Summary: What if Donna had never re-enforced the Rule 10 years ago? Five years after leaving Manhattan, Donna is forced to immerse herself in the world she thought she'd left behind.

Future-Fic AU.

Notes: Many thanks to xxlovely and Purple Cadet, whose amazing fic got me back in the game. This is a fic I wrote over a year ago. I'm trying it out.

New Grounds By Atheniandream

Chapter One

"Mom. Where are we?" A little girl asks, staring oddly at the brick wall of the tall building in front of them.

The girl's mother sighs, drawing in a long breath as she stares up at the towering apartment block.

It's unremarkable in its finality, the woman thinks. After all this time, Practically unchanged, a vaguely 'aged brick' look to it but not particularly different from the last time she stalked between it's walls and fled out of it's doors into a future. A future now paved with misadventures...

"Well…we are at the apartment that I used to lease when I lived here in the city. I lived here for eight years." She explains, looking down at the little girl.

"Wow. That's older than me…" The child replies, wide eyed.

"It sure is." Her mother smiles, a warmth behind her eyes at her daughters matter-of-factness. "Did you have our name back then? Or Dad's?"

"Mine, of course. I was the famous 'Donna Paulsen' back then. You don't give that up easy." She says to the girl, watching as her daughter weighs up the meaning of her answer.

"Can we go inside?" The little girl asks fervently.

"Sorry sweetie… someone's renting it now. But it's…a cool neighbourhood, honey; don't you think?" Donna presses, noticing her daughter's silence. "Cassie?"

"Hmm-hmm." The Cassie replies; pushing her strawberry-blonde hair out of her face as her green eyes roam up and down the road. "Did you and Dad live here?"

"No, sweetie. Your Dad and I lived Uptown; where he lives now."

"Are we gonna live around here again?"

"Maybe…we're gonna go visit a very old friend of my mine, first." She assures her daughter.

"Is it Uncle Mike?" Cassie asks.

"Of course; you've met Uncle Mike…and Aunt Rachel?" She remembers. Too far out of the loop these days to keep track of how much Cassie has been enveloped into her old world.

"I love Rachel;" Cassie exclaims. "She has the prettiest hair. And like...a closet full of shoes." Cassie remarks, pulling on her dress.

"She does. Have you been to their house before?"

"Only once. Dad took me." She shrugs.

"Well…then this will make it twice." She remarks, taking her daughters hand.

The cab ride is familiar; past old haunts and favourite stores that still remain in the fast changing metropolis. She gets vague ghosts of memories passed vendors and coffee houses and the odd theatre that passes by. It's unnerving to be back; like the city wasn't as big as she remembered; everything too vividly familiar of every part of her time here. She hadn't visited in nearly three years. Things were bound to have changed; the city waits for no one…

"Mom." Cassie pipes up.

"Yeah, sweetie?"

"Are we gonna go to see Dad today?" She asks with wide, interested eyes that speak just as much of her father as they do of her.

A lump rises in Donna's throat at her mentioning him, as she steadies her reaction in front of a very smart girl. Too smart, by traditional standards.

"Maybe… I can drop you off after if you want?" She offers, shelving the subtext in her voice to look down at her daughter.

You're making a choice, She thinks to herself. The first step will always be the hardest but in the long run the best, She chants silently in her head.

"You can come too?" Her daughter offers brightly.

"No, I'm good. I'll drop you though? Your Dad will want to spend some time with you alone, I think." She placates, smiling.

"He's probably working," She says matter-of-factly, a thought painting her face as she stares momentarily out the window.

"Probably. He may stop when you get there though?" She encourages.

She can only fear just how little a focus her Father has put upon her during those infrequent visits Cassie made to the city…

"Hmm…" The little girl replies, her hand finding her hair.

They stop outside a tall apartment building; a classic white period apartment block with large french windows. On the call sheet it reads 'Ross & Rachel'. It makes her laugh immediately, a quiet homage to her joking of their name combination when the two first got together and a television show showcasing a couple to trump even their tenuous relationship history. It was a strange miracle that they were still together. She should have known that they were always meant to be. And how she hadn't been the one to call it…

She presses the button on the intercom, hearing it ring out into the neighbourhood.

"Hello?" A man's voice asks. It's all too familiar.

She whispers to her daughter. "Honey, you want call it?"

"Uncle Mike it's me and Mom!" Cassie blurts into the receiver, stretching on her tiptoes to reach the console.

"Oh my God!" Is the only muffled response they hear as the door buzzes open, waiting for them to enter.

Rachel is already down the hall by the time they get to the right floor.

"Oh my god it's you! Donna!" She calls, running to her friend, who wraps her in a huge hug.

"And you, my little Princess Cassie; how ya been! Come here!" She says, folding her between their collective arms.

She gives Rachel a look, before she notices her friend, as he slowly walks up behind Rachel, his arms collecting on her shoulders.

"Mike," Donna says carefully, eyeing him with a look that doesn't need words between them.

He smiles, knowing and warm. "Hey Donna. Long time…It's good to see you." He says, moving around Rachel and leaning in enough to pull her into a hug and place a warm kiss on her cheek.

"You too. It has been a while." She says, shrugging with a slight nervousness that has become part of her physicality these days.

"It's been too long." He says pointedly. She can't ignore the sad smile behind his wiser looking eyes.

She shrugs the sentiment off with a sudden flash of her old self. "So… how are you guys?" She says as the couple lead them both into their apartment.

Donna pauses, looking around.

It screams Rachel all over. The textures, the decor. The Rugs.

Occasionally she'll spy little sprinklings of Mike; cufflinks on the coffee table and the Panda photo that Harv- The acknowledgement of his name stops her dead. It's only then when she zones back into the room that Rachel is waiting on the knife edge of excitement.

"Well… we have news." Rachel says, all but popping.

"I know. You said on the phone. Out with it already or you'll burst!" Donna remarks, humouring her friend.

"Well...after much trepidation and tense waiting. The Doctor's finally confirmed that we...are…pregnant!" Rachel says finally, all but lifting off of the ground.

"Oh my god….Congratulations! I'm suddenly so sad that you can't have a drink with me but yay!" She says, pulling her friends into a hug.

"Mom loves the Mojitos." Cassie exclaims, reminding everyone a little too much of her poignant lineage…

"Cassie, you can't tell people that;" Donna fake scolds her daughter. "They're gonna think Mommy's a closet Alcoholic." She laughs nervously. Both Rachel and Mike hold a laugh back as she looks towards the bright little girl.

"Oops. Oh well. I'm gonna go," Cassie says, rolling her eyes and wandering off into the rest of the house; Rachel quietly following after the little girl as Mike chuckles in the background.

"Yeah." Donna sighs; as both her and Mike remain.

"She's developing a nice blend of your wit and Harvey's sarcasm, I see?" Says Mike, smirking at the sarcasm. She's like a little her, and it's scaring her more and more every day.

"Yeah, that's never gonna change, is it? Speaking is the…firm?" She makes sure to tread delicately over the generalisation that will forever be mentioning Harvey.

"Well. I'm going to have to show you. You may even be excited." He says, his expression holding his own little secret.

"What? Why?" She asks, her features lighting up with possibility.

It had been so long since she had her finger on the pulse. When she had first left the firm, she'd had so much to deal with; with Cassie and Harvey and a whole new side to her life, she never had a minute to miss anything. But things had changed; her life had changed. There was time to miss the little things now.

"No guessing; I'll take you later." He promises, as they both drift into silence, looking on to Rachel and Cassie talking in the lounge nearby; Cassie waving her arms animatedly at a smiling Rachel.

"Hey, Cassie. You wanna go see Dad at work later?" Mike calls.

She looks over to her daughter, who's eyes light up almost immediately. She pretends that it doesn't cause her the anguish it does.

"Yeah! Mom said she'd take me." Cassie nods, looking casually between the two of them.

"Well, I have to be in the office later, we can all go together?" Mike offers then, turning his attention back to Donna.

"Oh, no, Mike, that's fine." She takes a step back, her voice backtracking to match. "Take Cassie though. I have some plans..." She says, suddenly feeling the desperate need to stall.

"Donna, I insist. Trust me, you're gonna love it." He says, his hand landing on her shoulder as an attempt at comfort.

"I…uh," She stumbles, trying to find the right angle to relieve herself of the proposition. But by the look on Mike's face, he can still read her like a book. She isn't getting out of it for any money in the world…

"You won't even have to see him, Donna." He assures her.

"See who?" She offers deftly. He shakes his head at her. Clearly she's lost her touch…

"See Who? At Dad's work?" Says a voice behind them. The kid is a constant creeper.

"Rach, can you show Cassie around the apartment? Show her your shoes, she's been trying to snag my Manolos for weeks now." Donna calls to Rachel, nudging Cassie forward.

"Uh, of course!" Rachel says, sensing the look on her face. "Come on, Cass, you can tell me what you think of the baby's room, too. I'm not so sure about the colour..." She says, leading the girl off into the apartment.

"Cool," Cassie says; eyeing her Mother till the very edge of the doorway.

She draws a breath before looking back to a waiting Mike.

"Mike. I don't know if I want to see him. It's kind of been three years." She says under a hushed tone.

"What; aren't you the least bit curious?" He asks; confusion painting his face.

"About my ex-husband? Not in the slightest." She quips, giving him a look. His objection doesn't last long, the remembrance of the great Harvey Specter leaving no room for ambiguity.

"Well then…come for me," He offers. "And for Louis. He'll be sad if doesn't get to see you. You know how pathetic he can be." He jokes.

She huffs, looking about the apartment as her decision making skills tackle the crossroads of the matter.

"Uhh…you're right." She winces. "You are a very persuasive man, Michael Ross." She smiles, play-punching his arm.

"I had some good teachers." He smirks back.

"I have missed you." She admits, smiling.

"Missed you too." He says, taking her hand to give it a quick squeeze. The moment is open and quick between them, before their usual camaraderie sets in.

"You said to Rachel on the phone that you are…moving back? Is it true?"

"Yeah. I uh… I think it's good for Cassie to see her Dad. She doesn't get to that much, and this way, with her enrolled in a better School, maybe with being around her Dad more she might be able to concentrate a little better. The doctors said that she needs a healthier home environment, more stable, more regular for her to feel secure about where she is."

"How is that working out?"

"Her attention is getting better. But it takes time. To tell you the truth it would be nice for Harvey to… make some effort, occasionally." She says; trying not to lace the words with natural accusation. It was getting harder these days…

"You know...I think he misses her. He talks about her occasionally, which you and I both know means,"

"That he thinks about her a lot. Yeah. I figured it was about time that I gave in a little on this. Only a little though," She emphasises, hiding her wicked smile.

"Just a smidge." He offers.

"Just a smidge." She confirms, her smile levelling. "So…baby. Little Baby Ross, huh?"

"I know. Where have the years gone?" He says frankly, looking around himself.

"I don't know. You've done well… for a guy without a law degree." She jibes, smiling once more.

They both notice that she omits her usual nickname of 'Fraud Man', that he's come to expect to come out of her mouth.

"Yeah. Well, I have you to thank for that." He says.

She looks at him, confused for a moment. She had assumed that Harvey was the main reason for his successes. "How so?"

"If you hadn't have taken a chance on me, liked whatever part of my plea to evade the cops and let me speak to Harvey; he would never have offered me the job. You opened the door, for him to let me in."

"And I never ever regretted it." She smiled, tapping his cheek.

"Not even a…"

"Okay, sometimes." She says, covering her smile with a fake frown.

"We should go. You ready?" He asks, seeing her posture stiffen.

She takes a moment to relax into the swagger of her old days, before throwing a "When am I not?" Over her shoulder.

It was time to meet the Dragon head-on.

She looks down to see her daughter smiling at her as they ride the elevator half-flanked by Mike. Everything would be fine if it weren't for the complete saturation of dread in her stomach. She's sure he'll be out, probably at lunch, or in a meeting, and with any luck she can see Louis, see what Mike's come to show her and then leave Cassie for a few hours and wash away any of the questions that come up with a stiff drink in an old haunt. She looks over at Mike, to see a contained excitement in his features as he looks over at her.

When she steps out into the Lobby; it's immediately obvious that they've redecorated.

"Wow Mike, it looks good here. Nice scheme." She remarks, and impressed look on her face.

"No. Turn around…" He says, touching her shoulder.

She slowly turns around to the signage to read:

'Specter Ross & Litt'

"Oh my god, MIKE! That's…incredible." She gawks, in awe. "Not bad for a fake lawyer." She whispers devilishly, aware of the people lingering.

"Donna…" He warns, laughing nervously.

"What?" Her daughter chimes.

"It's a joke, Cassie. But please don't ever repeat what I just said to anyone; including your father."

"Why not?" Cassie asks. When she looks down to meet her daughter's gaze it's like looking at Harvey again; all shrewd intellect and none of the rebuttal.

"Because I said so." She warns.

"Okay…" Her daughter huffs, looking away.

"Pinky swear?" Donna asks, a glimmer of her mothering tone. "Cassie?"

"Pinky swear." Cassie agrees, stubbornly folding her arms.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"Hey, Cassie you know where your Dad is, right?" Mike chimes in, full of too much enthusiasm for a guy who's not a kid any more.

"Of course. He has the biggest office. Do you have a new office, Uncle Mike?"

"Right next to your Dad's. Go take a peak. My name will be on the door."

"You okay?" He asks Donna as they both watch the little girl amble down the hall.

"Yeah I'm good." She says, taking in the silver lettering. "Mike... Grammy and your parents would be… very proud of you."

"Of my hustle?"

"Of your achievements." She corrects.

"Thanks. It's weird to think I ever questioned it. It's like it's all an urban legend now.

"Does Louis like being on the bottom?" She asks, smirking.

"Well, he was okay, when we told him that people always consider the '&' the cherry of the name. Like 'Also starring' or 'With' in the movie titles. Like an accolade,"

"Uh. Film analogy. Good call. Did he buy it?"

"Of course." Mike scoffs, his hands finding his pockets. "I am top a lawyer after all." He replies smugly.

She hears ringing and looks down to pick up his cellphone. "Excuse me one sec?" He asks.

"Sure." She smiles, watching with a motherly pride as Mike talks animatedly down the phone, no doubt on the business of the day.

She continues to walk casually down the hall and within minutes, things start to flood back to her; the years upon years' worth of history just stacked up in every office; every cubicle, the bathrooms, the lobby, the…


She stops dead when she sees the cubicle; just as she'd left it years ago. Except with a bouncy Blonde sat in her seat. There's something rough edged coming up like razor bile in her throat. The girl is young, bubbly and he's probably fucking her. Since their divorce he went back to dating the most beautiful and the most stupid women in Manhattan, just as she would expect. And this one clearly fits the ticket…

She spies him in his office, Cassie sitting on the edge of his desk; probably showing her a picture of the new dog her grandmother had bought her on her phone. He's a little greyer now, just on the sides, but it only makes him more distinguished in a George Clooney kind of way. She immediately hates the reference, vowing to never watch ER re-runs ever again, and turns her attention back to him. His suit is the same, the same charcoal and silvery blues peeking out. It angers her a little that he's managed to keep his looks over the years and she's settled for being a middle aged woman now. She notices his tie is off but doesn't bother thinking deeper than that.

It is not her job anymore…

"Can I help you?"

She doesn't realize until the girl looks up that she's managed to walk to up to the cubicle.

"And who are you?" Donna says, her words icing immediately.

"I'm…Harvey Specter's assistant?" The young woman offers, confused by the question.

Well of course she's confused, she's probably not even gotten her SAT results yet…

"Of course you are." She bites the urge to tell the young woman that she's sitting in her chair. She can't help it; there's miles of history spanning the building, right to the chair that looks like it hasn't changed in nine years.

"I'm just going to…" Donna says, starting to walk around the cubicle.

"Um, I'm afraid that he's just talking to someone right now."

"My daughter?" She points out; eyeing up the young woman.

"Sorry?" The woman says, frowning.

"I'm his ex-wife. And that's my daughter." She points vaguely to his desk. She doesn't even have to look up to know where it is, he hasn't moved the damn thing in over eight years…just upgraded his surroundings.

"Oh." The girl says, her pout lost on her vacant looking face.

Harvey must have spied her glaring at his assistant, as he starts to get up when she walks in.

For a moment they both stand; motionless, like they're in some old black and white 'Wild West' film. Cassie sits down in her Dads chair, turning it from side to side, and trying to read the paperwork laid out on the desk with her palms face down against the mass of white.

"Donna…" He says her name carefully, not treading too long on any vowel in particular.

"Cassie; do you want to go bug Uncle Mike for five minutes. I just need to…speak to your Dad alone for a sec?" She looks to Cassie, who acts like she's been caught for touching her Dad's things and jumps out of the chair.

"Sure Mom. Dad, can I take this pen? 'Mont… Blanc'?" She asks, reading the side of the shiny black pen with interest.

"Sure honey. I'll just uh…use a…biro…" He says, irony in his voice as the end of the sentence falls flat. "Don't lose it; it's expensive." He reminders her, his eyes still looking at the memorable Redhead in the room.

"Thanks; I won't." She says vacantly, wandering off in the direction of Mike's office.

"She will." Donna points out, nodding.

"I know." Harvey agrees tiredly, the tiniest of a shuffle in his feet. "So..."

It makes her immediately uncomfortable; her head analysing everything about the man in front of her. "Could you…turn off the intercom? I don't want Miss America listening in."

"Donna," He says, looking at her with the edges of a warning.

"What?" She shrugs. "She's looks…younger than Cassie. Does she even have a Diploma?" She asks, her hip popping out the way it does when she knows she's onto a verbal winner.

"She's very good at her job." Harvey argues; his words still careful, but his eyes solid.

"Which job is that exactly?" She accuses, the words stinging with intent.

"Donna... please let's not-"

"We're not. I'm not," She shrugs sharply, feigning obvious commitment of the matter.

"It's not…on constantly, okay?" He suddenly says, the volume in his voice rising.

She stops dead in her verbal tracks. "No?" She questions.

"No." He says, shaking his head. "That was just a 'you'… an 'us' thing."

"Right." She looks down, her teeth gritting slightly. It's the reason she didn't want to see him in the first place without coming from a place of strength. She felt suddenly feeble in a palace that used to be theirs. Old wounds... "So… the name?" She questions, changing the subject.

"Yeah. It looks good doesn't it? The kid's earned it." He half smiles.

"He's not…such a…kid anymore." She reminds him, the hint of a smile lighting her own features.

"No, he's not…most of the time." He remarks cooly.

"We've all grown up." She wants to say 'some of us'. She's pretty sure that he's stayed the same. She's not sure how she feels about that, if it's even a bad thing.

He watches the cogs turning in her head; and walks back around to sit at his desk.

"So…what brings you to Manhattan? It's nice to see Cassie, but,"

She bites back the 'But seeing you is…' that she feels on his expression.

"You could see her more," She points out; barely holding back the accusations this time.

"Donna, you know I can't… with my schedule, and the time," He says, his nostrils flaring to keep himself level.

"We're moving back, Harvey." She says.

"What?" He stops his pen from hitting the paper, looking up at her, surprise painting his face as much as he'll let it.

"We're moving back to Manhattan. Cassie and I." She clarifies, straightening in her oldest pair of five hundred dollar heels she has left.

He takes a minute - like he always does - analysing the information.

"Oh…that's...good. That's…great." He nods, leaning back.

"Cassie needs you, Harvey. The Doctor's say she's needs a more stable home life with the problems that she's had…so…I'm here." She explains reluctantly.

There's nothing great in having to tell your ex husband that you're doing a shitty job of raising his child alone…

"Of course. You know I never wanted you to move back there in the first pla-"

"Well I needed…my family," She interrupts. "So. Listen, you mind if I leave Cassie here for a few hours?"

"Sure, she's fine. Where are you…."

"Really?" She snaps back, her eyes narrowing with the reserve of venom left in her arsenal.

"Fine." He answers, waving off the rest of his words. "Whatever."

"Good. Well I...I better go find Louis." She says, taking a step back.

"Sure. Hey...Donna…?" He catches her, as she finds his face. "You look…good." He says simply.

But there's something in his face that riles her. It's that arrogant grin she'd spent six years trying to wipe off of his face. She swallows it along with the temptation to blush.

"You too. Really working that silver fox look." She says, a little too dryly.

"I thought you'd like it. If I remember rightly, that's what made you go for that lawyer in the-"

She holds a hand up. She knows where this is going. "Can we not?"

"Sure." He says, swallowing the urge that she can see all over his face. "Donna?" He calls once more.

She makes to turn on her heel, looking back at him.

"You do look… really good." He repeats, seeming more sincere this time.

"Don't even." She warns, shaking her head. "This about our child, Harvey." She calls behind her, looking back only for a second to reaffirm her point. "I'll pick her up later."

"I'll have Ray drop her off." He calls to her retreating form.

"Don't you DARE." She fires back, her voice flying through the corridor at him as she whips back around.

She knocks when she reaches his office. It feels odd to knock but somehow she feels like there is uneven ground.

Louis. No longer the Underdog. Now an equal. Time really has passed…

"If my eyes do not deceive me… Donna Paulsen." He says immediately, as if word has already gone around the building in spades.

"Louis." She eyes him knowingly; her intense devilish streak peeking out for a second, before grinning widely at him. He immediately darts across the room grabbing her for an intense hug. It feels odd, this Louis.

"Don't wrinkle me, Louis. I'm wearing Chanel." She says, crinkling her nose and straightening out of his eager arms.

"Sorry, I just. Well, it's like the room has filled with flowers. You look beautiful. And Cassie… well. She is a darling girl. A perfect blend of you and dare I say it, Harvey, if that were even possible." He says, gushing in his way, a little giggle erupting out of him.

"Yeah, she's great. I hear she's been terrorising you?" She smiles.

"On her Father's orders. I swear to god if I ever have kids, they're going to hunt him down like wild cats to a wounded deer on the,"

She stands, wide eyed, until he realises that he's let himself runaway again. "Enough of Harvey. This firm hasn't been the same without you here; you're still a legend amongst these halls. Cassie's a good reminder of that fact, red hair wandering from office to office with that swagger of yours,"

"I don't know. It's looking pretty good here from where I'm standing. She is great though." She smiles.

"So," He says, perching on his desk. "What brings you to this lonely island, malady?" He asks lavishly.

"I'm… here to stay, actually. Cassie needs her father. And I need Saks 5th Avenue." She smiles wryly.

"Really. For good?"

"For now. For a while." She nods conservatively.

"Where are you thinking? If you like I could take the rest of the day and help you look for apartments; get Norma on the lookout. She'd probably do the work if she knew it was for you, that cranky old bitch hasn't said a word to me in two weeks, I swear I don't even know why I pay her, if I could just get payroll to stop her checks and security to stopping letting her-."

"Norma's still here? Oh my god! Where is the old bag?" She asks, her face finally lighting up as she looks about the place.

"Having her… corns removed." Louis cringes. "Newer Lows."

They both share a look. It's not pretty.

"Lovely. Well, give her my best. No doubt I'll have to come back here. But, I have a few things to do today. Rain check on the apartment scout?"

"I should hope so. And…I expect a regular visit… unless…" He pauses for a second, unreadable.

"What, Louis.?" She presses

"Are you going to come back to the firm?" He asks.

Out of everyone, it would always be Louis to ask that question first. She should have known...

"Oh, I don't…" She stumbles, unsure of her answer. "I don't think that would be a good idea, Louis."

"You wouldn't have to work for Harvey. He has his…" Louis's words tail off in a vague gesture, that he rethinks half way through.

"Girlfriend?" She offers.

"How did you...?"

"I'm Donna, I know. Plus, she reeks of Harvey's favourite cologne." She cringes once more. "And she's stupid enough to bend to his will."

His face immediately lights up. She should have expected it…

"You could always…work for me?" He offers, the words gold and hope filled as they fly out of his mouth.

"Louis… you're a sweetheart. But, I'm not sure Harvey and I working under the same roof, as big as it is would be the best idea right now ."

"Too familiar?" He offers.

"I'd tear the roof off and throw it at him."

He laughs, folding his hands. "Well, if you change your mind…"

"I wouldn't want to take Norma's position away from her. But thank you Louis. I really do appreciate it."

"Anything for you. Hey and what with your previous working reputation I'm sure firms would be lining up to take you."

"Yeah. A few. We'll see." She shrugs, looking out to the city skyline she knows off by heart. She takes a step towards Louis, slow and deliberate. "I need to go, Louis," She says, looking at him, and presses a kiss to his cheek. "But it's...nice to see you."

"Lunch soon?" He offers.

"Lunch soon." She promises, lingering for a second on the door frame, before sliding back down the hall.

Okay. Good a lot of this written I think so HOPEFULLY BE OUT SOON. As always, feed the kitty! xXx