Sasuke stormed into the hospital, scaring the shit out of everyone in the lobby. He was too preoccupied to notice and was already down the hall before anyone could say anything. Almost half a day ago a messenger hawk found him in the mountains of Iwa. The short message had him rushing home immediately.

"Sasuke, over here!" Naruto was waving his arms further down the corridor. Kakashi was seated in one of those uncomfortable waiting chairs. He probably didn't even notice with his perverted novel attached to his face.

"Where is she?" He asked when he reached them, throwing his travel bag down.

"In there," Naruto indicated to the door to the left behind him.

"It's been hours. She's been asking for you...and screaming her head off," right on cue, a pained cry resounded in their ears.

"...I've never been happier to be a guy." Naruto's comment earned him a snort from Sasuke as he walked towards the screams. He could still hear Kakashi chuckling behind him despite the noise. It only got worse when he opened the door.

"Finally, get over here!" Tsunade ordered to him over her shoulder, only half paying attention to him. He didn't need to be told, he was by Sakura's side in an instant. Her eyes were shut tight, teeth clenched to hold back her wails. Sweat ran down her creased brow and exhausted face. Her hair fanned out in all directions and her hands had a death grip on the bed sheets. He forced one of her hands off the bed and brought it to his lips, not even flinching when her grip almost crushed his bones. He's had far worse, this should be nothing, since he's not the one about to give birth.

"Sasuke." Her eyes open to slits. Pain and exhaustion swam in her bright irises. He brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"I'm here." Her smile was strained but genuine. The moment was broken by Tsunade's commanding voice.

"Focus Sakura. Get ready to push again and for god's sake, breathe!" Sasuke held her hand firmly, rubbing the top of her head with his free hand. He didn't need to say anything to encourage her. All she needed was for him to be there.

"Push!" With another scream she did as she was told.

"Push!" When would this end?

"Push!" She couldn't take much more.

"One more time! Push!" Her final cry was echoed by another. A soft whisper entered her muddled mind.

My baby.

She forced her heavy lids open, needing to see her child.

"It's a girl," Tsunade informed them, gently placing her in the new mother's arms. And just like that, she didn't feel so drained anymore. Swaddled in a blush pink blanket is her daughter, their daughter. The bed dipped beside her. Sasuke pressed his head against hers as they looked down at the life they created together.

A soft wail broke through his sleep hazed mind.

"Daddy's sleeping, Sarada-chan. Let's be quiet okay, sweetie?" Eyes half lidded, he saw Sakura sitting on their bed, back facing him as she cooed to their little angel.

"Not anymore," he murmured. She turned to face him.

"Go back to sleep, I've got this." He lifted himself up and moved closer to her. His hair tickled her shoulder as he pressed a slow kiss to her neck, one hand lovingly stroking her thigh.

"Good morning," he whispered into her skin.

"Good morning." Her lips curved up and she leaned into him. Both basked in the heartwarming intimacy as the first rays of the sun filtered into the room, lighting up their perfect world.

SasuSaku for the win! It finally happened! WOOO!

Tell me how flippin pumped you are!

Haters keep hating, but, ha! Can't put us down now!
