It was a cool, crisp October morning and the Usui residence was filled with activity. Karin was busy in the kitchen making breakfast while Kenta was getting ready for work. Thirteen-year-old Kanon was getting ready for another day of school.

"Hurry up!" Yelled Karin, "you'll be late for school!" "I'm coming!" Kanon yelled back as she rushed down the stairs. "whoa", said Kenta, "slow down. You don't want to hurt yourself". Kanon smiled and slowed down.

"Breakfast is on the table", Karin said as the two entered the kitchen. "Did you pack my lunch?" Asked Kanon. "Yes, it's by your backpack, " replied Karin. "You could make your own, you know." "Yeah, but yours taste better", replied Kanon with a smile.

"I'm off to school", called Kanon, "bye mom, bye dad". "Have fun!" Karin yelled.

Kanon ran as fast as she could to school, hoping she wouldn't be late yet again. Just as the school bell rang, Kanon ran into class and to her seat.

"You were almost late again", whispered Kanon's best friend, Momoko. "But I wasn't", Kanon whispered back with a smirk. Momoko just smiled and rolled her eyes.

In gym class students were running laps around the track. "Wow, you're in great shape". said Momoko, panting. "Well I ought to be in shape, I run to school every day trying not to be late", replied Kanon. "That's true", said Momoko. And with that Kanon ran ahead of Momoko. "Wait up", called Momoko, trying to run faster. Kanon just laughed and slowed down.

At lunch

"Let's see what my mom made me for lunch", said Kanon. "I tried to get my mom to make my lunch but she says I'm old enough to make my own lunch", said Momoko. "Too bad", said Kanon. "ooh, I got a tuna fish sandwich, a brownie, and a fruit punch juice box." "I'll trade half my turkey and cheese sandwich for half your tunda fish sandwich", said Momoko. "Deal", said Kanon.

After school, Momoko and Kanon walked home from school together. When it was time to part ways they said their normal good byes. "Bye Kanon." "Bye Momoko." "See you tomorrow."

"Mom, I'm home!" Yelled Kanon when she got home. "Did you have a good day at school?" Asked Karin. "It was fine", replied Kanon, heading to her room. "Do you have any homework?" Called Karin. "No", Kanon replied.

At dinner that evening, Karin had an announcement to make. "Kanon, guess who's coming over tomorrow?" "Who?" Asked Kanon. "Grandma", replied Karin. "Grandma's coming over!" Kanon squealed with delight. "I can't wait!"

That night Kanon could hardly sleep. She couldn't wait to see grandma. But little did she know she wasn't going to see much of grandma.