"I think a spiritual journey is not so much a journey of discovery. It's a journey of recovery. It's a journey of uncovering your own inner nature. It's already there."

~Billy Corgan

"Are you gonna miss it?" Evie asked as she stopped at the light that started turning red. Spencer was in the passenger seat, flying through a book about greek philosophers. They were almost home, finally able to leave the hospital where he'd spent just over a week at. Evie had thankfully stayed throughout the entire thing.

Spencer looked over at Evie with a confused frown.

"Miss what?"

"You're little hospital dwelling." she said, pulling forward once the light turned green. Spencer chuckled and shook his head.

"Nope." he shortly said. "I'll miss cuddling you everyday all day, though." He added in a matter-of-fact voice. He watched as Evie smiled over at him. He was so glad to be going home. He missed having a place to their own.

Once they pulled into the parking lot, Spencer felt a warm feeling spread over his body. He finally felt home. He'd missed it so much, he couldn't get fully comfortable in the hospital. No more overly plain foods or constant check ins from doctors. He did save a large stock of Jell-O to take home however, that was currently in the trunk.

"Here we are." Evie said, sighed and dropping her hands on her lap when she shut the car off. Spencer smiled and leaned forward. He touched his finger tips to Evie's chin and turned her to face him. Spencer looked into her eyes, eventually trailing them down to her lips before he kissed her. Evie kissed him back gently, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck. Every single one of his kisses with Evie was amazing, but something about this one really hit Spencer. He realized he was so close to never being able to do this again. It made it all the more special.

Evie seemed to feel it too. She pulled him in deeper, touching her tongue to his lips for access which he eagerly allowed. Spencer unbuckled his seat belt to move closer to her, never breaking their kiss in the process. Evie softly moaned into him, wrapping both arms around his neck tightly. Spencer could feel the pain starting to spread through his back and chest as he enveloped himself in Evie as much as the car space would allow, but he didn't care.

"Mmm... Spence..." Evie mumbled, but he ignored her and continued to kiss. Evie kissed him back, getting lost in it before she retracted again, a smile playing on her lips. "I don't want to hurt you." she said sadly, rubbing his arm. Spencer frowned at her.

"You won't. I promise."

"Well at least wait until we get to the apartment so I can change your bandages." Evie said, popping her car door open so as not to leave room for objections. Spencer whined and hurried to open his as well, rushing around the car to lift Evs off her feet before she could even close her door.

"Jeez, Spence." She grunted while wrapping her arms around his neck for support. "You definitely are feeling better."

Spencer's back was burning as well as the parts of his chest that he held Evie against. It wasn't unbearable however. He smiled up at her since she was taller than him when he held her. She smiled back and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Love you." Spencer whispered.

"Love you more." Evie whispered. Spencer chuckled like it was the most unbelievable thing he's ever heard. He shut the car door she left open and began carrying her to the front of their apartments.

"Not a chance." he said, setting her down by the door. Evie rolled her eyes through a smile and took his hand. Together they walked up to their apartment, finally home.

Upon entering his home, Spencer felt it was foreign. Everything looked so unused, like no one had been living their for years. He looked at the place where he held Evie's hand when the lights had gone out and where he'd been ripped from her grasp. He shivered at the thought, and tried his best to dismiss it. It still left an eerie feeling behind though.

"Thank God they cleaned up the crime scene stuff." Evie muttered, shutting and locking the front door behind them. Spencer just stood there, looking around at their apartment. He never thought he'd see this place again either. It was strange how much more he appreciated after his near death experience. It wasn't a bad thing.

"Well... Almost." Spencer said, swiping a piece of CAUTION tape off of the ground and walking over to the trash can to throw it away. Evie went for the lights, flooding the room in a warm glow. Spencer looked around. Suddenly the apartment was much more homey.

"Come here." Evie said, pulling out a chair for Spencer to sit on. He groaned and sat on the chair sideways so Evie could still get to his back. She went to the cabinets at the very edge of the kitchen, going to pull out rolls of bandages and bandage tape. Spencer took off his shirt while she did this, shuddering at the sudden contact of cold air.

As soon as Evie came close, Spencer pulled her close by her belt loops, yanking her waist towards him first with her upper body jerking forwards as well. Evie giggled and put her hands in his hair, running her hands through it before she went to open the packaging of the bandages she was holding. Spencer took this time to wrap his arms around her waist and lie his head on her stomach. He nuzzled her abdomen, making her laugh and squirm whenever it tickled her. He laid gentle kisses on her stomach through her shirt, breathing in her scent.

"You know, there's nothing in there." Evie joked, talking about her stomach. Spencer chuckled and kissed her abdomen again, thinking of their baby being in there one day.

"I know... But someday there will be." he said, unraveling his arms from around her waist and leaning back so she could undo the bandages he currently had wrapped tightly around his chest. She couldn't stop smiling after he said that.

"You're amazing, you know that right?" she asked, her eyes still focused as she unraveled the cloth from around his back and chest. His skin was beginning to heal, but it was still terrifying for Spencer to look at. It was better if he didn't at all. There were deep red lines across his chest and arms from the cuts and his back was something he still had yet to look at. He still didn't plan too. The pain was enough of a reminder of the burning stoker being pressed into his flesh.

"Well, I am a genius." he said nodding, pressing his lips together in a think line. Evie rolled her eyes and began putting on the new bandages, looking at Spencer through guilty eyes whenever he flinched in pain.

"Are you sure you want to go back to work tomorrow?" she asked, concern layered in her voice. Spencer sighed. They had argued about this for a bit the other day. Spencer felt fine except for a constant pain that reoccurred over and over again in the background. The hurting was bearable though. He needed something to distract him from it, and saving lives was always a good distraction. Plus Evie had to go back tomorrow and there was no way he wanted be home alone without her.

"I'm positive." he told her. Evie held the bandages where she was halfway done wrapping them and leaned in to kiss Spencer's nose.


Evie pushed down the toast in the toaster and sighed, looking over at the digital clock above the oven. It was about time to go wake Spencer up for work. The other night had been really nice. As grateful as she was that Spencer was alive, so much that she'd spend the rest of her life in a hospital if it depended on it, she was so glad to be home. Spencer was exhausted from all the moving around that he hadn't had a lot of in the past week, so they had eaten dinner in bed while watching Dr. Who. She had to admit, he was getting her hooked.

They had fallen asleep like that, cuddled up in each other's arms. When Evie had woken to the screech of the annoying alarm clock, Spencer hadn't even stirred. She decided to get ready and let Spencer sleep in a little more. He never needed a lot of time to get ready anyway.

Evelyn walked into the bedroom to see Spencer sprawled out, tangled in his covers. His hair was splayed out over his face and pillow and his mouth was open just a bit so she could hear his heavy breathing. The room was dark and the bed inviting. She really wanted to just crawl back under the blankets with him and sleep all day, but they had to go in twenty minutes.

"Hey..." she mumbled, going to his side of the bed to entwine fingers through his hair. Spencer stirred in his sleep and moaned, but that was it. "Spencer." she said, rubbing his shoulder gently. He groaned again and rolled over so that he was facing away from her. Evie sighed and kissed his neck that was warm from that way his blankets were pulled up to cover it. He shivered underneath her from the contact.

"I know you can hear me." she said, pulling back to straighten and walk to the curtains. She yanked them open, letting sunlight flood into the room, bathing her and Spencer. He made a whining noise and pulled the covers over his head. Evie shook her head dissaprovingly. She walked tot he end of the bed and with one swift movement, she yanked them off. Spencer curled up, trying to defend agains the cold air in his pajama pants and tee shirt.

"Come on, sweetheart. We have to get to work." she said, walking around to the other side of the bed again to wrap her arms around his chest from behind. She pulled him backwards, slowly making progress in pulling him off of the bed. Once Spencer felt himself reach the edge of the bed, he began to thrash around in Evie's arms.

"Woah! Woah! Wait!" he protested as Evie pulled him over the edge and off of the bed. She wasn't strong enough to hold him up though, so they both fell to the floor, Spencer landing on top of her. She grunted from the weight of him on her body and laughed while watching him rub his face tiredly. "Joke's on you, I'm fine with this." Spencer said as he curled up on her chest and closed his eyes to fall asleep again.

"Spencer! Up!" she said, smiling despite herself. Spencer shook his head stubbornly so Evie reached down and tased him in the sides. Spencer jumped off of Evie with a yelp and stood, backing away from her.

"Evie..." he complained, his shoulders sagging with disappointment.

"You said you wanted to go!" she said as she held her hand up for him to take. Spencer took her hand in his and helped her stand. She kissed his lips softly for a moment before giving him a soft shove towards the bathroom. "Get moving." she said, watching him go. She'd let him stay home if it wasn't a special day at work. He didn't know that yet though.

Spencer walked through the familiar doors of the BAU building with Evie by his side. By habit of the last week he was tempted to hold her while they walked, but he reminded himself that he couldn't do that at work. They walked shoulder to shoulder at least as they approached the elevator. She punched the button in that lit up with an arrow pointing upwards. They waited for the elevator just barely brushing their hands up against each other. Evie held his, giving it a light squeeze before she let go before anyone saw.

"Hey, look who it is! Pretty Boy!" Morgan's voice boomed from behind them. Spencer's shoulders sagged as he waited for something like a slap on the back or severe violation of privacy. Ever since he woke up early this morning he was in a bad mood. He was used to sleeping nearly all day in the hospital. This was a rude awakening.

"How are you?" Morgan asked, putting an arm around Spencer's shoulders as the elevator doors dinged open. Spencer sighed and walked in beside Evie and Morgan.

"I'd be better if it wasn't seven in the morning." he mumbled, hitting the button with the fading seven painted on. It was getting easier to get used to his work schedule now. It all flooded back to him, the familiar sights creating nostalgia within him.

"Sorry, he's cranky today." Evie explained to Morgan. He raised his eyebrows at Spencer and gave him a light squeeze with the arm wrapped around him.

"You'll get used t to the schedule again." Derek assured him. Spencer knew he wasn't doing anything wrong. He just didn't feel like talking to Morgan at the moment so he just nodded and tiredly closed he eyes. "Hey..." Morgan said in a low voice, suddenly turning serious. Spencer opened his eyes, taken off guard from the change in tone. Morgan's dark eyes looked sincerely back at him. "We're just glad you're okay."

Spencer gave him a half grin and nodded. Morgan smiled back and nudged his shoulder as the elevator doors open.

"By the way, Hotch wants everyone in the round table room." Derek said, leaving Evie and Spencer standing by the elevator as he instantly made his way to the round table room. Evie looked completely unphased by his comment... almost too unphased, like she was trying to keep a straight face. Spencer didn't mean to profile her, it was just apparent in the way she was meticulous with her behaviour.

"So what are you hiding?" he asked suspiciously as they began walking in the direction Morgan walked off in. Evie looked at him like she was surprised, but it didn't fool Spencer. He knew her surprised face.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, obviously trying not to smile. Spencer snorted in amusement.

"You need to work on your poker face, Evs." he smiled at her. She rolled her eyes as they approached the closed door of the round table room.

"Just get in there, wonder boy." she said sarcastically. Spencer opened the door by the cool handle. The first thing he noticed was how the team was all gathered together behind the table, facing the door with eager glances.

"There he is!" Garcia squeeled, running forward in heels to wrap her arms around Spencer. He gave a confused smile, wrapping his arms around her and looking over his shoulder to see a cake and small decorations set up around the room.

"Surprise!" JJ smiled at him, walking around the table and getting a hug right after Garcia backed away. Spence gave a short laugh and wrapped an arm around Jayge too, leaning his head into hers.

"What is this?" he asked in amazement as Hotch got 'in line' next. He shook Spencer's hand with a smile on his face. He clapped his hand on Spencer's arm more gently than usual, knowing he was probably still hurting.

"It was Garcia's idea. She said you're not allowed back without a 'Welcome Back' slash 'We're so Damn Glad You're Okay' party." Morgan explained, already running the knife through the cake. Rossi gave Spencer his famous "italian kisses" on each of his cheeks and batted his upper back where the burns weren't so bad. Spence smiled at everyone, eventually landing on Evie. She smiled fondly back up at him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Emily sends her regards. She apologises for not being able to come, she had to get back." JJ informed them. Spencer nodded. He was grateful for the time she did spend with them. She was head of a big coorperation though. He knew she couldn't stay forever.

"Here you are, Junior G Man." Garcia said, holding out the first piece of cake for Spencer on a light green party plate. He thanked her and played with the icing before taking a piece to eat.

Once everyone had a piece of cake, everyone seemed to be just staring at Spencer like they were waiting for him to do something. He looked around at all of them, awkwardly smiling with confusion as to why they were all acting like he was a celebrity or something.

"We're just really glad you're back, Reid." Hotch said, breaking the silence.

"Really. Really, really, really glad." Garcia said, her voiced strained as she was choking back tears. Morgan walked over to her to put an arm around her shoulders to comfort Pen. She leaned into his grip so he could kiss the top of her head.

"Thank you." Spencer said sincerely. "All of you. Really."

"Thanks for sticking around." Rossi said, smiling at Spencer.

"Around where?"

"Life!" Morgan joked. Spencer smiled and tightened his arm around Evie's waist.

"My pleasure."

The team had a pretty good day at 'work'. The serial killers actually had let them be for one day surprisingly, and it was one day that was well deserved. Spencer found out that the unsub who was apparently named Qiqiang Shen, was sentenced to prison for life. There was the possibility for the death penalty, but he had narrowly escaped. Spencer really didn't mind as long as he was no where near him.

"Hey." Evie said softly from the threshold of the round table room. Spencer had just finished talking to Rossi about the origins of Italian cooking when he heard her say it. He turned to see her in the doorway, her soft hair hanging down to her shoulders, her gray eyes sparkling up at his. She had a small smile on her face as she gestured her head to the side, telling him to come with her. He put his drink down on the table and followed her out, ignoring Morgan's suggestive whistling behind him.

Evie took his hand without a word and led him to an empty conference room. He followed her like a puppy dog, waiting to see what she'd do. When they both stood in the middle of the room alone, Evie turned and looked up at him.

"What are we doing in here?" Spencer asked as she took both of his hands and wrapped them around her own waist. Spencer got the gist and did it himself, pulling her close. Evie wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his chest. He rocked her out of habit like they were slowly dancing to imaginary music, just enjoying each other's presence.

"I just needed some alone time with my baby." she said into his chest, taking a deep breath and blowing hot breath into his shirt. She eventually pulled away to look up into Spencer's eyes, her eyes taking hold of his. He stared into their gray depts, remembering the first time they mesmerized him in the cafe. It felt like they'd been in love forever when in reality it had only been a little over a month.

"I love you." she whispered. Spencer pressed his forehead against hers and nudged his nose against hers as well.

"I love you too. Forever and ever." he said back, making her smile. She went on her tip toes to press her soft lips against his. Spencer tilted his head as his lips perfectly fit hers. He felt himself melt into her as she did the same into him. All that torture and torment he went through was definitely worth it, even if it meant just having this one moment. Spencer held what was miraculously his close, never planning to let go.

A/N: The End! Sorry it's literally a tiny bit before midnight! The Second Book is Up! It's called: The Ones Who Descend Into Misery. Thank you to all who have read all of this story and who have given great amounts of support! I'm calling this the "Superfluous Series" so I'm super excited for Book 2! Thanks!