Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock

When John woke in the morning he was sore. And not the good kind of sore that left one in the mood for more kinky shenanigans but the kind of sore that meant he had slept on the floor. He opened his eyes for a moment, seeing Sherlock's sleeping form next to him and shut his eyes again. His head was pounding, throbbing painfully and he felt like he should use the loo. He didn't have to use the loo just to pee, but he really had to pee, but also to vomit. Maybe he'd do that after he peed if his stomach would permit because he really had to pee. He slowly sat up and his stomach decided that vomit would be first. He rushed to the bathroom and made it just in time to puke into the toilet. He moaned loudly, figuring his desperate scramble to the restroom had already woken Sherlock. "John?" Called Sherlock's sleepy voice. John moaned again louder. When Sherlock's sleep ruffled form appeared at the door John felt his head pound louder. Had the consulting detective always breathed that loud?

"I would kiss you good morning but you might want to brush your teeth first." Sherlock mumbled rubbing his eyes sleepily. John would have blushed at the insinuation if his face weren't so cold and sweaty. Perhaps brushing his teeth and a shower before that kiss.

"Could you get me some ice?" John mumbled miserably.

"Anything for you dear." Sherlock mumbled as patted the top of John's head before leaving for the kitchen. He returned with a hand towel full of ice that he passed to John. John in turned pressed the ice to his head, enjoying the soothing cool they offered his melting brain.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" John asked. It sounded more like an accusation than he'd meant it to be.

"What? I can't be nice to my ailing flat mate?" Sherlock's retort sounded sassier than John knew he'd meant it to be.

"Did I say-um...do something last night? I was pissed." John mumbled. He knew he was completely hammered last night, beyond drunk, and he knew he must have done something by the way Sherlock was acting.

"You might have." Sherlock shrugged dismissively. "I'm starved. Will you be up to making breakfast or shall I call Mrs. Hudson?"

"I'll be out in a minute. I just want a shower and I'll brush my teeth." John mumbled as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

"So not as opposed to that kiss then, are you?" Sherlock teased. John didn't know how else to describe what Sherlock had just said. It was a flirtatious teas not a malicious one. And John thought he must still be drunk because Sherlock would never flirt with him. He would never flirtatiously tease him. Before John could say anything, Sherlock slipped from the room. Not that he would have said anything. What would he have said? He shut his eyes and put the ice down before debating whether he should brush his teeth or shower first. He ended up decided he would brush his teeth in the shower, compromising, and stepped under the steamy blast of soothing water. When he finally stepped out of the shower he froze. Sherlock was standing in the doorway, eyes roaming freely over John's exposed body. John snatched up a towel and hid his unmentionables as fast as he could.

"What are you doing?" Hissed John.

"I got hungry and came to check on you. How long are you going to be?" Sherlock asked casually. As if he hadn't just been staring at John's naked body.

"I'll dress and be out in a few." John squeaked.

"Okay." Sherlock said. The consulting detective had finally decided to extend his sweet, understanding friend for this one time offer. He couldn't let John come home crying again. He just couldn't handle tears. He was bad with emotions in general, but when it came to John, his John, he always became a bit more frazzled. John noted that Sherlock wasn't moving and his eyes were still wandering freely over his dripping body.

"Are you going to...leave so I can get dressed?" John asked.

"I wasn't going to." Sherlock responded. He raised his eyebrows expectantly, looking at John's towel and then his eyes.

"What's gotten into you?" John mumbled.

"Well I hoped you would. But you're clearly taking your time." Sherlock snapped.

"W-what?" John faltered.

"Is this not how one flirts? Because my research shows that this was how best to express my intentions." Sherlock resorted to his usual self. Although it was his usual around John self as opposed to his usual around everyone who's not John self. They were two different personalities. With this new flirtatious, sweet, and understanding self, he had three personalities. He thought that might mean something was medically wrong with him but the only thing he could think of was multiple personality disorder which was extremely rare and his symptoms did not actually match those of the disorder.

"Why are you flirting with me?" John asked.

"Because I am expressing how I feel about you." Sherlock crossed his arms and sported a sulk.

"You feel...about me?" John asked.

"Attraction. Yes." Sherlock's sulk intensified.

"N-not...not love?" John fumbled with his words, feeling suddenly like his mouth was drunk. Maybe his brain had had a bit too much too. But at least his head had stopped pounding.

"Yes. Love." Sherlock said. The word sounded foreign in Sherlock's voice, it did not roll of his tongue like snappy retorts did. John still seemed a bit...disbelieving. "I love you John." Sherlock put all doubt out of John's mind.

"As in brotherly-"

"As in romantically. As in I want to snog you so hard your towel falls off." Sherlock's sulk vanished and he uncrossed his arms.

"Um...I...should...ah...make breakfast." John stumbled over his words.

"Yes." Sherlock seemed to be going from one personality to another again. He'd started the conversation wanting John. Then he went to being with John and lastly, the personality he had finally resorted to, was his common nature, his guarded and masked personality that he used around others. The one he used around 'normal' people, people who knew he was a freak.

"I...ah...love you too...like that." John said as he brushed past Sherlock, clutching the towel firmly about him as he hurried to his room to change.