Chapter 1: The Kingdom of the Sun

The kingdom of the Sun is a country surrounded by a wall, inside the wall is always peaceful. No one starves, no one is homeless and no one is ever sad. The villagers owe it to the palace: The Royal family, the Oracle sorceress and most of all, the Captain of the soldiers.

Outside the palace is many other kingdoms with their own protective layer, one of the outstanding kingdoms are the kingdom of the Moon. A kingdom protected by an invincible barrier and a kingdom full of sorcery, enough to rival the Sun's kingdom, but not enough to rival the faithful soldiers of the Sun.

The purpose of the barriers and the walls is because outside is filled with plants; some flesh-eating, some deadly and poisonous and some enchanting and glowing, because of those plants, demons came. It's the perfect environment for them and the poisonous plants serve as perfect bait for the animals they eat.

Whenever a kingdom travels around, which are seldom, they bring the best fighters around just to survive.

Years later, each kingdom met together for an agreement. They had created a strong and protected path to travel easily, but it was still unsafe. So the Kingdom of the Sun and The Kingdom of the Moon, the best and the strongest kingdom, made a strong wall to protect each path with a cylindrical-tunnel like barrier. The news of travelers dying decreased but royals knew better than to travel without a bodyguard.


Some years later…

Princess Melody Harukaze, a lady of 18 with long reddish pink hair that ended up to her mid-back and cheerful red eyes and a slightly tan skin. Half of her hair is tied up and a crown adores the bun, the rest of her hair falls down. Her body is slightly curvy. Her friends call her Doremi because the name Melody didn't suit her personality. She's always outside the palace and she usually skips out from her lessons. Her gown is a dark shade of pink on the bodice part and her lower gown is made of several layers of silky pinks with a bit of gem and golden embodies.

Wisteria Fujiwara or Hazuki is one of the princess's friends. She's a lady-in-waiting and she absolutely adores books. The King and Queen of the Sun kingdom usually invites her to eat with them on the table. Hazuki has a petite body and a straight brown hair, she keeps them in a bun except for the bangs on her right and her orange eyes are always sparkling with knowledge, her skin is a bit lighter than the princess due to the fact she seldom goes outside. She sometimes boss Doremi around and she wears a gown like the princess, except it is less flashy without the gems and is of crème and orange.

"Doremi! You can't sneak in to the stables again! You'll smell!" Hazuki said, holding to her skirt whilst trying to catch the princess, who's running away.

Doremi was holding into her crown and skirt while running "Don't worry, I promised dad I'll be back soon, besides, Aiko promised to take me out today"

"Outside?!" Hazuki paled "The palace or the kingdom?"

"The palace, silly" Doremi opened the doors to the stable and crept inside. The horses whinnied and stomp their hooves in protest.

"Hime-sama!" the stable boy bowed and Doremi waved her hands "Have you seen Aiko?"

The stable boy looked confused before realization dawned on him "Oh, Azure? She's with her horse at the royal stables"

Doremi was out of the stable when Hazuki finally caught up with her. The royal stables were cleaner and with a fewer horses, the horse for the royal family, and 4 special peoples. Inside the stable, standing in front of a majestic black horse was the girl Doremi was looking for.

"Aiko!" Doremi jumped onto her.

Azure Senoo or Aiko is the captain of the sun soldiers. She's 18 and the youngest soldier in the kingdom, minus the fact that she's the only girl in the team, minus the fact that she's the captain. She has midnight blue hair that she keeps in a single ponytail, landing on her shoulder, her back if untied, a pair of cheeky dark blue eyes and a tan skin. Many boys admire her beauty and strength. Her body is fit without a speck of bulgy muscle, if anything, her body is like a normal girls. She dresses in clothes fit for men's wear, but made especially for her; a royal blue pants tucked in white knee-boots and a white shirt. Her usual royal blue tail coat isn't on her.

"Geez, calm down," Aiko pats her back and pulled away "Sometimes the fact that you're a princess slips of my mind"

Doremi frowned "And sometimes I forget that you're the captain"

"Aiko! You're not supposed to treat the princess like that" Hazuki scolded her. Aiko stuck her tongue out to the girl "Well she's my friend first before she's princess"

Doremi laughed and went to her white horse "How are you today, Magenta? Up for a ride?"

The white horse whinnied in excitement. Aiko saddled her horse and she called to the princess "Should I saddle her for you?"

"Nah, I got this!" Doremi said, saddling her own horse. When she finished, she faced Hazuki "Will you ride Maple with us?"

"Aiko already saddled her for me" Hazuki sighed "can't leave you two kids alone"

"Hey! You're the same age as us!" Aiko protested "Besides, I'm much more capable than you two combined"

Doremi climbed up to her horse and laughed "Please, your much more capable than any of the men here in the kingdom, combined"

Aiko patted her horse, Midnight "That's not true… I think, I haven't sparred with John yet"

Hazuki climbed her white horse, Maple "You're going up against John?! Do you have a death wish Aiko?!"

Aiko grabbed Midnight's reigns and opened the stable door for Hazuki and Doremi to exit. She followed them and she shut the stable door, making sure to lock it. Aiko climbed her horse and led the two outside the palace and into the forest within.

"Yesterday, when I was sparring with ol' uncle Nick, he told me about this place here" Aiko said as their horses sped as fast as possible "Supposedly, there's a rare plant that only grows at the moon kingdom in there"

"Eh?!Really?!" Hazuki's eyes shone "The Malia Lumini?"

"The moon flower? If that's what it translates for dummies, then yes" Aiko said, they reached the top of the hill and their horses slowed down.

"Isn't this where the Oracle lives?" Hazuki asked.

"Yup, it was Onpu who found the flower" Aiko grinned and hopped of her horse. Doremi and Hazuki followed, they tied their horses to the tree and went to the opening.

There was a small stream with a waterfall between the small steps of rocks, leading to further outside the borders. In the opening was a huge patch of different flowers, some herbal plants, a few shrubs of fruits and vegetables. There was also a small tower like house in the corner of the stream. A hooded figure stepped out of the house and smiled at them. She let the hood fall of her face.

Onpu Segawa is the Sorceress and the Oracle of the Sun Kingdom. She's the only magician there is and she's only 18. She has a long wavy violet hair that reaches the floor and a silver ring crown on her head, holding a large white stone. Her eyes are a mysterious shade of violet and she's exceptionally white. She always wears a hooded cape that's a shade of dark violet. She looks like a frail doll and whenever someone sees her, they immediately get attracted and drawn to her. She rivals the mysterious beauty of Aiko.

"Doremi, Aiko, Hazuki!" She ran to them, a rare action. She grabs the hands of Hazuki and Aiko, who grabbed Doremi and led them behind her house "Look! Look!"

Behind her house, was a small omitting glow. In a circle patch of soil was a lone flower that resembles a lily, except the petals were shaped like a moon. Hazuki and Doremi gasped "It's so pretty!"

"How did you grow it?" Aiko asked "This plant only grows at the moon kingdom right?"

"I read it, apparently, any magician can grow it" Onpu smiled "It was a hard job though, I had to create a spell around it to act as a fertilizer"

Doremi made another audible gasp and held Onpu's shoulders, turning her around from each angles "Are you sick? Are you feeling unwell? Mother said you're not capable of 2 long-lasting spells!"

Hazuki laughed "The Queen said that because you were asking for dark magic, seriously a love spell?"

"Besides, Onpu is the reason why our walls are unbreakable, her spells can last a century!" Aiko spread her arms exaggeratingly "Except if she dies, which is why she's inside the walls"

Onpu rolled her eyes at Doremi "You worry too much; you should be worrying over your studies instead"

Doremi pouted "I worry over my friends and you tell me to study"

"Come on, I'll serve you tea before you head back" Onpu led them to her house.

Her house was just one room. A super large version of the rock on her forehead was at one wall, levitating with some transparent magical words swirling around it. At one corner was a wooden set of table and at another corner was a set of cabinets and drawers filled with different jars of different items.

"Where do you sleep again?" Aiko asked.

"She floats sitting" Doremi said "Beside the rock"

"Above that small stream of water?" Aiko asked unsure "I mean I know you're all magical, but seriously?"

"It's true though, I have to stay beside the stone otherwise the wall would go weak" Onpu pointed at the mini stone in her forehead "But this thing allows me to separate from it for about 3 days. Precautions just make me feel the need to sleep beside the rock if I have a chance"

"So you're serious?" Aiko said and placed her hand behind her head "Man, your body must be sore and stuffs then?"

Doremi laughed as Onpu served them Jasmine tea "I don't think so"

"So why did you want a love spell?" Onpu asked sipping her tea and Aiko looked at Doremi curiously too.

"She met the prince of the moon kingdom some year ago, back when Doremi didn't know the prince returned her feeling" Hazuki giggled "She went into a fit"

"And…?" Onpu urged her to continue, maybe expecting something more.

"I heard that the prince is coming to Starlight Graze in 4 days…" Aiko said out loud "Something like an excursion or something… the palace guards were practically begging for my presence at the Starlight Graze"

"Oh!" Doremi exclaimed and looked down on her lap "You've heard?"

"Well, she is the captain" Hazuki placed her empty tea cup down "So, are you coming? The king and queen aren't coming, of course, from both kingdoms; it'll just be Doremi and I… and a few more guards and servants"

"I can't," Aiko shrugged "I'm expected to assist the Queen tomorrow; it'll take half a day to arrive and half a day to return. It's a three day trip starting tomorrow. The king ordered me to protect her"

Onpu nodded, understanding "Must be hard for you, between the four of us, you're the one who has to work hard the most everyday"

Aiko scrunched her nose up and finished her tea in one go "Are you kidding me? It's you who has to use magic nonstop"

"Alright, alright, ladies" Hazuki broke them up "You're both really hard working, but, Aiko, aren't you supposed to be preparing your things for tomorrow's trip? And Doremi, aren't you expected for dinner?"

"Oh! Right! Right!" Doremi hopped up, slamming her palms on the table top "Let's go Aiko! Hazuki! See you Onpu!"

Doremi hastily grabbed Aiko and Hazuki. The orange lady and the blue knight waved a goodbye at the sorceress.

The sorceress sweat dropped and smiled at her two unfortunate friends while waving goodbye. She turned back to the glowing stone and walked to it, sitting on her knees and looked up. Her carefree ambiance turned deadly serious "Now then, shall we check on those walls?"

Cookie: Well, now we know everyone, and yes, momo the yellow ojamajo isn't here.