A new year usually brought new hopes. But for Draco Malfoy that wasn't so. This new year wasn't too different from the last year or the year before that. But if one had to be true to oneself, then it would have to be said that this year was definitely marginally better. At least this year the Dark Lord wasn't alive, at least he wasn't residing in a place that had been a home to someone.

Taking a deep breath was not enough to dispel the chill that Dark Lord's name brought. The cold of the early winter morning was nothing compared to the feeling that the memories of that... creature brought. It was cold, January was bound to be cold. But that didn't matter. My face was numb, and that didn't matter either.

Nothing did.

The only thing that mattered was that it had been weeks... weeks, and I had no idea where Granger was. She could be with Potter or Weasley. But something told me that wasn't the case. They would notice that we weren't communicating and Weasley would react, specially if she told them about our argument. I kept thinking of it as argument whereas I was very much aware that that was accusations, baseless accusations made by me. I may have hated Potter, disliked Granger, but no one who knew them would ever accuse her of such things. But I had, even when I knew better than to do so. I had searched every possible book, every possible law to get out of this scenario.

When that letter had arrived, I had thought of it as a joke, a joke that the Ministry was playing on me. Or, a very calculated move from the other camp to keep an eye on me. So I had played along hoping that they would call their bluff, if it was so. But looking at her face when she arrived to take her vows was enough to tell me this was no different for her. Granger could do a lot of things, organise a group against the rules, stand up against the Dark Lord for her friend, or attack me for hurting someone or something dear to her. But she wasn't so big a fool as to agree to a sham of a marriage just to keep an eye on me. The Ministry had me backed against a wall, there was no need for her to sacrifice her entire life for it.

Six years with her in the same school and I knew she would have looked for any possible loophole in the law. If she did not manage to find one, the chances of my finding something was slim, more so because she had far more resources than me. I had wanted to be rid of her, because I did not want her near me. Also because yes, I believed she deserved better. There was a small part of me that, just after the war and the trials, had agreed that they had worked hard enough to deserve some peace and happiness.

But something had changed. The first time I had kissed her had changed something. It didn't help that I had just found out that Pansy was pregnant. Blaise had been beyond ecstatic. That smile on his face had a brought sense of loneliness. I knew I would never have that. I would never have that kind of a relation with anyone and being married to Granger, the chances were lesser than nil.

I had never expected to see her sitting there. I had never thought she was the most beautiful girl, I still didn't, but she had my ring on her finger and I was desperate to feel something... anything. For just a night I wanted to forget it all and just be an eighteen year old looking for some comfort and affection. I can't blame it on alcohol, I wasn't that drunk and I remember everything I felt and that is probably why I want to forget it. I had expected her to pull back and slap me but she hadn't and the next morning, without the alcohol in my system, I had felt guilty. When I had almost jumped out of the bed I had still expected her to attack me and I wouldn't have found it without reason. But that attack still hadn't come.

It was probably the first time I had wanted to apologize. A week later when Dippy suddenly disappeared, I was sure she had called her.

I took a deep breath. I had no idea how the next had happened. One minute she was there in front of me like the spitfire I knew she was, the next minute brought a realisation that I would have never acknowledged before the war. She was vulnerable and hurting, because of me, and it shouldn't have affected me the way it did. I had hurt her before, but this was different. It felt like rape.

The thought brought a coldness far greater than the January winds. Being compelled to torture for the sake of my parents life is something else. But this felt like taking advantage and though I have never been above taking afvamtage of a situation before, this was different.

The sound of someone's footsteps broke me out from my morose thoughts and I turned to see Blaise walking up to me.

"Any news?" I just shook my head because I didn't know if there was anything to say about it. Everything had already been discussed.

"Maybe you should ask Dippy."

"We have already discussed this Blaise. I'm not asking Dippy." If she didn't want to be found, the least I could do was give her that. There aren't many things that has affected me so much, but those were during the war. Those things were for survival. I could convince myself with such excuses then, but now I had none. No excuses to hide behind.

"Draco, what happened? I know things would be difficult for the two of you, hell even you knew that, but... let's just try to salvage this, alright?"

I don't know if I had left anything to salvage in this relationship, if it could be called so. I turned back to look at the garden, the Manor catching my eye. It was gleaming in the morning sunlight and for a moment I was transported back to my childhood. The first time I had flown on a broom and looked at it from a different angle, I had fallen in love with my childhood home all over again. Today though was a completely different feeling. I didn't know if I wanted it back the way it was before being tainted by a ravaging lunatic, or did I want to take it apart brick by brick so that it never reminded me of my past mistakes all the time. There was one thing that was for certain; life was never going to be easy ever again.

Sitting down with Blaise for brunch was weird. I didn't have any company during meals since the fateful night. I don't think I had had a proper meal since then. Somehow Blaise had convinced me to come inside and sit down for the meal, it was probably more of dragging and less of convincing. I hadn't been paying attention to his words in reality. But Dippy popping in front of us definitely got my attention. Her nervousness was hard to miss and, for a second, I thought maybe she was back. But the next second the thought was gone, because Dippy would have been nervous but happy. She wouldn't have been wringing her hands as if she was unable to run an errand, and that meant only one thing. Something had happened that wasn't right.


"There be people Master Draco, people from Ministry. They be coming this way."

My swearing was loud enough to make Dippy jump up in fright, but that was hardly my concern right now. My dreaded moment was here. Either the Ministry had found out she wasn't her, or she herself had complained. Whatever the case, the Aurors were here. I got up dusting my clothes for the leftover crumbs. Whatever might be the case, I wasn't about to look anything but the best in front of the Ministry.

While I waited for them to knock, I went about what I could tell them. Blaise hovering behind my back was hardly ideal for concentration, but any suggestion of leaving had been promptly shot down. I hardly understood why he was still bothering with me. Theo had been... cordial back at school. But we talked a little in the fifth year when it was evident that the Dark Lord was back. We never openly talked about our allegiance. Back then joining the Dark Lord's army had seemed like the best thing. It was my ticket to best Potter. Thinking back about it now, I realize how childish I had been. I don't think Theo had been so stupid. At least he had been smart enough not to be marked. Theo had kept in touch these past few months. He had been smart enough to shift to Norway just as the war had ended. His father too had been given a life sentence…just like mine. But these were the only two people who had been standing by me for these past few months, and I was grateful to them for it. Though I never said it aloud. Crabbe and Goyle…

I was saved from going down that memory lane by the knock on the door. I cursed under my breath. I had been trying to calm myself and I had just managed to aggravate myself more. The smile on one of the Aurors face wasn't reassuring either. Then again, I didn't know why I expected it to be so, especially after being on the receiving end of the scorns for the past few months.

The door opened up to two Aurors with identical expressions. If I had any doubt that this was going to be tiresome, the glee on their faces said it all.

"Well well, if it isn't Draco Malfoy."

"When we were given an apparition coordinate to check why Hermione Granger wasn't responding to her mails, I never thought we'd end up here. So tell us, where's Miss Granger?"

I felt Blaise shifting beside me. Two things particularly got my attention. First, Granger hadn't recieved just one, but more than one letters. Only one had been delivered, the rest must have returned undelivered. Second, they were addressing her as 'Miss Granger'. So they were either doing it on purpose or they didn't know about our marriage. I didn't which one would be better.

"So Mr. Malfoy, where is Miss Granger?" It was obvious to all present that Granger was not here.

"She is at her friend's." That was the closest guess that I could make. If Potter and Weasley hadn't known her whereabouts, they would have already come and assaulted me.

"Really? How nice. In that case why don't we have a cup of tea and catch up while Auror Jenkins here checks that out?" Dippy looked at me, askance. I nodded at her and hoped the Auror actually found Granger there, else it was going to be a really long day. For some reason I felt it would be a long day, however hard I prayed against it.

Dippy had almost hopped halfway to the kitchen area when I, as politely as I could under such circumstances, asked them to have a seat.

"Oh no Mr. Malfoy. We aren't having tea here. We are having it at the Ministry. They serve wonderful things these days, ideal for little chit-chats."

"I'll see you later."

"Do you have to go early today? I'm returning to school tomorrow." Harry turned around to see Ginny looking up at him from the breakfast table.

"I know, that's why I want to come home early. I know I'm Harry Potter but can't take advantage of that, can I?"

"Okay." Although it was evident it was anything but okay. Harry walked back to the kitchen table and kissed Ginny's forehead before murmuring a goodbye and headed towards the floo.

He wasn't lying when he'd said he wanted to come home early but he didn't want to seem to be taking advantage of his name either. It was a balance that was difficult to maintain since most of the people were hell bent to bend over backwards for him. These were the times he truly appreciated Dumbledore's attempt to keep him away from such fawning. At least until he remembered the Dursley's that it.

Walking into the Ministry early had another advantage. There were less number of people gawking at you and Harry could calmly make his way to the Auror department. He was doing exactly that until he actually walked into the department. He couldn't exactly say what, but something was going on and if he'd learnt anything in the past year that was to trust your instincts.

So he walked up to one if the younger Aurors and asked what was happening.

"Malfoy has been brought in." Replied the Auror distractedly.

Malfoy? "Lucius Malfoy?" That seemed to get the Aurors attention. He looked up as if Harry had just walked out of Janus Thickets ward. "No. They have Draco Malfoy for questioning."

"Good morning Mum, Dad."

"Good morning honey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright Mum."I replied, helping myself to a bowl of cereal. One more day and then it was back at Hogwarts, smack in the middle of a storm that I had no way of avoiding. I wanted a break and I got two weeks for it. Come tomorrow I would have to return to a place that was dear to me but nevertheless one that I would like to avoid. There was no way of getting the good parts without getting the bad bits. I was broken out of my musings by Dad clearing his throat. I looked up to find him staring at his cup of tea.


"Is it compulsory for you to go back?"

"Dad… you were the one who agreed with me that I need to complete my education."

"Yes. Yes, I know that and I don't mean your education. It's everything else about that world. It's not safe for you. Just… don't go back."

I reached out to grab his hands which was fidgeting with his cup of tea. It was probably the only thing which gave away his anxiety. "You did not teach me to be an escapist."

"Apparently I didn't teach you enough self preservation either."

"Just one problem won't stop me from achieving my goals Dad."

"You can do those in this world too. You can fight for so many creatures that are mistreated in our world. We… we can go back to Australia. We will-"


The discussion was interrupted by the bell going off and my father jumped at the opportunity to stall it till my mother cooled off.

"I can't believe he would say something like that." Mum said getting up and starting to clear the table.

"He's just worried Mum. I understand his concern."

"Whatever the case may be. He shouldn't discourage you like that. The wizarding world has not been safe for you for many years now. We didn't know it before, we do now. But this is not the time for such discussions."

"Hermione." I turned around to see Harry standing on the doorway in his Auror robes.

"Harry! It's so good to see you." I said hugging him hard. It seemed like so long since I had seen him. "It's good to see you too." He laughed hugging me back and the sound of it soothed something deep inside me.

"Good morning Mrs. Granger." He greeted Mum.

"Good morning Harry. Do you want some breakfast?"

"No, thank you. I've already had my breakfast."

"Congratulations. Hermione told me about Ginny." Harry face immediately turned red, enough to rival his brother-in-law. I had to stifle a laugh. It was fun watching his embarrassment.

"I… yes, thank you." He looked at me then. I suppose even Mum noticed his silent plea for rescue.

"Is everything alright? Isn't it still early for you to go to the Ministry?"

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I could immediately sense something was wrong.

I glanced at my parents once noticing my father's expression particularly. Mum seemed worried but not in the way Dad was. I guess they did realise that an early morning visit from Harry couldn't be too good. So did I. So it was only a matter of finding out what exactly was the problem. A year on the run can make any sane person paranoid. I could envision too many things that would bring Harry to my doorstep early in the morning without prior notice. More importantly both of us didn't believe in beating around the bush. So I nodded and started walking up to my room. If he was here, he needed my help and that would require either my books or my wand. Both of which were presently upstairs.

"So?" I asked picking up my wand and tucking it into my jeans pocket. When Harry didn't reply, I turned around to look at him, confused. I had felt it was something urgent. "Harry, what's wrong?"

"Malfoy has been taken into custody, for questioning."

I dropped the book I had just picked up. "What?"

"On charges of your disappearance."

Omg! I finally finished this chapter. I want to apologise for being so late and also thank all of you for all patience that you guys have. I wrote this chapter four times and scrapped it coz I either didn't like the way the plot was going or the way the characters were going. I really hope you guys like this chapter and don't forget to review.