Ally's POV:

The firs thing I have to say about el casa de Austin is that they are all religiously into the athletics. I look at all the sports pictures and articles that frame the walls and I am fascinated. There is a woman who appears in numerous pictures with the same shade of blonde as Austin, so I am assuming she is his mother. She is in a cheerleading uniform in most of them, and I note her holding several very large trophies, as well as many other awards and medals in the debate team, and as a national figure skating champion.

His dad appears to be a lot like Austin, despite his looks. His eyes are a darker shade of brown than Austin's, and his hair is a dark mahogany color. I just realized that's a really weird adjective for describing hair. Oh well. He played football throughout college, and I even note him in an NFL uniform, so I'm thinking he made it into football. He also played basketball.

I didn't know how I would ever fit in around here. I didn't care too much for sports since I lack the coordination and skill to play sports. Also, I hated running, and I didn't exercise for anything but cupcakes, but that was besides the point. It also hit me right then and there that since I was Austin, that meant that I had to play football. Shit! I didn't know anything about football. Nothing at all.

I finally make my way downstairs and enter a very large, very well furnished kitchen. There are several floor-to-ceiling windows that allow a lot of light into the room, and due to all the crystal prisms found in various places, there were mini rainbows on the gold walls. I had always thought that gold would be an odd, and impractical color for wallpaper, but somehow it worked. There are granite and marble counters, and an island in the center. I had always wanted an island.

"Good morning sweetheart." A blonde woman who is standing in the doorway to the fridge says, turning around to give me a warm smile. Yes, this must be Austin's mother. She's beautiful, even with her hair in messy tangles. I envied people like her, who would probably look gorgeous even with mascara running down their face. It wasn't fair. I almost guaranteed you that attractive people probably thought the world was a much better place than it actually was.

I stand there for a second both because I am taking in the surroundings, and because I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I wasn't sure what Austin typically ate for breakfast, or if he even ate it at all. Where were the dishes? Did I get my own breakfast? What is life?

She hands me three bars and a protein shake with a smile. "Eat up Austin. You have a big game on Friday, and you're going to need all of your strength for practice today." She tells me in a reminding tone. I feel my heart stop for a split second before I quickly recover and take the items. This was breakfast? I look down at the power bars in disgust. What kind of a meal was this? Where were the eggs? Or at the very least, where was the sugary cereal that I enjoyed devouring?

I unwrap one of the bars and take a small bite. I involuntarily grimace at the taste. I was certain that my tastebuds were not just dying. No, they were being exterminated. I glance at the label. Summertime Honey. Honey eh? Oh sure, it tasted like honey. Honey that was smeared onto a piece of cardboard. Delicious. Well, maybe the shake will be better, and will successfully wash away this disgusting aftertaste. But I was trying not to get my hopes up.

I take a small swig, and release the tension in my shoulders. It tastes okay. I wasn't really much of a fan of strawberry flavored beverages, but even I had to admit that this shake wasn't the worst thing I had ever tasted in my life. I set the shake down before I decide to gulp the rest of it down. I still had these nasty bars to eat. Okay Ally, suck it up.

A man enters through another archway, and I immediately recognize him as Austin's father. The first thing he does is walk over to his wife and give her a kiss. Awww. I thought real romance was still a truly awesome thing, and I thought real love was even cuter. Even if it was some poor teenager's parents that were the participants.

He grabs the same delightful meal that was thrust upon me, and sits in the seat next to me. We eat in silence for a few minutes, and I hate it. I'm not used to it. If there was one thing that didn't exist in my house, it was silence. Sometimes it got on my nerves, but right now I found myself missing it. I missed the sound of the news as I walked upstairs to get my coffee for the day. I missed my guardians laughing about things, or occasionally arguing and ranting about the news. Meals were even louder than that.

"So, Austin." His dad begins, placing a hand on my shoulder in a firm grip. I look over to him and I note that he looks very... professional right now. At least his posture does. Something told me that we weren't going to be discussing the weather right now. I brace myself for the unknown discussion that was inevitably coming.

"I've been thinking... We haven't watched the footage I recorded of your last game yet, and we need to. After all, we need to get some work in and make sure that you correct any errors you previously made. Scouts will be coming around soon enough, and I want you to be the best quarterback the state of Florida has ever seen."

I give him a small nod, and I drop my gaze down to the small light in my pocket. I guess that means he got a text. Would it be intrusive of me to open it? I'm not really sure. But I decide to say screw it. I will probably need to get ahold of people at some point, and his phone is all I've got. I take the phone out and prepare to turn it on, when I hear someone clear their throat.

I glance over again, and Austin's dad is staring directly at me. His face is so serious, and he looks a little irritated. Uh oh, what'd I do? "Austin, you know how I feel about you ignoring me when I am talking to you. This is your future, and you need to take it more seriously. Otherwise everything will slip right through your fingers, and you'll become a has-been like me. So tomorrow after school we're going to view it okay?"

"Yes dad." I say, sealing my doom. I hated football, and now I was being forced to watch it. I also didn't understand anything about the game, so I was certain that I was in for a very clueless night that was yet to come. Great.

He glances over at the clock before sighing. "Well, I'm off to work. Don't forget about tomorrow Austin." His father says, giving him a stern look before ruffling my hair. Well, at least he did actually care just a smidgen about Austin. That was good. He leaves soon after, and when the mom isn't paying attention I throw away the remainder of this horrible breakfast. I hated wasting food, but I would just raid the vending machine when I got to school, so no big deal.

I finally decided to check the text message I had received earlier. It's from my phone, and it's very brief.

Hey, I don't know what the fuck is going on. But uh... Nice rack ;) -Austin

I roll my eyes and mentally slap myself. Curse me for not wearing clothes to bed again. This was just my luck and fortune. I bite my lip in irritation. He had seen me naked. AUSTIN MOON HAD SEEN ME NAKED. This meant he had also seen me without makeup too. Damn.

Gee, thank you. I'm so glad that you have no murky conscious over the fact that you saw me naked. Cool. Ok, so what do I do? How do I get to school? -Ally

I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to ride the bus, walk, or get a ride. Usually I walked from my house with Trish every morning, but I had no clue where Austin even lived, so I was clueless. I didn't want to dawdle here too long if Austin needed to be somewhere shortly. I get up slowly and put my plate in the sink while I wait for him to reply. I hope he isn't going to take too long. I need answers, and I need them now.

I note that my screen lights up just as I return, and I eagerly open the message.

I drive to school. My wallet and keys should be in my football bag in the closet. Take the bag. My car is the yellow volvo in the garage. Safe driving. What about me? And where are we meeting? Ooh! Come pick me up. -Austin

I gulp. I wasn't really the best when it came to driving... But it wasn't really my fault. I had actually just gotten my permit back in April, so my experience on the road was not very extentual. What if I got into an accident or something? Before I can begin to mentally panic, the phone lights up again. I open the text slowly, reminding myself to breathe.

The phone is already programed to tell you how to get to school from the house. Just launch the app. I'm serious though, come pick me up. The tank is full, I just filled it. Don't keep me waiting girl. -Austin

I groan, and with a great reluctance as I fling the bag over one shoulder. Big mistake. I didn't really anticipate how heavy the bag, so it resulted in my landing face first on the floor. I glare at the bag. Stupid football. Stupid football bag. Stupid Austin.

Shouldering the bag off of my now slightly throbbing shoulder, I get up and shuffle towards the staircase again. It looked like Ally Dawson was not only going to spend some time as a boy, but I was also going to be driving to school for my first time ever. What could possibly go wrong? I forced myself not to answer that question as I grab the heavy bag from Austin's closet.

Driving was one of those things that looked easier than it actually was. I was really nervous about driving Austin's car, because for one, it was a volvo so it was probably worth more than all my meager possessions combined, and two, I didn't want to kill someone else.

I slide into the driver's side of the car slowly, shivering as I feel the cold leather seat touch my back. I start the engine, before clicking a button on the visor that opens the garage. Okay Ally, you're going to do just fine. Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be a-okay. You probably won't kill anyone or get pulled over…

The light that comes from behind me is grayish and dull, marking the fact that it's getting colder, and that it was really freaking cold out here. I did not like it. I put the car into reverse, and slowly ease out of the garage, my hands gripping the steering wheel in a deathly grasp. I was beyond nervous.

I stop midway down the driveway to shut the garage door, before I marvel on how I get out of the driveway. I decide to type my address into the car first, so that I can pick up Austin at my house. God, it was so weird not being there.

"Turn left." The phone instructs, and I ease off the break again, turning slowly to the left. Okay Ally, so far so good. I switch into drive, and off I go, trying to go a decent speed without killing anyone. Thankfully no one else is on the road in this subdivision right now, so I didn't have to stress about that.

"Turn right, onto Main Street." it instructs, and that's when I begin to panic. This meant that I was going to be on the main road… As in, people driving around me. Shit. I take in a deep breath as I prepare to turn onto the slightly busy road.

I wait patiently, turning on my turn signal a little early for good measure, as I wait for it to be clear enough to turn onto. The light turns green on my end, and I cautiously attempt to make a U-turn, and I narrowly miss the curb. I calm down and turn down the next available street so I don't attract attention from any cops.

Yeah, I had just gotten my permit, so this was a whole new experience. I didn't need a cop giving me a ticket for not having a license. But then I remember that I'm technically Austin, and he got his license in May. So actually, I'm basically legal.

"Turn right at the next stop sign."

I make the turn onto the familiar road, and then I realize that I'm going to have to park near the house. I stop halfway up the street before I text Austin. It was really weird texting my own number.

I'm here. Come outside. Follow Trish. My guardians will flip if a guy comes to the door. -Ally

I put the car into park and wait patiently for Austin and Trish to come out of the house. I didn't have to wait long. Trish looked like she was interrogating Austin to the third degree about the car we were approaching. And for a second, I actually felt a little bad for him. Trish could be intense when she wanted to.

Austin opens the passenger door and slides in, ignoring the glare of Trish, who stands by me, grumbling. "I can't believe I'm riding bitch. Ally Dawson, you will rue this day."

Austin's car is a two-seater, which are the kind of cars that I hated. This meant that I had to get out of the car, and pull the seat forward so that Trish could get in. "Your chariot awaits, my lady." i say jokingly, flinging one of my arms out for good measure. Trish cocks an eyebrow at me and gets in wordlessly.

"Good morning Ally." Austin says to me as he drops my backpack at his feet. Trish gives him an odd look, and his eyes widen as he realizes what he just said. Time to wing it.

I laugh slightly as I start the car. "Oh, so we changed names? Well, in that case, good morning Trish, good morning Austin." I say, glancing at Trish's curious expression in the mirror.

Trish regains her composure and snorts. "Gosh Ally, you're such a derp sometimes." Austin flips her off in response. I get ready to turn around when Austin stops me.

"Wait! Shouldn't I be the one to drive?" he asks, his face visibly worried. Not this time bud,

"Why would I let you do that? I mean, I am a licensed driver. You, on the other hand, hardly have any experience. i'll let you drive my car when hell freezes over." I shoot him a grin as I turn around. I ignore his scoff at my claiming his car.

He is quiet for a moment before he reaches out and turns on the stereo. Some unknown rap song comes on the radio and I groan. I quickly reach over and change the station, still trying to maintain focus on watching the road.

Austin glares at me, and his expression is one of pure disbelief. It's like he can't believe that I would dare change his station. I swat his hand away as he tries to change my rock station. "Pipe the fuck down." I say with a smirk.

I stop at the stoplight near the school, and I feel nervous. Now I was going to have to park without killing all three homo sapiens in this car. Oh, and it would probably be best to avoid hitting anyone else, or another car. But no pressure or anything.

I drive across the lane and oul into the parking lot, Now here is where I truly draw a blank. I didn't exactly drive a lot, and I didn't know how parking in the school parking lot worked. Did they have assigned parking spaces?

I glance at Austin, my face betraying my inner feelings of panic. "Park in the third spot up here." He says quietly, not looking at me. I take another deep breath before I ease into the parking space, and narrowly bumping into the car parked across from me.

Trish's gaze is boring into the back of my head and I can mentally picture her shaking her head at me in disappointment. "That was some crap driving Austin. Where did you get your license from? A McDonald's Happy Meal?" Trish asks, her tone oozing sarcasm. Austin snorts.

I ignore her snark comment and shut the engine off. I unbuckle and get out so that I can let Trish out. She gets out, muttering a "thanks for the ride" before walking off. Ah, my best friend was such an absolute joy in the morning.

Austin has not gotten out of his seat yet, so I sit back down and study him curiously. "So…" I say, making a feeble attempt at conversation. We had to talk after all.

"This morning has officially been the weirdest morning of my life." Austin says offhandedly, his gaze steadily staring out his window. Why wouldn't he look at me?

"I concur. I had to pee this morning, and I have to say, being a guy might not be as simple as I had previously suggested."

"I had to insert a tampon. Do you know how weird that was? And gross for that matter."

"I tried to warn you." I point out, feeling slightly victorious. "Look, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. I really don't. I'm still trying to process all this. When I said I'd be a girl for a day, I don't think I was really taking into consideration what it would mean. I guess we just try to act as normal as possible. You should probably write down your schedule for me. I'll do the same. Oh, and locker combos too."

I pull out a piece of paper and write down the requested information, feeling really nervous. What classes did Austin take? What if I didn't know where they were? What if he had some major project or oral history project due today? I would die.

Austin's scrawl was extremely messy, and I wondered how he was even able to decipher any of the messy letters. It was horrid looking. When I looked at the letters long enough they became a little clearer, but not by much.

Algebra II

Computer Apps Gym





Spanish II


Well didn't that just look like a fine and dandy schedule. Knowing my luck, I'd be going to the wrong class at some point today. I was really bad with abrupt changes. I was bad at memorization as well. "You have three AP courses?" Austin asks finally looking at me for the first time.

"Yeah… I thought it would look really good on my college applications. I need all the help I can get."

"I'm sure you'll get into any college you want to Ally. You're pretty smart."

"Did the famous Austin Moon just give a lowly peasant like myself a compliment?" I ask, feigning shock.

"Yeah, but don't look too much into it. Now, I have a good feeling that we won't be seeing much of each other throughout the day. But all you really need to know is that I don't say much with my friends unless it's Dez. Dez is my best friend. If you don't know who he is, he is one of the most soulless gingers you will ever meet."

"Great. Stranger. This is going to be a lot of effort. Now remember, i am not as social as you are. So that means don't talk to everyone you see. Trish is my best friend, and she is who I spend most of my time with. She likes to gossip and-" Austin cuts me off.

"Believe me, I know. I met her this morning, remember?" he says simply, before he reaches for the handle. "Alright, I will see you after school." he says, as he closes the door and walks off. And me? I just sit here, dreading the moment that bell rings and I have to go to Austin's first class.