Okay, it's been a while. Anyone who reads this, thank you for reading my story and for returning a year (give or take) on to see this notice- and it's not saying that there will be a sequel.

This is to say that below, I have written a tester chapter for a sequel.

I'm not especially in the Naruto fandom now, but I feel the need to write more on this story! It never reached the part I actually wanted to write, the part that began this prologue, so I'm going to write it here. It was inspired by an amazing fic I read, but I will tell you the name later as it is a total giveaway what my plot twist here will be. Hint: this chapter title may be related

So: if anyone enjoys this, please leave a review and I might begin a proper sequel. Slow due to my exams over the next year, but better quality than most of this rubbish!

…I also can't remember exactly what is canon and what I've also used previously, so I apologise if this is a little disjointed

Thanks and enjoy


Chapter One- Fire in the Sky

"Here, raion!" a deep voice whispered softly, the words sounding clear in Raion's dark head despite the quiet volume that they were uttered at. Raion looked up quickly, snatching the slender object out of the air before it hit their side and nodding in thanks.

The face Raion wore was impassable and held no expression aside from an empty one that could be construed as boredom , but their hands were a blur of motion as they dipped the paintbrush into a nearby inkwell.

Kondoru didn't watch their partner as they worked. They chose instead to keep a watchful gaze on their perimeters, knowing that it wouldn't be long until someone or something sensed their presence and came to investigate. No matter how good they were, no plan was ever going to go exactly as they wanted, and so Kondoru was there to keep an eye on the outside influences.

Currently, there were none.

That bode well for the duo, who were supposed to have left the area almost ten minutes prior, but also put the more experienced Kondoru on edge, since in his experience, calm only meant that attention was diverted elsewhere. The 'elsewhere' was the part that was unlikely to be healthy for the pair, and whilst they were both tough enough to survive simple little explosions, if the diversion was the person they assumed it to be then everyone in the compound was in trouble.

"Raion, one minute," Kondoru signed to his partner, watching as they finally stood up from the ground to demonstrate the newly drawn symbol. The fluid motion of the action was mimicked in the flowing lines of the seal, something that was far too easily recognisable to those in the know, but this time there was no choice.

Besides, the compound was about to explode, wasn't it? Raion was unafraid that their work would survive.

With the seal complete, it took only a matter of seconds to snatch in all of the equipment the shinobi had used and seal it into Raion's armbands, and it took a fraction of that time for the shorter ninja to teleport over to Kondoru's side.

"Odds?" they signed, relying mostly on Kondoru's sensory abilities and their own excellent hearing to judge the people around the corner. Neither of the shinobi wanted to risk looking round and compromising the operation, so it was with only a basic understanding of the situation that they simultaneously threw a shuriken at the enemies.

It took a second for it to be noticed, and then by the time the lacklustre shinobi reacted, the shuriken had already split into multiple shuriken through their key move of Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. The sharp metal blades sliced easily through the flimsy fabric covering the top part of the neck and dug into the carotid artery that existed there, effectively blocking the wound but Raion and Kondoru were relying on the instinctive nature of their enemies to remove the foreign object and therefore cause their own death.

It wasn't like it mattered to them anyway. The shuriken were useful in taking people out, but even better as a distraction. It was to that purpose that the shuriken had originally been thrown, so the owners had ran away from the scene almost before the metal kissed the tips of their fingers goodbye.

The two ran quickly, bursting from the compound in an easy leap fuelled by chakra and the activation of a seal on the walls that prevented the chakra from setting off any traps.

It was over quickly and easily, although the plan had been unexpectedly delayed by the appearance of a diversion, and they sheltered in the trees to watch the compound burn.

"We should go further," Kondoru warned quietly, making sure his partner knew that.

"I know," Raion responded softly, hesitantly. "We'll go soon…just look at how pretty the flames are as they burn it all to the ground,"

"Come on Raion. Let's go, and leave your revenge out of a professional job," Kondoru scolded, setting off at a fast pace and allowing his all-seeing Uchiha eyes to fade back to normal.

Behind him, Raion followed unflinchingly. The fire that had been reflected in their eyes moments earlier seemed to move with them as they turned, setting their hair alight and revealing a mane of blonde that remained flat by sheer force of will, and burning even brighter in cerulean eyes.

They escaped easily. It was no challenge.

And behind them, the compound burned down to the ground.