Hi - I'm just going through my story ATM and correcting little errors. I'm also read reading it, so I can maybe get ideas and do little stories to follow on after this one. These ideas were inspired by Roguexvi and Sionnaim and Lear's Daughter. If you like RogueXMagneto, then check them out because they do good stories about them.

Chapter One

Rogue had no idea what was happening at first. She was having a quiet black sleep for once and was awoken by a harsh shake.

"Get up." Came the gruff voice.

"What?" Rogue breathed, turning around and wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"Logan? What's wrong?"

"Quiet kid! Hurry up and get changed. Pack your duffle bag with clothes and anything you find valuable." Logan said a looking agitated.

"A trip? A trip where?" Rogue asked dumbfounded.

"Never mind where, just hurry up. Five minutes strips." And Logan left the room.

Rogue did as she was told, got up out of bed and packed a few casual clothes and underwear. Rogue didn't really see anything else she cold fit into the duffle bag (not her teddy bears or picture frames of her and her friends), so she just left them where they were. She wondered what mission the X-Men were going on today, or more like tonight as it was one in the morning. She found it strange too that Logan had personally come to her room and woke her up.

After packing a bag, Rogue was about to reach for her X-Men suit, when a voice in her head told her "No Rogue. Dress causally. You will not be needing your suit."

"Professor?" Rogue asked aloud. When she felt his presence leave her, she closed her eyes and rubbed them. Then decided to put on her jeans, a green tank top and a dark off the shoulders jumper. It was pretty chilly. She let her long long hair fall down her back and was satisfied with how she looked.

Slowly, Rogue made her way downstairs with the duffle bag over her shoulder. When she came to the ground floor at the bottom of the mansion steps, she found it strange that no one else was waiting ready with their own duffle bag. Rogue peeked through the Professor's office door that was hanging a jar open, seeing that there was Logan inside. Maybe it was just the two of them going on a mission. That would be nice. Some alone time with Logan, she thought.

Both turned around as they sensed or smelt her. Logan was the first to properly acknowledge her as he walked towards the door, opening it for her then stepping outside. As he passed he placed a hand upon her shoulder and, as Rogue shared a long glaze into his eyes, Rogue wondered why she could see sadness behind those dark eyes. He left. Rogue was left with the Professor.

"Rogue." He drew her attention and she stepped into the office more.

"Yes, Professor." She asked innocently.

"I'm sorry Rogue, but a situation has arisen and you need to leave."

Rogue raised her eyebrow. That was an unfinished sentence right? "OK, where'm I goin'? Who else is coming with me?"

"No Rogue, I don't think you understand. I am not sending you on a mission."

Was this a joke? Rogue thought to herself. The Professor's voice and cold eyes said different.

"W-What?" Rogue stuttered. "I, but, wait, what-"

"I don't have time to explain. Here, take this and go now, quickly." The Professor took something out from one of the draws behind his desk and through it on the table. Rogue looked at the envolop. It looked so alien and strange to her. Her eyes peered back up to the Professor. She had never seen him look so unmoved before.

"I..." Rogue tried, not sure what to say. The shock had taken her words.

"Leave Rogue and don't come back."

Rogue stood wide eyed, bewildered and hurt. "No one will remember you Rogue, if you return. No one from the X-Men will remember you. Not even any one from the Brotherhood. Stay away from all of us Rogue and go create yourself another life away from ours. Travel as far as you can until you can go no future and then walk on as far as you can. Leave my home Rogue, now."

Rogue's bottom lip began to shake and so did the rest of her body. "Wait, but, just leave like that? Vanish. Vanish without a trace. Without a single person knowing I even exsited? Why? What've I done wrong? Professor, this ain't like you. What's-"

"Do not tell me what I will or will not do. You need to leave now Rogue, before I ask Logan to escort you out." The Professor said harshly.

"What? Logan can't support your decision. He wouldn't. He-"

"Cares? Yes Rogue, he did, but he is my staff and will do as I ask. He woke you up and brought you down here. He knows what this is about."

"He knows, but I don't. Professor, what-"

"Leave Rogue. You are no longer welcome in my home. So leave now!"

Rogue was startled by the Professor raising his voice at her like that. He'd never spoke to her or any of the students like that. What was wrong with the Professor?

"Professor, please I just-"

"Leave now Rogue!"

The door to his office opened and in the doorway stood Logan, watching Rogue. Waiting. Rogue looked from Logan to the Professor, back and forth again. Why did they seem so distant and cruel? Why was she being kicked out? Why couldn't she even ask what it is she had done wrong?

"Let's go strips."

And those three words seemed to destroy every hope that this was some kind of hocks. She looked to Logan who sounded harsh and serious like normally. He wasn't playing games. He was holding the door open patiently for her, but she could see his patience was wearing thin. Rogue felt the tears heat her eyes. Feeling really small and vunerable, Rogue pulled on her duffle bag and slowly made her way out of the room passed Logan.

He walked her to the front door and opened it for her. It wasn't that bad a night. It wasn't raining or pouring, but it did seem colder than usual. Rogue looked to Logan one more time, but saw the same waiting look he had at the office door. Rogue swallow hard as she attempted to ask one more question.

"Where do I go Logan?"

Rogue thought she could see something within Logan fighting against the decision to kick her out of the mansion.

"Away." Logan finally came out with.

That stung a lot. Slowly, Rogue turned, looking forwards and stepped outside, passing over the threshold.

The door closed sharp behind her. Startled by the noise, Rogue turned to see the door close in her face. At last the act of keeping her head held up high in front of the Professor and Logan were starting to die as realisation set in when she turned an saw the Xavier mansion doors locked.

"Leave my school Rogue." Came the Professor's sudden stinging words in her head. Rogue closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath.

The next time she opened them, she turned away from Xavier mansion and began her journey down the stairs, towards the front gates. Rogue stopped as she neared the gates, turning to look one last time at the mansion and take in all the detail she could before she crossed the gates. The Professor's commands echoed in her head again and her steps were little as she passed the gates. Quickly, she turned round to see the large iron gates closing on her. The final lock in the key. She was offically kicked out of Xavier's school for mutants.

The beginning of tears she had been holding began to escape her as one rolled down her check only to be meet with the first droplet of rain that fell from the sky.