Hello! Welcome to this story! :D

My idea for this is simple. TOOTHCUP. Yes, though it may not seem like it at first, this is a Human!Toothless fanfic. and it is a gay fanfic. YAOI! YAY! All the fun stuff. Continuation of the story depends on the likability of it. (Like if people think it's dumb why would i continue a dumb story? You get what i'm saying?) Rated M for POSSIBLE smut. I'm not sure yet. I'll think about it.


When a cold blizzard strikes Berk, Hiccup and the village struggle to keep warm. But among the struggle to keep warm Hiccup gets an interesting surprise when his best friend and dragon is turned into a human. How will the village react to the dragon turned human? More importantly, how will Hiccup react?

Berk was cold, freezing, absolutely biting. It was so cold that breath turned into a long streams of fog spreading all through the air. Icicles glimmered in the moonlight and shook slightly when the wind picked up speed and blew long blasts of bitter air through the quiet village.

It was blizzard season, and this year's blizzard seemed like the worst in a while. The whole village was practically immobile with the amount of snow. Some people had even been home-bound because of the amount of snow that piled up in front of their doorways. Stoick the Vast, chief of the Hooligan tribe, was busy trying to keep the villagers all safe from harm and supplied well for the continuing storm.

Even the dragons of the village were freezing. A few Terrible Terror Dragons were rescued and put in houses for fear of hypothermia. It had was at least negative thirty-five outside in the winter world. Not that the Vikings weren't used to the freezing cold, but this year just seemed worse somehow from the rest. A few Vikings were afraid that they weren't going to survive the winter, but there haven't been any deaths yet. Stoick would only hold up a large hand and assure them that they will survive the blizzard.

In a little cottage, on the corner of the village, sat a boy of sixteen by the name of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III, the heir to the Chief and son of Stoick, he was freezing, curled up, and shivering by the fire. Next to Hiccup was a large black dragon named Toothless, who was trying to warm the boy and protect him from the harsh cold.

Hiccup sighed and leaned against the scaly black dragon's stomach; he cupped his hands in front of mouth and blew air into them. But it was no use. Even the auburn haired boy's breath came out in cold wisps. He was sure that his fingers would be no doubt frost-bitten by the end of the night. There were hints of pale white skin at the tips of his fingers; Hiccup hoped that they wouldn't harm him in any way.

"Gods Toothless," Hiccup groaned to his Dragon, "Its s-so cold."

The dragon murmured in response and brought his head close to Hiccup's.

Hiccup looked at the Night Fury in curiosity as it slowly opened its jaws.

Hiccup stared at the dragon for a second, trying to understand what the black dragon wanted. He didn't have any fish, the dragon's favorite food. Hiccup didn't have anything food related, "What is it bud?"

Toothless snapped his head forward and clamped his jaws down around the boy's ice-cold hands. Hiccup yelped in surprise and waited for the pain of the teeth to come. But he realized that the dragon's teeth were retracted at that moment. He gave the dragon a look of bewilderment, not sure what to think of this action.

"Okay Toothless, this is weird. What are you do-?" He stopped mid-sentence and realized that his hands were no longer freezing; the dragon's mouth was warm and cozy. He understood what Toothless was doing now. But even though his best friend was trying to help him, and he was, Hiccup couldn't help feeling awkward about having his hands inside a dragon's mouth.

"Oh, uh, thanks bud," Hiccup said with a timid smile, the big dragon hummed in response. He could feel his fingers slowly defrosting inside Toothless' mouth. He left them there for about ten seconds longer and then he began to pull out.

"Alright," he said, "My hands are good now."

Toothless unclamped his jaws, allowing Hiccup to remove his hands from his warm mouth. Hiccup shuddered again as his warm, saliva covered hands were once again met by the freezing cold. He wiped his hands off on one of his pant legs and sighed. He looked around his cottage. The fireplace was casting shadows all over the walls. They danced in an unsteady rhythm, depending on the amount of draft that entered the room.

"This has got to be one of the coldest winter storms I've ever experienced," Hiccup whined to the dragon.

Toothless growled in agreement and Hiccup patted him on the stomach, "Well, at least I have you to help keep me warm."

Hiccup could only imagine how grateful the entire village was that nearly everyone had owned a dragon. They definitely helped with the heating situation. After all, they did breathe fire themselves. Hiccup was also happy that Astrid was able to keep warm. He wouldn't have to worry about her freezing to death. She had Stormfly, a Deadly Nadder Dragon, to keep her safe and comfortable.

Hiccup would have asked her to just come spend time with him at his house, but the two were in the pre-relationship stage. Neither one of them had made any relationship changing moves yet, besides a few kisses. Hiccup was certain he was going to do something about it; he just didn't know how or when he'd do it. He'd come up with millions of brilliant ideas to walk up to Astrid and just say, 'Astrid, will you be my girlfriend?' But every time he'd get close to saying something, he'd lose interest in the idea and put it off for another time. It was ridiculous and Hiccup knew it. He just couldn't find the spunk to just tell her. He guessed he was secretly hoping Astrid would be the one to bump the relationship up to the next level.

A shake of the door made Hiccup jump. He turned his head to face the rattling door and just as he did the oak door flew open, sending in a rush of freezing cold air. Hiccup braced himself and snuggled in closer to Toothless as his Father, Stoick, came stumbling in the door.

"Cold night isn't it, son?" Stoick roared as he shut the door behind him. Stoick was in his normal chief attire, but he was noticeably frosted over from head to toe. Crystal like ice was frozen onto his beard and eyebrows and he was shivering, which was odd for Hiccup to see because Stoick was hardly ever bothered by any elements of the cold or heat.

"I tell ya, it's really gonna be a rough one," Stoick huffed, shaking off the frosty specks on his clothing. He reached over and unbuckled his ax from his belt and laid it against the wall, "Few of men have gotten a fever, a couple of women too. Gothi's been running mad trying to come up with remedies for them all."

Gothi was the town's soothsayer, she was always the one to predict storms and come up with wise decisions for the village. For example, she also declared Hiccup as the one to kill a dragon in the ring a year ago. Not that Hiccup found that decision to be a very wise decision, but it was still an example.

Stoick shook his head, "Even a few dragons seem to be getting a bit sick. Gothi's becoming frightened she may lose some of her Terrible Terrors. Not that she doesn't have enough."

Stoick laughed and removed his helmet, setting it on a table next to him. He stretched and yawned. With a scratch of his head, he mumbled out to Hiccup, "Well son, sorry I can't stay up with ya, but I need to get some rest. Goodnight Hiccup." And with that, the chief had left the room and headed off to his bedroom.

"Night dad," Hiccup called after him, used to the not long conversations with his father. Stoick was a good father over all, but he and Hiccup could be so different at times, which was sometimes hard to deal with when both of them were known to be very stubborn.

Hiccup brushed a hand through his thick auburn hair. He sighed and turned back to his dragon, "Alright bud. Time for bed?"

Toothless on cue yawned and blinked his eyes sleepily and Hiccup chuckled fondly at his black dragon.

Review please? Yes. Toothcup romance is coming in a few chapters. Have i ever let you down? ... Don't answer that. 3 ~ A.