuno took the chance to ask him a question to which he already knew the answer to.

"Who are you?"

"I am Kotomine Kirei, welcome to my Church, I saved you and that girl from the fire. Tell me, children, what are you names." Kotomine walked up closer to both Hakuno and Hakunon causing them to both look up at him and realize the immense height difference. Their bodies really were smaller. "I''m Hakuno Kishinami and this is my twin sister Hakunon Kishinami."

"Oh, I see, a twin sister that explains why you were carrying her throughout that fire, well then Hakuno who are your parents?" Kirei asked excepting to see despair in the children's eyes knowing that their parents had burned away in the fire. However Kirei didn't know Hakuno or Hakunon, these two were souls born in the Moon Cell only capable of remembering their names. They were born with nothing. "We don't have any parents." They both blatantly stated. Kirei looked the twins in the eyes. They weren't filled with despair, sadness, or regret. It seems that they are alike in some ways. "So you two are orphans, interesting, well then how are you two?"

That question caught the two off guard. As far as they knew those two have been alive for seven weeks inside the Moon Cell. Neither one of them even knows how old the real one is. The two of them were nothing but like Sakura Matou, an NPC based off a real person. Going with the seven weeks they fought in the Moon Cell Hakunon taking the lead said: "both of us are 7, Hakuno is the oldest." They entered a moment of brief silence afterward.

"Well then, how would you twins like to be adopted by me?"

"Why us," Hakuno spoke up "Weren't other children who lost their families in the fire. It was strange that the priest wanted to adopt him but this might be related to his interest in them.

"Yes, but they were all sent to an orphanage. As for you two. You both have much potential unlike those children, it has taken my interest and thus I would like to polish it. So, as I ask you two again. Will you allow me to adopt you." The boy managed to impress Kirei. For a brief moment, Hakuno reminiscence to the lines the NPC Kotomine Kirei said back in the Moon Cell.

I had no clue who would say such a thing about me. ...But that short phrase struck my heart because, for some unknown reason, I knew the words were sincere.

And as for "I expect good things from you." It seemed like more of a command than an encouragement."

This was no different from back then. Hakuno given a brief moment to think about it accepted it. "If you're okay with having me then sure." he said, "Sis, what about you." Hakunon was grumbling, she obviously confused but Hakuno didn't have the time to properly explain things to her yet so she went along with it just like he said. "Okay," she replied.

"Now then time to ask you a question Kotomine" Hakuno spoke with excitement, his new life experience was going to be enjoyable. "What is it?" Kirei asked with a raised eyebrow as he and Hakunon stared at him.

"What's your preference, 'Old Man', "Dad', or 'Father'?" he said as he smiled.